Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • New city arrival, Morris Purcandel, seems to be on the up and up!

    Somewhere within the bowels of the city hall where mild opportunities are abound for young go-getters seeking to climb the ladders of governmental fortune sits Morris Purcandel behind a small flimsy desk. He appears to copy out official documents, fold them gently, drip wax onto the seam and stamp the official city seal onto the paper before sending it off to lands afar or alternatively filing the copy away. He seems only to undertake this duty of scribing during early morning hours and from afternoon till mid-evening - and in between such a time he remains still in city hall speaking with heralds; sharing information and discussing the formation of current noble houses. Whenever Morris is seen to be lax in his duties, Herald Fisher looms nearby causing Morris to work faster.

    All in all, the paperwork of city hall marches on for Morris Purcandel, sometimes adventurer and now often scribe.

    "I hope Walter doesn't see me." He thinks.

  • Along with a one handed hin called Hether, Anna Blake can be seen helping till the fields in the west. The one handed halfling, to many people's surprise, is tilling the field with her bare hand. Now and then Anna would heal it and bandage it up if necessary.

    When asked why, Anna informs them its part of the girl's monk training.

    (to elaborate further, this is the western fields, not south fields, ones that already exist, to avoid confusion from a couple of people!)

  • Legion

    The commons were host to a rowdy commotion last night. What began as an argument in the afternoon concerning the abuse of magic came to a crescendo with accusations of corruption and injustice, counter accusations of dishonesty, and with threats of physical violence.

    Senator Maria was arrested and taken to the prison after nearly incinerating a Legion soldier.

  • Alvaniel Danicen is seen moving from tavern to tavern, having a drink or two, but see seems intent on listening to local gossip and to see whom is present there…

  • Rumors abound that Thomas Tiller is seen heading to a meeting with several guild leaders. Later that day announcement comes from the League of Guilds: The Onion Union is now an official guild in Peltarch.

  • After a successful venture through undead infested barrows, ODS squire Peter Peters is seen in the local orphanage, entertaining the children with the tale of his most recent adventure, which included a beautiful, albeit very evil Nightmare, and a quick footed hin skeleton, ((following a lucky 20+2 Perform roll)). After that, he leaves the profits of said adventure with the orphanage's caretakers. ((g.p. trashed)).

  • Trent is seen coming in covered in webs and dirt and speaking calmly to Lisa, he makes no attempt to hide his words and makes it easy for any to hear it.

    Hey Lisa, me an Cray just got back from the Kobold den, was bloody spiders down there, some slaads an ettin an a huge arsed spider, we killed em all, but the Gnolls may be drivin the spiders outta the forests. May wanna warn the general public…

    With that Trent is seen slipping off towards the docks with Cray

  • (((Was supposed to post this sunday evening but forgot, so.. ))
    Meteors are seen crashing down from the sky above Gypsy Camp, bringing down the bridge connecting it to the gnolls. Shortly thereafter boulders fly to block the woods entrance to the pass. Group of giants and leaders of several organizations in Narfell, lead by the Defender General take over the Gypsy Towers.

  • Rumours speak that some of the kobolds living deep in the swamps seem to be having flu epidemic. There are those who think it's the colder weather, yet some believe it is a gnomish weapon of mass kobold destruction.

  • Meanwhile, continued rumours of gruesome necromancy come from the Icelace Beach, where more ogre skeletons and zombie ogres (also dubbed "zogres") have been sighted. The Defenders certainly have their work cut out for them of late!

  • _Merchants are seen carrying large loads of dried goods to military warehouses. Blacksmiths and bowyers are busy making weapons and ammunition. Patrols into orc lands are plentiful, but for some reason the same people who are seen entering the orc woods are soon walking out of the Militia Headquarters again, although no one has seen them enter the building. The navy practices maneuvres near the river.

    It seems that after a long period of peace, the city preparing for battle again._

  • _Heated discussion concerning a white dragon could be overheard at the Commons as a group of adventurers return from the Icelace Beach, though anyone paying close attention to the arguments might be surprised to learn the party never actually fought the dragon, but rather ogre zombies and skeletons emerging from Ogres Gorge. The dragon actually helped in the fighting… well, sort of?

    Horrified rumours speak of the great white beast having devoured the body of a slain giant in a matter of seconds, turned one of the party into a human frostsicle, shoved another off a cliff and threatening a third with unspeakable horrors! Still they all returned with life and limb intact...

    On another chill-related note, a towering frost giant could be seen being escorted into City Hall by Captain Del'Rosa, two Cerulean Knights and a small number of Legionaires. A short while later, the giant was escorted back outside the gates, without hostilities._

  • _Missing person cases seems to have ramped up in Peltarch as of recently.

    Elizabeth Townsend, a minor noblewoman and clerk for the courts. Last seen heading to the courts, she never arrived home. Her room was found ransacked a day later.

    Wesley Hillsong, a Peltarch marine, last seen at the docks near the boat to Oscura.

    Henry Safran, famed construction worker who keeps the Temple of the Triad maintained._

  • Rumours speak of a towering frost giant being sighted near the Peltarch farmsteads, though no harm seems to have befallen the farms.

  • A couple of small bands of orcs have been seen leaving the Foothills, heading south.

  • _Two more Peltarchian citizens have been declared missing.

    Peter Littlejohn, a freelance sailor who lived in the docks supposedly went missing between his leaving his wife at home and the merchant sloop 'The Queen's Slipper' last week.

    Meanwhile a young noblewoman, one of the prettiest in all of Peltarch, Alicia Olafsdottir has also gone missing. She failed to arrive to her family's carriage in for their holiday to Damara, despite some of her luggage going missing along with her._

  • _A stream of magic is seen rising up from the mountains near Peltarch, then moving towards southeast, surrounded by a tiny blizzard.

    In other news, the orcs on the foothills seem to be more cautious to enter deep into farmlands due to some being they call the Wicked Little Earstealer._

  • _Rumours speak of gruesome skeletal warriors rising from the ground by the edge of the swamps, attacking and killing a small group of people out foraging. The large group setting out return in trickles, the first carrying two bodies, the others drenched from top to toe in water.

    Adding to the wave of missing persons is the rumour of a Helmite squire - could this be one of the dead brought back, perhaps? Or have the orcs in the foothills, seeming more numerous than ever, claimed another life?

    A young woman in blue was observed carrying a body draped in red Helmite-looking robes back to the city from the foothills, though any circumstances past these are unclear._

    ((the body remains in the foothills as Nica was mechanically unable to pick it up - RP-wise, she certainly would have though!))

  • An Oscuran vessel pulls slowly into the Peltarch harbour, weighted down by dozens of people in scant, ragged clothing, predominantly women. The captain can be seen exhanging words, along with a hefty purse of gold, with a tall fair-haired Cerulean Knight, before the ship departs and the crowd of strangers are ushered into the Lighthouse temple.

  • Word begins to spread that a young woman, daughter of the Peltarch nobles "Blake" who owned a significant amount of farm land prior to selling it and moving to Damara, has returned and spends a significant amount of time helping the farmers in Peltarch both in defense against the orcs as well as assisting with any work needed on the land.

    Identified now as a priestess of the Earthmother who had been training all this time in Norwick under the Chauntean priestess' tutelage of Yllalynn, she holds regular sermons and prayer to Chauntea north-west of the city by the mill, helping to inspire hope to farmers long having been fraught with having to work in unsettling, often dangerous conditions.