Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Word spreads that the Docks are in a little bit of an uproar; the Seafarers Guild has been ferreting out old debtors from their hiding places with considerable competence and now the rats are scurrying to avoid paying up. The guard in the Docks are complaining about all the extra work as paperwork piles up, as the Seafarers demand they arrest anyone not willing to pay up when they come asking.

    The rest of the dockfolks are just enjoying the show, local gossips and loudmouths having a field day in the taverns._

  • Rumor has it that Chirade has been slain. The story goes on to talk about how the brave and heroic Defender Captain Talbot orchestrated the investigation team through difficult times after inheriting the case from the disenfranchised Tristyn.

    Apparently, Captain Talbot is up for promotion.

    Some in more learned circles speak of Nuwairah, Elvadriel, Isolde, Anna, Lunia, Chea, and Arnie as the adventurers and heroes who traveled into the elf's ruins and lair to confront him directly, though.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • _Rumour has it Vanity Plate's own Vick collapsed in a quivering heap at the sight of master bard Nate Wingates, sporting a pair of extremely tight mauve trousers. The titillating rumours go on to suggest that the following helpful mouth to mouth recuscitation attempt was a little TOO well appreciated by the male fashionista…

    In slightly less bardically flaired rumours, denizens of the docks district speak in marvelled tones about the beautiful mer-creature visiting recently. Laireel, as most agree her name to be, was seen speaking to a group of adventurers at the docks, sending them off on some sort of quest. In returning, all adventurers present looked exceedingly worn, scorched, sooty, sweat-soaked and torn by untold dangers._

  • Rumor has it there's a note posted by Peltarch's Defender-Priestess of Chauntea on the tools box at the Peltarch crafting hall that reads:

    "Please do not take tools just to melt down for ingots, its quite inconsiderate.

    -Anna Blake"

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word spreads around town that Roslyn, the scrawny hin trapspringer, sprung a very different sort of trap! According to her own accounts, people swear, she was accosted by a black-and-red clad druid of some sort in the narrow, wooded trail that leads to the Witch and Seer. Said druid reportedly used magic to surround her with trees that grew so thick that she could not pass. It seems she somehow made it out of the ordeal unscathed, but often mentioned in the same breath as this story is the threat of a new bloodhunt along one of the most important travel routes through the Nars.

  • The sorceress Helene Loyallar and her faerie dragon familiar, Narielle, have apparently had a falling out and now refuse to speak to each other. Narielle has been seen flying about Peltarch far more than she ever has before, pestering people for food or attention.

    Helene, meanwhile, has been looking rather sickly of late, and become very irritable and spiteful. She has wandered off on her own a few times without any explanation.

  • _Rumours speak of yet another ruckus at the Bardic College, a group of adventurers barging in through brute and door-kicking force. What could possibly be so dire a threat within a building full of music and art to cause such an urgent means of entry? Did a mime piss off the wrong adventurer, were reputations smeared by clever words or were there demons within the Theatre once more?

    Speculation might run just as wild about a curious phenomenon in the swamps recently. Bright and beautiful lights could be observed in the sky from some distance, dancing and swirling in every colour of the rainbow. The earth shook and rumbled in all of the nearby area, simultaneously with the light show. The lights faded after some time, and the tremors with them._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The taverns are abuzz with the rumor that Fodel Sedlak, with the aid of some stalwart friends, cut a bloody swath through an army of kobolds in order to be reunited with some fair ladyfriend!

  • _Rumours speak of the elven arcanist Elvadriel and her teleportation habit still going strong - this time she is said to have appeared at the Commons in a flash, alongside the bard Isolde and a dark-haired beautiful woman in red clothing.

    In a more sinister twist on the same subject matter, specres later appeared in the vicinity of the elf, taking quite some effort to defeat. Eventually, Elvadriel teleported away, the hauntings and the unnatural chill to the air dissipating.

    A third and unrelated rumour, strongest in Defender circles, buzz and speculates about the deadly brawl between two friends and collegues, right at Guard Captain Lisa's coffin. Whatever caused such a horrible falling out?_

  • Rumor has it Anna slammed the door on Lunia, Nate, and an ebony-toned woman moments after letting the three out of her house. When asked why, she simply replied shouting through the door to please excuse her, she had cleaning to do, though it wasn't unpleasant, the Chauntean priestess did sound annoyed.

  • Rumors of a Legion tale being spun filter down to the taverns of Peltarch…..

    A dwarf is heard spelling this yarn in the Ferret...

