Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Rumor has it that the monk Kessmiah has been seen working diligently at the Peltarch crafter's hall, serving community service for destruction of the sundial. Keeping the hall positively immaculate, there are rumors that her behavior might be annoying various crafters, often standing nearby to sweep something they drop, clean a table, organize things they place in nearby boxes, and overall invasions of personal space.

    When told to back off, she meditates in the corner, the moment the crafter is done and gone, as if almost casting a spell she makes sure the work area is completely spotless. Its as almost if she had done work like this for a living in the past._

  • _Yet another giant and ogre attack took place in the farmlands northwest of the Peltarch Commons. Several farmers were seen running into the Commons carrying what belongings they could. They were followed by General Theaon Thorn of the Troff Legion, covered in blood, calling for the Defenders. Once the Defenders gathered, along with a few nearby adventurers, they went back into the farmland to engage the giants and ogres in battle.

    A few hours later the group of adventurers returned having been victorious, for the time being. It was said the Giants were throwing boulders at the Defenders, killing more of them. More horrifying rumors suggest the captain of the Defender squad was crushed to death._

  • _Frequenting the wake of vultures and murder of crows is a lone raven, though shows little interest in the presented pickings. Instead it carries its flight further west, circling high over the cave's mouth.

    From time to time it will dare to dive inside, exiting shortly thereafter to sore east towards the city, perching atop the western gates._

  • @6484a55b0b=SickFish:

    News travels about the commons of Oger activity out to the west. A literal cart filled with dead Defenders strolled through the streets to the temple, with mourners hanging there head and weeping at the carnage. They passed by the commons on there sorrowful march passing by adventurers splitting the spoils that are said to have come from the Oger leader.

    Was this brutal attack a flash in the pan or do the Ogers prepare for war?

    The skies above the Giantspire hills are swarming with vultures. Piles of thick ogre bodies and huge Giant corpses slump over the hills as crows fly back and forth between them, pecking at the meaty gore exposed. The defender's post has been reduced to a huge pile of broken boulders and smears of blood. The remains of several brave defenders we're gathered from the site, some only consisting of a mere arm or leg, and others defenders are missing entirely, presumably dead.

  • News travels about the commons of Oger activity out to the west. A literal cart filled with dead Defenders strolled through the streets to the temple, with mourners hanging there head and weeping at the carnage. They passed by the commons on there sorrowful march passing by adventurers splitting the spoils that are said to have come from the Oger leader.

    Was this brutal attack a flash in the pan or do the Ogers prepare for war?

  • Word spreads that Orianna briefly stopped in the Peltarch Commons a few nights ago looking for Akseli, who was not there at the time. Before she went off to find him, it is said Orianna once again asked the adventurers to find a way to stop her father without killing him. Many who are involved with this matter may say they are not confident in that happening.

  • Rumor has it that the elven monk Kessmiah somehow managed to accidentally light the sundial on fire. Sentenced to community service for 2 years, the young elven woman seems quite content with the outcome of her punishment and diligently performs her duties.

  • _A weird sight indeed for those frequenting the Fair Grounds. Cerulean Knight Walter seems to have taken on a prodigy, a child - no less. Armed with a blunt short sword and small round shield the blond haired little girl he's training is far from becoming the hero that her mother once was.

    Walter himself is usually armed with a stick or quarterstaff and, for the most part the training is more akin to rough-housing than anything of any martial capacity. Cruelly however he'll occasionally swing out a touch harder, or strike outside of the pattern and clip the girl on her arm or leg; once or twice (much to Walter's obvious regret) the head or face. He claims that these are accidental to the girl, though perhaps he has ulterior motives…_

  • Cray Vincint has been inquiring around the commons and local pubs about hiring a full time potion maker… He mentioned the position would include room and board. Interested applicants can drop a note through the mail slot of warehouse #2.

  • Rumors begin to circulate that the Consortium and all its assets and contracts are under negotiations to be liquidated. Nervous employees worrying about their futures are reassured by the senior management that the potential new owner(s) doesn't seem to make many staff changes. Nothing of course has been set in stone.

  • _The Black Sail, John Isle, is seen at the docks with gold sack that reads "10k" next to him. He stops every fisherman that comes to port, and offers to buy all of their fishes. Once the fisherman agrees, John baffles them even more by telling them to go dump the fish in water couple hundred feet north from the docks.

    Each time the fishes are dumped in the ocean, a huge maw gulps it down._

  • Patrons of the Lucky Ferret Inn are sure to have noticed Cap'n Sabre's newest pet - and no, it's not some hapless moon-eyed man this time. In fact, the gender of the Cap'ns new favourite is rather hard to tell. Most steady customers agree that it goes by the name of Nugget, hisses frequently and swoops down from the roof beams to steal edibles (or drinkables) right off the tables. It's also scaled, a bright golden in colour and looks very much like a miniature dragon. But not even the Black Sails would be crazy enough to keep a real dragon… right?

  • These days, the Cerulean Knight (or Clerk in his case) is often witnessed to be wandering through the city explaining to a very young, bright-eyed girl, the intricate workings of pretty much everything that does, has, or perhaps ever will exist in the realms of Men. It would appear that the weird package he'd been toting about has been growing before the very eyes of the - perhaps uninterested - city. The two refer to another who dwells with them, a certain 'Frank'. Walter has perhaps taken on a man now that his woman is gone? Who knows. Who besides Walter, Kaitlyn, an Frank at least…

  • The Norwick crafter and farmer known simply as "Z" spends a lot of time patrolling outside the perimeter walls of Pelarch. He seems to be looking for something…

  • Rumours of teleportation at the city commons are all but drowned out by the following chill, roaring thunderstorm rolling in from the Icelace. At the heart of this frigid storm, bursts of fire blossomed, outlining two large, winged shapes. Several eye-witness reports describe them clawing and swiping at each other, their vicious combat heard even through the howling wind. It is said both came hurtling down to the ground in a roar of flame, west of the city walls.

    "Dragons", the rumours whisper, tinged with fear. Has the dreaded Rass returned once more?

  • A sleepless looking Walter can occasionally be seen taking moonlit strolls beneath the stars in the city park, cooing and muttering to a small bundle that he appears to keep close at all times. An important package perhaps, it's not that unusual to see the Cerulean talking to himself and doing peculiar things one could suppose. If the bundle becomes noisome or restless he appears to dazzle it with bright and wonderful spells; perhaps subduing some tiny demon creature, or mutant plantoid from another realm. Maybe even a dragonling. Certainly, there are a million and one thoughts that should come to mind before one could assume that Walter is caring for a little baby girl…

  • _A new face has arrived to the city. A short-haired, dark armored woman has been seen entering the city hall and other official buildings in the city, apparently looking for a job.

    Meanwhile, she appears to spend most of her time utilising the city's forge or tournament grounds._

  • _*Rumour has it that the dread Sister Sorrow visited Peltarch under a wihte flag, offering those who dared a rare opportunity to protect their realm by capturing a live mindflayer for interrogation. The details as to how to do that, and what would it accomplish are blurry, but it involves one known as Blazetamer, known to have cooperated with forces of good and against evil in the past.

    A party of either daring or foolish adventurers formed by Artemis, Daron, Elaine, Jonni, Kuln, Nica, Rasuil and Shesarai parted towards the Underdark, and were not seen until a few days later when they returned very tired but mostly unharmed. They did not bring with them a live mindflayer, but they did bring a hefty pile of gold, potions and magical trinkets.

    The question remains though… what is going on in the Underdark, and what's all that talk about brain-eating, blood-sucking mindflayers?*_

  • An earthquake, or perhaps an explosion rocked the Commons a few nights ago. Many fell down and screaming was heard from the Docks District. Several adventurers ran that way, and found two sewer workers badly injured. The guards said that there was a big explosion inside the sewers.

    While Theaon administered healing care to the injured, a group of adventurers formed to go inside and check it out. They included Nica, Gnarl, Beourn, Daron, Kuln, Shesarai, Artemis, Salin, and Elaine. The group was gone for a very long time, but then were seen back in the Commons dividing up a large number of potions. They claimed the explosion opened a hole in the sewers floor that led to the Kuo Toa Cave and the Underdark. There they said they encountered Illythids and many dangerous thralls. What are such foes doing so near the surface?


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