Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumours speak of a fresh battle with demonic forces, not to the south this time, but right outside the western gates where a group of assorted adventurers had gathered. What prompted the attack is uncertain - some speculate that the demons have a particular grudge against druids and tried to target newly made Elder of the Circle, Leena Lynn Rayfe, while others point to the notorious nosiness of Cerulean Knight and bardic master, Nate Wingates. Then again, demons are demons and might need no reason other than opportunity.

  • _Defenders rushed to the southern gates under the stern command of Captain Sally Williams as the troubles of the demon-infested swamplands seemed about to boil over, a churning, toxic red mist threatening to sweep over the nearby farmlands. Winged demons swirled in dark clouds above the swamps, making sweeping forerays over the city proper.

    In this dark hour, a sizable group of volunteers including such note-worthy names as Shannon D'Arneau, Raryldor and Z, marched straight into the heart of the swamplands. Sounds of intense battle could be heard as far as the gates as great swarms of winged demons descended, accompanied by flashes of lightning and great rumbles of thunder.

    Eventually, weary and bloodied, the group returned, the toxic fog cleared behind them. Despite the notoriety of the great heroes in their midst, it is said the demonic forces appeared to focus their wrath on the druids of the group - Leena Lynn Rayfe and Aoth of Akadi. Scattered reports speak of a fallen angel, swooping down with deadly intent to strike at these servants of nature, though each time beaten back._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Of late, Ros Underhill has been seen coming and going from City Hall with an unusual frequency, and is typically seen with bloodstains upon her clothing as she leaves. To hear some tell it, she's been working with defender healers on some sort of project.

  • _A thick red haze settled over the western gates as alarm bells rang out, Ceruleans and Defenders rushing to man their stations. But instead of the sounds of battle, the arriving defenders found some twenty of Talbot's clockwork soldiers incapacitated and writhing in agony on the ground, amidst the bodies of some of their fallen. It seems the attack was somehow halted through the efforts of the bardess Isolde and noted arcanist Nauran.

    The red haze faded as lightning crashed and a heavy rain began to fall, drowning out the wailing sounds of the injured soldiers, who were tended to soon after by Captain Sally Williams and her regiment.

    Some insist to have heard a haunting song echo from the gates, amidst the peal of the alarm bells - the notes tinged with a peculiarily buzzing, droning, electrical vibe._

  • ::Nate was indeed seen arguing with Abigail. The stubborn bard took a page from his mentor's book in both pressing and twisting the moral knife as he traded barbs with the dark warrioress. It appears she was offering some sort of assistance, which Nate seemed reluctant and suspicious to accept. The puffy-cheeked and frowning bard held an accusatory tone as he spoke and retorted, mentioning the names Reyhenan Jorino, Maria, and Isolde, and remarking bitterly of recent events. He leered at her as he watched her leave, and remained in the commons thereafter::

  • It seems after a very heated argument between Abigail Blackwood and Nate Wingates that Peltarch and Narfell seem to have reluctantly gained an unexpected enemy. As news got around of the heated argument many things where thrown into the air Abigails most common retort being 'You Idiot' and hardly as convincing as the Bard Nate surely any who listened would keenly hang to his words and stare upon Abigail with little ear left to bend for her cause. Her parting words made clear however she would no longer be aiding the region of Narfell with the coming and vastly growing problems of Orcusgate and Glyphimhor. Disappearing into the swamps and Towards the Scar into the heart of the Demonic presence she went no sounds of fighting and no blood, though to keen eyes she walked with perhaps a defeated step.

  • ::Hushed and anxious rumors spread swiftly that the immeasurably powerful Maria has vanished from this realm at the hands of nefarious and growing demonic influence. A group of individuals including Maria ventured south to square off against a demonic presence in the Rawlinswood, but Maria did not return with the group of adventurers. What sort of force could defeat or exert its power over the likes of Maria remains an open and unanswered question for most of the rumor-mongers. Some deny the possibility that she was overpowered, and claim that she left of her own volition; others, still, insist that she was taken, and that she was taken somelace awful and wretched. The word "Abyss" may or may not have been uttered in the quiet whisperings::

  • having heard the news from a giant talking boar, Rary heads to the glen to investigate

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The local rumor mill is buzzing lately with word that the local druid circle - for so long merely part of the background of events in the Rawlinswood and Narfell as a whole - has suddenly felt a devastating blow. Though the exact number is somewhat hazy, it seems that several of the circle's elders were recently killed.

    Exact numbers are scarce, with some saying only two to three elders fell, while other more dramatic rumors state that the entire elder council was wiped out. The truth, most likely, is somewhere in the middle.

    What is certain, though, is that the circle just endured a sucker punch the likes of which it's not seen since the Defiler War.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word quickly spreads that the infamous criminal Abigail Blackwood has, for some undisclosed reason, been released from the Peltarch Gaol. What chain of events led to this is uncertain, however an unknown man was seen meeting with the magistracy immediately before her release was secured.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Somewhat confused rumors circulate about a chaotic occurrence beneath the city in its catacombs and sewers.

    To hear some tell it, a group of adventurers was sent below to scout out duergar movements which seemed to threaten encroachment upon city territory. To hear_ others _tell it, the group was robbing graves in the catacombs.

    Whatever the truth on that point, what is not in dispute is that both groups encountered some very angry spirits, and that two people were apparently briefly turned into ghouls before being returned to life by the priestess of Lathander in the Docks District's lighthouse temple._

  • An unusual darkness settled over the City Center during daytime a few days or so ago. Cerulean Shesarai was seen moving around the walls and streets looking at rooftops and checking for unusual tracks. Elyl Wefneren joined her in the Commons and the two kept vigil all night. The unusual darkness lingered into the next morning but was not observed in either the Docks or Residential Districts. Nothing was discovered, however.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Defenders and guards flocked outside the Bardic College after an unholy screech of sound reverberated from the rooftop repeatedly, followed by a loud and booming voice excitedly declaring


    Cerulean Knight Sheserai and Defender Reyhenna Jorino was sent up to deal with the disturbance, returning with bardess Isolde Garibaldi in tow. The incident seems to have been passed off as a harmless prank or a "test" of some sort, though Captain Sally Williams was decidedly less than pleased.

  • _Word has spread quickly that Atel, the halfling bard has apparently returned from whatever happened. Outside of her close friends, she has told no one about the events that happened that night, or her four day disappearance.

    What can be seen is that she has a much more youthful appearance than she had before the event, and is somewhat more withdrawn than she used to be._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _*Word spreads around Peltarch about a new face recently seen within the city: an attractive, if somewhat shy woman with vibrant red hair who claims to be a hedge wizard.

    While that in itself is nothing out of the ordinary, what_ is unusual is that this hedge wizard identifies herself as the granddaughter of notable bardic college alumnus Lilly Laer, and the daughter of Third Star Cerulean Knight Serenity Laer.

  • Rumor has it that late last night there was a brilliant flash of wind and light from one of the rooms of the Bardic College, and when it was investigated it seemed to have come from the room of one Atel Vai'sini, one of the resident halfling troublemakers.

  • Gossip around the Residential district may note House Hemway recieving a visit first by the city Herald, then bardess Isolde Garibaldi in the company of the well-known ranger - and some say lord - Rasuil Delagim. Both were finely dressed, and might be overheard mentioning tea and crumpets on their way over to the estate.

  • Talk of House Hemway among the gossips and rumor-mongers reveals two trends. First, there are whispers of the fact that house Hemway provided funds to Talbot Anderson prior to his treason. Whispers calling the noble house "traitors" and "false" abound by much of the city's elite as well as its lower class. Many persons are seen loitering near the Hemway house, spitting on its porch, or throwing stones at its walls.

    Second, there are those who mumble about house Hemway's recent acquisition of swords, armors, and shields. They say that the equipment was donated to the Defenders, who could have used the funds. Some claim this is just another example of house Hemway using its funds to try to buy their way into political favor. Others claim that the donation was well needed and welcome. The defenders have yet to issue a statement.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • _In the days following the most recent automaton assault on the city, Narfell's handsomest battlemage frequents the College to offer strength and haste spells to aid those in the cleanup efforts.

    At one point, he takes aside Olil, Sprocket, and Vanoogle, disappearing with them for some time. What exactly his business is with them remains unclear._

  • The rumor mill churns once again, this time spreading varied tales of a massive, shadowy form soaring briefly above the skies of the city. While some speculate the form was a bird larger than City Hall itself, one figure amidst the chatter claims to have met the creature face to face.

    The old Wolf, Rasuil, confirms that the figure seen briefly above the city was that of a massive black dragon. His version claims that the creature landed near his home at the Crossroads of the Nars and, after a brief exchange of words, the dragon made a hasty northern exit.