Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _After battling a horde of demons that spilled through an open ritual-gate of some kind and winning their victory over the beasts, a fresh mist fell over the commons in the hour or so before dawn, enshrouding the adventurers who had valiantly laid low the monsters just a short time earlier. The mist persisted through the dawn but came to nothing; it wasn't until a Thayvian wizard had been asked the nature of this fog that it was revealed to be of undead design - an attack halted by the rising of the sun.

    The adventurers have been given fair warning to gather supplies and prepare to take the fight down into the crypts, else the summoning may continue come nightfall._

  • Rumors abuzz suggests that foreign royalty, a Princess no less, had joined in repelling the Giantkin and Orcs from the Western Walls. The participation of such a prominent figure in direct combat perhaps serving as a boost to morale, especially as her arrows and blade had indeed toppled many a foe alongside the City's brave Defenders and adventurers. Is she the heroine that the city needs during its troubled times? Who knows - but it sure makes for a good story!

  • _Bustling from City Hall to the walls and off into the city as need dictates, the sight of Cerulean Commander Lycka Zomasdottir and her undeniably striking husband Aelthas - the Pink Wolf - becomes an everyday occurance. The two seem to stick close at all times, back to back in the thick of battle or at the planning tables.

    Meanwhile, the wandering healer Willow wafts through the city like a breath of fresh air, healing wounds and curing ailments, lifting curses and restoring drained life forces. Only rarely does she step into the fray of battle, but rather focuses on keeping the troupes alive throughout. When Shaundakuls blessings run dry, she proves to be an excellent field medic, capable in both surgery and herbal skills.

    The crimson-curled Isolde, however, seems rather more taken by the gravity of the situation. She spends most of her time off the streets and ramparts, usually at the Mermaid, where she spins her light-hearted tales and occasionally sings, attempting to lift spirits._

  • In and around the Lucky Ferret Inn, the Black Sails in their distinctive gold and black colours keep a close lookout. Despite the siege, the petite captain of the trading company, Sabre Seesaw, hangs a sign on the door:

    "Open for business - hot foot, burnin' brews, protective potions an' coolin' lotions - plus all th'weaponry yer purse allows"

  • The ever smiling and jovial nomad, Yatagan, whilst a constant sight upon the walls, grabbing and helping those he can, though he rarely ever strikes, his magic and enthusiasm alone provide their help! Though the curious rumours abound that since the arrival of the Silvers and their timely aid, he has been found staring enraptured by one of them in particular! Jovial turned shy he works harder upon the front line now almost as if he seeks to impress!

  • _Numerous adventurers from all over the lands gather to protect Peltarch when they hear of the coming siege.

    Some are Peltarch's own troops. The helmite defender Adelie de'Lanieth stays vigilant, sharpening her sword for more demons to come. Longtime guard Annie Quickspear patrols the area around Stargazer's shop and phoenix guildhall. The cerulean Emellia throws her spells at the enemy. The magistrate Rath Ashald-Jorinsen is sporting full combat gear and riding his trusty steed, Aspera.

    Others are notable local adventurers: the sunny priest of Lathander, C'tan, is seen guarding the docks and staying by her sister at the temple of Morninglord. Womanizing pirate John Isle concentrates on keeping the Sails owned structures standing. The merry bard Helena tries to keep the morale up.

    From the refugees of Silver Valley come the lunatic gnome GROVEL, and one of the Tealeafs, Cloudberry.

    Along the dwarves coming from the dwarven hold one might see the elderly Glognar Troff and Gloinus Kegheart as well as the younger, purple bard Hignar.

    Elves too are spotted. There's the silent archer Amilmathien and the bladedancer Mebrilmathrade.

    Druids of all alignments unite against the unnatural demonic threat. Among them are the malarite Glebrindra and the skullmasked talonan Alinda._

  • In the wake of the first attacks, a misty shape drifts down towards the Commons, wafted along by a cool and soothing wind. Looking at first like a thin patch of cloud, the figure reveals itself to be more and more humanoid in shape as it gets closer, finally solidifying as its feet touch the ground. A tall and reedy woman in green armour looks about, her white cloak still fluttering in the remaining wind.

