Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Twice in one day, the relative peace of the Dock District was shattered - first when a body was found floating just off one of the docks and was retrieved by the guard and a group of adventurers, and second when many of those same adventurers returned several hours later at the helm of a sloop called the "Hippogriff", though poor helmsmanship saw them crush several smaller two-to-three man vessels moored at the docks crushed under keel. The boat now sits on, rather than at, its pier, wedged at an awkward angle while defenders attempt to move it free and repair it. Word is that some of the cerulean knights have laid a claim to the vessel.

  • DM

    A woman of short stature and slim build, wearing a helmet and armor, warns of the creatures known as gnolls at the southern farms. Apparently the woman had happened upon such a creature wich resultet in fierce battle between the two. At the infirmary, staff members can confirm that the woman was treated for severe punching wounds for some time.

  • That Cerulean woman, Shesarai, was heard warning patrons in the Mermaid not to take kobolds lightly. She has been clearing them out of the farmyards just south of town for several months, firing from the hilltop at them in the dark without even bothering to spell up her armor. Then one recent night she told of a very powerful kobold assassin that waited for her and attacked. Apparently it was out for revenge. It disarmed her of her bow and proved nearly impossible to hit with her sword, forcing her to flee severely wounded. She healed herself and finally defeated it using several magic spells, then retrieved the bow.


  • Rumors of a meeting that took place in the Regal Maid. It seems Defender Lt Scott Grimm had a meeting with staff of the establishment proposing to purchase or invest in the business. While nothing was decided it seems there will be another meeting at another time after the Lt has an accountant check the establishments records.

  • Scott seeks someone capable of lifting a curse from an object. Anyone that may be of use should come find him

  • Rumors spread from a party just arriving back from the underdark. Something beyond deadly lurks near the skindancers and the party had to retreat....almost losing a member.

  • By now, few could have missed the gruesome rumours - on at least three separate occasions, townspeople have literally burst apart in the middle of the Commons, showering the area in blood, gore and some strange dark fluid. What the cause of these horrendous incidents may be is a subject of much speculation - some tie the events to reports of vile undead rising, while others speak of some unknown malady with symptoms as mild as a stomach ache, nausea or fever. Those inclined for better safe than sorry reasoning may well jump at the opportunity of visiting Dolor's temporary clinic.

  • Dolor Patiens, humble servant of Ilmater, has set up a temporary clinic in the docks for all who are unable to afford temple services. Anyone feeling unless is encouraged to come for a check up.

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  • A sudden fire that left the inside of one of the residential apartments a complete mess has become a hot rumor in the area. The current renter being of the magical variety has led to many assuming something went wrong in some dark and potentially dubious spell... or he just threw a fireball at something... or something else. But stranger rumors suggest that a very colorful man and his halfling sidekick ventured into the apartment before it was set ablaze. And strangely, never came out.

    And yet, rumor has it not a body was found inside. How odd.

  • Lately people have begun to go missing, with no real connection between any of those who have vanished into thin air. Men, women, children, the elderly, the occasional military man, even a baker. Nobody is quite sure where they went, or where in the city they were even taken, with those as far as the farmlands reporting the occasional missing person. And weirder yet, some people speak of skin being found. Human skin.

  • Amidst other more or less wide-spread rumours, one makes mention of a peculiar device placed inexplicably at the commons by (of course) a gnome. Said device was then fiddled with by (of course) a bard, resulting in a localized implosion, sucking everyone in the vicinity in and off to parts unknown! The party, which included princess Fisher herself, returned with sluggish steps some hours later, absolutely covered in blood, soot and the remains of some strange luminescent goo.

  • Some really bored commoners discuss today about how a bird was left in the middle of the commerce district by a Cerulean, who claimed very strongly that it was not in fact used for spying. This bird used for spying existed for about a few hours, before someone literally melted it with acid. The Cerulean put a bounty on the head of whoever did it, offering 100,000,000 before City Hall had to step in and remind him that they can't pay that much. And also don't particularly care.

  • Peltarch Employee

    Rumors spread that Lady Varya has been seen out of armor for the last few days ago since the fabled trip of her and others defeating a Balor in the lost city. Those who heard specifics may have also heard that both she and Jonni had fallen that day.

    When people ask her about it, she politely dismisses it as nothing and that the greater good won that day, claiming she's thankful Chauntea allowed her to return.

  • The latest rumor comes after City Hall was briefly locked down due to a fire. The official word is it was an accident, but rumor has it that in the middle of a busy day it was lit ablaze by some stranger. Many books were damaged, but most of the library was salvaged thanks to the aid of some guards, some of who were forced to go to the temple with severe burns, and adventurers.

    Why would someone light up the library? A hatred of books? Or maybe to cover their tracks? Every drunk has their opinion.