Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _One early evening, a motley crew of Legionaries, Wolves and assorted independent adventurers could be seen emerging from a ravaged ship at the docks. With sections of railing missing on both sides, several sections of the mid and upper hull smashed or battered and an array of scorch marks across it's main deck, the fact that it still remains afloat is marginally less believable than it's unlikely compliment of sailors.

    Later into the evening, the old Wolf Rasuil graced the Lucky Ferret with a round of drinks and a thrilling tale of high adventure at sea. From krakens greedy tentacles and ship to ship combat, to vicious boarding battles and the crews capture and imprisonment at the hands of their assailants - a scurvy band of undead sailors and their vampire captain - the tale grows louder and grander as the empty mugs pile up. The boastful recounting continues through a harrowing jailbreak and a narrow escape from their insidious captors, where the ship was liberated from the undead fleet and "safely" sailed home by it's new captain, Rasuil.

    Regaling the patrons well into the small hours, the ranger eventually disappears into the harbormasters office to discuss securing the acquisition._

  • _One evening a group of people were gathered around the Commons when a foul stench suddenly interrupted them. The dwarf Brumir Silverhammer came out from behind the Mermaid Inn laughing. The ranger Rasuil laid on the ground motionless for several moments before getting up again.

    Soon thereafter Akseli placed something behind Brumir that caused the others in the Commons to flee. Unbeknownst to this, Brumir wondered what they were all doing. Suddenly, an explosion took place right where Brumir was standing and the dwarf went flying into the fountain right outside the City Hall. After getting some help from Willow, Brumir squeezed some water out of his beard and started shaking his fist and grumbling towards Akseli.

    Though no one was hurt, it appears the flowers in the Commons planted by Marty have been burnt to a crisp._

  • While it's no secret to the townsfolk of Peltarch that adventurers can be a rough and unkept lot, the sight of Brumir, Rasuil and Willow limping into the commons must surely have given the more genteel of citizens a pause. Bruised, bloodied, frost-bitten and covered in slimy strands of some disgusting mucus, the three could be overheard mentioning trouble at the Icelace Beach to the much cleaner Akseli and Sheserai.

    "The ogres are totally up to no good, I'm telling you! All those mages, they gotta be doing some serious mojo and what with posting the most gigantic of giants on the bridge as guard? Definitely a do not disturb sign, am I right? We should so find out what they're hiding in there! …some time soon... ow."

  • The red-haired cleric Shesarai was overheard talking to the guards at the Peltarch Sewers entrance. She had been downstairs on what she called a "normal scouting patrol", and reported a startling emptiness in the sewers. There were plenty of undead and a few cultists hanging around the areas under the docks, but the portion of the sewers underneath the Peltarch Commercial District were completely empty. There were no undead, no cubes, and no cultists. Has somebody cleaned that place out?


    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky Halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Priestess of Mystra

  • Rumour has it the nearby swamplands were recently the scene of a gruesome battle, not against the usual kobold rabble but a band of fierce and armoured trolls, lead by a bloodthirsty follower of Malar. According to a certain wandering healer, her group was "totally ambushed" but did not fall prey to the Malarite hunt "'cause even though Helene and I are kinda squishy, Gnarl and Ras are no floppy bunnies!".

  • A new and popular book has been mass produced and is currently being sold in the streets of Peltarch, detailing the exciting events of the recent unseen war below the surface involving the dwarves of Aura Runedar and they're many courageous allies!

  • _Word spreads that a trio of adventurers, one of them being the dwarf Brumir Silverhammer, entered the city after cutting down some Kuo Toa in their caverns. As the trio were selling loot, a couple of women in the Commons screamed and covered their noses and ran off in terror. Eventually a female spellcaster, whom some might recognize as Lady Maurina started casting spells against the dwarf.

    Details of what happened next are sketchy, but it appeared Brumir let out another one of his very nasty farts that put Lady Maurina on the ground for several moments. Soon after she summoned a water elemental and cast some more spells that left the dwarf running towards the south gates cursing.

    It would appear some of the people in Peltarch have no tolerance for Brumir's farts._

  • _Orc aggression continues to escalate, following the busted gates incident where a huge orcish warrior broke through the defences into Peltarch proper. Most recently, a large orcish warband spilled down into the foothills towards the gateless walls, but were repelled with swiftness and determination by the brave Defenders, aided by a pair of able adventurers.

    Rumour has it a chieftain was killed in the assault, possibly buying the hard working defenders some respite while the remaining orcs bicker over leadership._

  • Seeming both excited and in a rush, the dwarf Olvan Silverhammer runs about town desperately seeking to buy dragon's breath flasks of different elemental types, willing to pay up to 250 coin a flask. Donations would be appreciated as coin is limited, and it all goes to war efforts against some 'giant deader eyeball'.

  • As the clash of steel and hoots of victory echoed from the residential district, a crowd began to trickle into the tournament grounds, evolving a friendly bit of sparring into the semblance of Norwicks Fight Night of old. Aided by off duty Defender healers and overseen by Peltarchs own statuesque legend, Captain Lisa Braithwaite, the round robin duels carried through the night. The elven warrior Alvaniel dominated the ring to take first place, defeating even the late but no less furious Beourn Battlemail in single combat.