    "I heard this place might need a helping hand!", the woman exclaims, a wide grin on her face.

  • And so it begins. The initial stages of the siege of Peltarch spells dark times for the city as hordes of fell orcs, demons and bloodthirsty Garagossans attacked the west and south gates, as well as opening portals into each of the city's district…

    ((just a little placeholder rumour to verify to everyone that the siege has indeed begun. Those who saw the attacks, feel free to add detail to the rumour mills!))

  • Rumor has it that the hermetic Nathen Wingates has emerged from the Bardic College and Theatre. What is certain is that the playwright has not been seen since the fall of Jiyyd, and the departure of Maya from this realm. Some even say he has not been seen even before those events. What is also certain is that the flashy friend of the city seeks to donate to the city's military and militia ranks, to bolster Peltarch's defenses given the recent state of affairs.

    One version of the rumor claims that he was asking locals - such as the songstress Isolde and sir Yatagan - about where to give donations for the upcoming war effort to save the city.

    Another version of the rumor has him actually pushing a wheelbarrow filled with a small life's fortune - paintings, gold, jewelry - and bringing it to the defender's keep for donation.

    Which version is the more accurate one remains unclear.

    ((Will let a DM take gold to help tip the scales.))

  • _Onlookers in the Peltarch Commons could see Brumir and Raryldor arguing and shouting insults at each other. Brumir gets up and walks away towards the marketplace.

    A few moments later a loud noise is heard followed by a foul stench where Raryldor and his cat were standing. The dwarf Brumir appeared out of nowhere and was laughing hysterically. He then ran south out of the gates of Peltarch with unnatural speed. Raryldor angrily tried to chase the dwarf, but could not keep up._

  • Rumor has it that priestess and defender Anna Blake has been heard to be open for doing enchantment for the city of Peltarch fundraiser. Experienced in her craft, she will be taking one time bids for a single, powerful enchantment. , starting at a minimum of 13,700 coin, with all proceeds going to the city. She asks whatever you wish to enchanted, please have the base material and possibly any gems or accessories that you would like incorporated into it so she can have it done as quick as possible.

    ((Anna will enchant up to a 9 point item for the highest bidder. As with Emer's auction awhile back, I'll be doing one private bid per person, that can be sent in either PM IG through a letter she can pick up at the defenders, or Forum Private message. Bids will end next Wednesday.))

  • _As if the looming threat of the Kuo-Toa were not enough, portals letting out horrific creatures sprouted city-wide, pressing guards, Ceruleans and adventurers alike to spring into frantic action. Hairy spiders giggling like children, enormous floating eyeballs, tall and gaunt tentacle-faced monstrosities - everywhere the red portals spewed them out, spreading fear and death.

    Frightened residents of the Residential district murmur and peer cautiously behind their curtains, as rumours also circulate about dread demons such as Vrocks and Succubi appearing out of the blue, assailing Magistrate D'Arneau and his two companions. Though it's without a doubt that the fiends soon knew Torm's wrath, the reason for their appearance gives much room for speculation.

    And in the Commerce district, a red-headed woman in clingy blue silks tells the tale of a massive black dragon, disguised as a man until revealing its true and fearful shape. The dragon is said to have spewed its contempt for humankind with a searing acid breath before taking to the skies, due south._

  • A sleek ship was spotted gliding into port as if a feather over silk, upon it's landing a handful of weary adventurers are reported to have come ashore. Rumors of adventure and piracy abound as chins wag. The ship doesn't stay for very long, and absent one prominent passenger it departs with uncommon haste returning from whence it came. A blonde haired shieldmaiden left behind in place of Krovel and the Elven Wizard Elvadriel.