    "Aye lad... heard it from a kin who heard it form his kin... all up and up... and a dark yarn..."

    Sergeant Alvaniel Danicen falls through the gates to the Legion Hall, her demeanor is pale (even for a Moon Elf). She struggles to her feet and files the following report:
    I was on my usual patrol on the Long Road and decided to check into a cave that holds ore that I like to work and dire animals which need to be checked on. To my surprise I was attacked by two dire bears, two dire tigers and a handful of dire pigs. I really took no heed at first as I thought I had startled them. Will admit, this battle took many of my potions and skills. It was then that I saw what caused the stampede in my direction.
    I pillar of swirling light of all colors was toward the back of the cave. Despite being on my own, I investigated. I have been distressed by voices in my head since the Well of Souls took notice, but the screams the emanated from the pillar and portal were near deafening. Then a voice, no body, a single monotone voice filled my head with taunts and dread. I tried to flee, but my feet would not move. I could feel the black shadowy ghost circling me, taunting my fears, weaknesses… toying with me like a cat with a mouse.
    Letting me fight for my freedom, he summoned undead… not ghosts but undead vrocks, dire wolves, specters, wraiths, elements… feeling my very life essence being drained from me, he called off his forces and asked me to submit and let my soul go to him as my god would not even bother looking for it.
    Taking my last restoration potion, knowing my heals were down to one, when ‘the creature’ had finally had enough and came at me…. Again life essense and power were drained form me, and I felt I had once chance….. make it to daylight could be my last chance…
    Shrouded in his darkness, I could feel his presence near me, touching my cheek, enjoying every moment of his victory…. “you are and will be one of my favorites,” I could hear his voice in my ears and also in my own mind….. with that brief let up, I spun and ran toward the entrance of the cave… letting Shevarash guide my way in total blindness. My shoulder slammed into an outcropping, I let out a little yelp but did not look behind….. the light… the cave entrance… would I die so close to escaping…. I felt his breath, his laughter, his dominance… I dove… rolled and felt it… shading my eyes, the sunlight, low on the horizon…. Had it been that long… behind me I heard a terrible screaming as he tried in vain to leave the cave.
    Seeing the height of the sun, I knew one thing… I needed to get back to the safety of the tower. I ran… I do not remember anything but running…

  • After the rumoured ruckus at the Peltarch College a few days ago, which ended up in a frantic chase through the sewers and streets of Peltarch, Inquisitor Zarah'kifa offers warnings about the individual named Reyhenna. This woman is wanted for several crimes against Peltarch, its citizens and its infrastructure. She is to be avoided by any civilians and reported immediately to the closest authorities should she be spotted within the city's walls.

  • Elvadriel, Helene Loyallar, Lunia, and Anna are rumored to have appeared in the commons by running and jumping through a dark "tear" in the air. Inside the tear, one could see Peltarch - but dark, twisted, and a mocking version of itself. Behind them, it is said, there were reaching shadowy arms and tendrils. They were all severely drained and near death. The arms continued to reach and grasp at them, but hissed and recoiled at the light beyond the black and shadowy rift and at the intervention of Isolde - who was present and screamed at them loudly.

    Apparently, they recovered the missing Cerulean Knight, Tristyn who was unconscious. Captain Talbot ordered Tristyn bound, gagged, and placed in him a cell.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • Alvaniel attends the service, and gives a salutes in memory

  • Shesarai, wearing her blue Cerulean cloak, pays her respects to Lisa and walks silently away with tears in her eyes.


  • Chea is seen after the ceremony, asking quietly about details … Afterward she meditates a while & speaks proper mantras for Lisa's better rebirth.

  • Lycka likewise attends, even wearing the dress blues she usually shuns for their unflattering bagginess - a token of respect for the sake of one of the city's most diligent and long-serving servants. Her daughter Nica stands some way back in the crowd, hands clasped and her head bent in quiet contemplation.

  • ::Nate Wingates attends the ceremony as well, standing by and near Eowiel. He also wears an old Cerulean Knight's uniform, with one star on it. His expression is dour and somber, and he pays his quiet respects::

  • Eowiel, a familiar sight during the siege, but typically rarely seen outside of the Cerulean barracks or the bardic college since, takes up a short shift as part of the honor guard over the course of the tenday, solemnly marking her respect in her dress blues.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A slender, possibly elven woman, in simple robes of faded violet and with her face shadowed by a large cowl, leans on an old and gnarled staff of oak while she pays her respects to captain Lisa. She does not stay to speak with anyone, and leaves shortly after doing what she came to do.