    The night ended with a classic free for all (or the Clusterfark, as is commonly coined) and an unlikely winner amid trained Legionnaires and stout dwarves; the sly old Wolf, Rasuil, remaining as the last man standing.

    Later in the evening and into the wee hours, Rasuil is seen in various watering holes sharing his tale with the patrons. Carrying on at length of how he escaped a pair of grudge bearing dwarves at the battles onset only to emerge from the shadows to strike down his nemesis of the evening, Beourn, with a thunderous volley of sonic arrows. Quickly cornered by the dynamic duo of allied Legionnaires, his magnificent shield comprised of a thousand fused beetle shells held back the crippling blows of the rings champion, Alvaniel, while his blade sent the weary Akseli to the ground. Weaseling his way out of his confinement and narrowly avoiding being split in two by the elven cleaver, his final leg-buckling longshot at nearly the length of the courtyard itself knocked Alvaniel to the ground and into a very close second place.

  • A Dwarf and a Druid walk out of a sewer…

    No it's not a joke, it was today, and they were grumping about how some ghosts threatened that there would soon be a day when all the world would be helpless against their horrors.

    Or their whores. The Druid was unsure which, as the ghost was kinda mumbley.

    Sounds like trouble?

  • Legion

    _The city's halfling gardener was oddly dressed today. Instead of her usual Legion uniform or gardening overalls she was dressed in a colour shifting camouflaged outfit. Judging by the foliage entwined in her hair and camouflage face paint, it looks as if she's off on a mission that requires stealth.

    Judging by the coils of climbing rope that hang by her side, it also looks as if she plans to do a bit of climbing.

    Anyone keen enough to keep an eye on her would notice she casts some kind of spell from a ring (highish Spellcraft may be able to identify the spell as Dispel Invisibility) before disappearing into the tall grassland west of Peltarch._

  • A mad rumor about a Cerulean Knight apparently declaring trees unlawful and exiling them emerges… how unusual. Perhaps there's a grain of truth in there somewhere as several trees that certainly weren't there only a few days ago have not only sprouted, but also apparently producing fresh fruit. Weirder and weirder!

  • Rumors abound of a conversation in the commons regarding the Dwarf Igor and the Cerulean Knight called Walter scolding nothing else but a Dragon! Ideas of the knight or the Dwarf rolling up a newspaper and swatting the wyrm like a naughty puppy may come to mind as the story suggests that an ultimatum was offered to and accepted by the Dragon after suffering a crippling defeat at the hands of the two adventurers…

  • _For the last few days, it appears that Peltarch's army presence in the city walls is more and more prominent. It is not strange to see a column of soldiers walk out on patrol or the normal guard being roughly doubled.

    All looks like normal activity in the sense that soldiers aren't seen rushing back and forth, but the increased numbers and general presence are certainly noticeable._

  • Rumours abound about giant bodies stacked high on the Icelace Beach, after a band of dwarves rallied at the call of the Defenders. Bloodied and grinning, the dwarves returned to town bearing tales of the deed, not least of taking down the hill giant chieftain, vivid red of skin in sheer embarrassment of his minions being cut down to size by dwarven axes!

  • Word has it that the priestess Anna Blake had been in Damara for awhile, being at her family farm for the last few tenday. Having returned on a somber note as her last living family member had perished of natural causes, she still carries an aura of kindness and hearth that she has been known for over the years.

  • _More details start to seep out about the upcoming auction, now confirmed to be held at the Lucky Ferret Inn. Rumour has it that many of the items on offer are both exotic and exquisite, reflective of the expensive tastes of the Sails own chief importer of fine goods, Scarlet.

    Some gossip-mongerers even claim that it is Scarlet's very own adventuring gear that will go under the club, all of the highest quality. She's hanging up her mantle to marry King George! No wait, the Pasha of Mulhorand! Or maybe she's just going to buy an island of her own and fill it with a limber and tawny-skinned harem to cater to her every whim and desire…

    In the midst of these more or less substantiated rumours, one thing is for certain - you had better bring all the cash you can muster!_

    ((auction is tentatively scheduled to Saturday, October 17th, euro-evening time. More exact details will follow next week))

  • _There goes the word around the tourney grounds of Peltarch that some time near dusk a pair of individuals, one in blue the other in red, got into the round ground of the fairgrounds to give a fight, rather duel. Lighting up benches and fences to start out the show.

    Friendly spar? Of course!

    The scarce people that went around when the combat took place, most of them bankers or foremen working on that district, judged how the (legendary) match scored a one-on-one.

    No further wishes to untie the match, the scarce people murmures, due to the epic but ephemeral kind of its essence._

  • _There's a buzz going around the docks, originating from the Lucky Ferret Inn. It's a hushed sort of rumour at first, speculations about new and fantastic treasure arriving at the Sails-run inn, though interested speculants will find few fresh additions to the store at the back. Instead, more detailed information can be gleaned through the glib-mouthed staff, all suggesting that an auction is coming up, featuring rare and unique items of exceeding quality and value - especially to a certain type of clientel.

    Wink, wink, nudge, nudge._