  • Vague rumours once more mention blood-thirsty followers of Garagos rearing their ugly heads in the region, leaving death and destruction in their wake…

  • Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble… More undead Kuo Toa rise from the waters south of the city, after a single assassin of theirs had crept all the way into the heart of the Jewel to aim his wicked blades at the stout back of the dwarf Gnarl. Though the attack was repelled, the word "Leviathan" is mentioned afterwards in tones of some concern.

  • _Tongues in Peltarch wag about the vicious northern Raiders recently flushed from a seaside cave by adventurers bold, lead by the vivacious purple elf, Elvadriel. It is said a number of local children, would-be-slaves to these terrible men, were rescued from the cave, though gossip then goes on to more unbelievable details such as headless men, spontaneous combustions and a creature of living flame, set to consume the world…

    Meanwhile, Isolde spins a more light-hearted tale of adventure at the Commons, detailing her and the equally red-haired Shaundakulite Krovel's death-defying wrestling of giant snakes amidst the falling stones of a collapsing mine! Every so often, a pixie pokes out of her curls to comment, harrass the audience or simply nag for more jam._

  • With many a horrified shudder and delicate gasps, the tale of the Man-Eating Frog King is told at the Commons by the crimson-haired Isolde. She details in great and explicit lengths the enormous size of the frog - worshipped as a god by feeble-minded Kobolds - its slimy green hide and the incomprehensible lengths of its horrendous tongue, used as a sticky whip to suck helpless maidens into its wide and dripping maw!

    "One man stood up against the Green Terror", she insists, dark blue eyes alight with enthusiasm as she spins the tale. "A man, a myth, a legend ~ Randolpho!"

    After a vivid description of her heroic character, in glorious shirtless detail, she goes on to the epic battle between frog and man.

    "A flash of lightning, the sound of thunder pierced the night! The Frog King's wicked tongue, unleashed towards his next fair maiden meal, appears suspended in motion, so swift is the flashing axe that is flung from Randolpho's mighty arm. So true is his aim, so sharp the axe's edge that it cuts clean through the tongue, a knife through hot butter!

    Darkness as the lightning fades, the Frog King howling of agony - in the next heartbeat, as lightning illuminates the scene anew, our hero is upon it! Randolpho, with nothing but his courage and the raw, bulging strength of his muscular arms, wrestles the monster to the marchy ground! Though it wriggles, slippery with its own vile mucous, Randolpho pins it firmly, tearing its jaws apart with his bare hands, using the weight of his masculine body to press out the beautiful captive within!

    The girl shudders, clinging weakly to her rescuer, who carries her off into the darkest of nights. What happens next, good listeners, is a tale of a different kind! To spare you reddened cheeks, I shall hide it within the covers of a book, for you to read in more private settings~."

  • _Vague tavern rumours go around about a band of adventurers having a "Boys Night Out", frequenting every watering hole the Jewel has to offer. While the details of this merry band of men vary, most will insist one of them bore the strikingly heroic name of "Justice". Whether a knight or a would-be vigilante, the wagging tongues can but speculate.

    Meanwhile, just outside the city walls, a small group of ladies - some very scantily clad indeed - provided no little amount of distraction to the patrolling guards. Numerous wine and spirits bottles litter the area around the campfire and the grass in the distance is scorched by outbursts of vivaciously unleashed magic._

  • Wild rumours circulate about a ~dragon~, walking the streets of Peltarch in the guise of a man. Assuredly to abduct fair maidens, upsets tongues may insist, while others claim it was just to enjoy the dulcimer tones of miss Vera C. Tingle playing at the commons.

  • The red-haired cleric Shesarai, wearing a priestess' long gown rather than her usual leathers, visited the Peltarch Orphanage in the Lighthouse Temple. After speaking with several children recently brought there from a village far to the north, she gives them a couple of magic scrolls.

    These scrolls are a gift from the Mage Akseli, who helped rescue you from your village. He thinks you might have fun practicing with them. They contain a simple spell called Daze. Do not use them on your caretakers.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky Halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra