Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Walter's trips to the Mystran shrine halt around the same time as his Ceruleans uniform seems to disappear as his garb, replaced with normal - civilian clothing. For some time now he's been noted to wander aimlessly around the streets staring down at his booted feet - in one hand a silvery chain, in the other an object that appears to be a Defenders badge. It's plain to see from the look in his eyes that he's not slept, or at least not slept well for a while now; other rumors circulating say he's only really asleep when he passes out from the whisky of which he now reeks. Indeed, even the stray dogs and beasts in the city seem more concerned with their well being as they move to find shelter from the cold and from the rain. Not Walter, his vacant eyes don't seem to recognize rain anymore - how can he? And he's been shaking since he got the news anyway. There's nothing that'll warm him, surely. Not anymore.

    From day to weary day his unchanged civilian clothing becomes more ragged and worn, the man begins to look a true mess. He's been noted to mutter drunkenly to himself when the whisky finally hits and all sensibility leaves him, a pointless search for comfort from a bottle - all it seems to do is make his heart ache and the tears begin again. On more than one occasion it's likely that he'd be seen throwing the Defenders' badge as hard as he could down the street - or against the wall of a building and screaming at it like an animal, but every time he does this a panic seems to wash over him and sober him, and in a childlike if drunken fashion he'll run to where the badge lands and search for it - for hours if need-be - until he finds it.

    In private, when the world is at it's darkest and Walter finds his lowest points, when all the eyes of the world are closed in sleep or concerned with other business, he's sat - on more than one occasion - with the broken neck of one of his glass bottles held against his throat - tears streaming down his face as he calls himself a coward in every manner, in every language he knows - willing himself to 'do it' until he breaks, and his heart shatters, and he falls into drunken sleep again with burning tears in his eyes.

    The routine begins anew with each passing day. Perhaps people will forget he was ever a Defender, or that he had ever been a wizard, perhaps he hopes that he'll never hear the name "Walter" again as his fingers, often cut from broken glass - and dirty from living in the street - find both the comfort of absolution and the agony of condemnation in the caress of Shallyah's name which is punched into her dogtags._

  • There was a commotion in the Mermaid's upstairs Common Room last night. Somebody woke up screaming, or at least yelling a bit. It was that red-haired cleric Shesarai. She's been sleeping peacefully in the Common Room for years, never bothering anybody, but something seemed to be wrong. She woke up twice in the night, yelling both times. Then blushing furiously, she whispered "Sorry!" to everyone, gathered up her things, and headed downstairs. She was last seen heading into the Residential District.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Besides visiting the Lighthouse Temple regularly, it seems the Cerulean Knight, Walter, has been inquiring around the docks-lands, in particular within the more 'high-end' merchant haunts. At the last, he makes his way full circle back to the Lighthouse to see if he can't find Firthram for a private chat…

  • Legion

    A murmur goes around that the "blessing" bestowed by the priests of Siamorphe at the census line is actually a spell cast to detect noble blood lines.A fuss was made over one old man who they took away into City Hall

  • The Cerulean Knight 'Walter', when not rumored to be eating cats or dragging bloody meat-bits or dead beasts around the city, has been spending some time within the Lighthouse temple, in particular within the Mystran Shrine. Though the interest of most may stop there, a wizard visiting Mystran clergy shouldn't cause any to bat an eyelash after all…

  • A new face is seen around City Hall, but the most noticeable feature is not his face at all, but his rather elaborate robes. Telric Greywood is seen speaking with the scribe Morris Percandel as they loudly speak of Telric's new duties as Assistant Scribe. He quickly hurries out and purchases wax candles, bottles of ink, parchment and new quills which he places on a newly cleared and quite cramped section of Morris' desk.

  • Morris Purcandel is seen sitting within city hall behind a desk which is facing the entrance. A stack of paper sits on his left, several jars of ink on his right and a spare quill tucked into the top of his ear. He appears to be in a state of pure scribal meditation as he awaits the coming storm of the first census wave! Any passerby causes him to jump in his seat and check the clock before reclining once again into concentration.

    "Soon, Morris." he says to himself "Soon."

  • Well-known bard Romulus Grey has been seen sitting in the Peltarch Commons for the past few nights wearing black velvet and chanting the story of Rass and Penny to any who cared to listen. He refused any money offered, and said that in these trouble times of Martial Law, he just wanted people to take heart and remember the old stories and pass them on.

    The full tale of Rass and Penny can be found in the Tales By the Fire thread on these Forums, under the heading "The Songs of Romulus".

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • The wild and extroverted - some say crazy - redhead known as Elaine who seems to frequent the city quite a lot, is lately found around the commons area juggling all kinds of fruits on her nose. While some just take it as confirmation that the girl is completely nuts, others are just content because while she's doing that, she's not wreaking havoc, and she even seems slightly less talkative…

  • South of the Peltarch walls and all the way to the shrine of Tempus, the land blessed by Chauntea lies scorched and burnt after the enormous red dragon's attack. The dragon's arrival was reportedly heralded by a large number of fire salamanders pouring forth from a portal near the shrine, setting the ground and several of the defenders rushing to meet them on fire. One Cerulean is said to have fallen in the defence of the city, the dragon spreading panic and blisteringly hot breaths of fire before taking to the skies with one of its fallen followers clutched in a gigantic clawed foot.

  • Siamorphean clerics have been appearing in the city. It is unknown why they are here, but their numbers are increasing. They've mostly been seen in the different libraries located within the city.

  • Hearing the rumor of Rass' return, Romulus was overheard asking: "Was Penny there too? I would really love to meet her!"


  • Legion

    The land south of peltarch has been schorched by a dragon!

    Was it Rass?

    Was it Maria?

    Majority of "adventurers" who have been close to the dragon are saying Rass.

  • A man and a woman, their cloaks caked with snow, were seen entering the Meremaid last night. After shaking the snow off and lowering their hoods, they turned out to be Troff Legion Captain Romulus and his sister, Shesarai, returning to the Jewell after a long absence.

    "Where you two been?" shouted Kat.

    Romulus, in a merry mood, merely sang her a song. Shesarai rolled her eyes and lowering her voice replied. "Don't mind him. He talked me into going with him to a Bard's Convention! I have to admit, the singing and story telling were good, and went on for a very long time. But the food wasn't nearly as good as here."

    Kat smiled.


  • Some whisper of Analesia Bravickus being seen on the rant stand executing four Senators and a demonic attack following her disappearance. Whether it was the woman herself or another isn't completely certain, but several citizens and mercenaries lay dead by the rant stand alongside the bodies of a couple hezrou. Adventurers and Ceruleans were seen fighting in the streets against the mercenaries and demons and the "Senators" who were killed were said to have turned to snow and melted away right before the eyes of onlookers.

  • The meat incident might spark further speculation about that particular Cerulean's eating habits. Strange, unconfirmed rumours speak of cats disappearing in the middle of the night, baked and devoured by a blue-clad, ever ravenous beast…

  • A Cerulean, that babblin' one wot can't string a sentence together, is rumored to have been seen collecting juicy looking meat bits from around the Sundial in the Peltarch Commons earlier, apparently the greedy bastard is intent on keeping it all to himself!

  • Soup Kitchen called Lathander's Light appears near the Temple Lighthouse. It offers free basic food for the poor, as well as blankets and mittens decorated by a small smiling sun.

  • _Cold weather and snow start creeping up to Peltarch from southeast. Civic district gets occasional snowstorms.

    The land Onion Union is trying to claim gets coated in snow.

    The kobolds in the swamps are shivering and sluggish as the weather is even colder there._

  • A general hubbub arises around city hall as local scribe Morris Purcandel is wounded in the back with an arrow from some mysterious unknown person atop city hall.

    "Ooh. Ow. It still hurts!"

    Shortly after, Morris was seen, alongside a darkly dressed woman to be skulking about on the roof of city hall with the birds.

    Later still, the pair are joined by one mage Elaine in some sort of brawl on the docks with local toughs. They seemed to hang about the docks for many hours whilst Elaine disappeared and reappeared.

    What strange goings on!