Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _A stream of magic is seen rising up from the mountains near Peltarch, then moving towards southeast, surrounded by a tiny blizzard.

    In other news, the orcs on the foothills seem to be more cautious to enter deep into farmlands due to some being they call the Wicked Little Earstealer._

  • _Rumours speak of gruesome skeletal warriors rising from the ground by the edge of the swamps, attacking and killing a small group of people out foraging. The large group setting out return in trickles, the first carrying two bodies, the others drenched from top to toe in water.

    Adding to the wave of missing persons is the rumour of a Helmite squire - could this be one of the dead brought back, perhaps? Or have the orcs in the foothills, seeming more numerous than ever, claimed another life?

    A young woman in blue was observed carrying a body draped in red Helmite-looking robes back to the city from the foothills, though any circumstances past these are unclear._

    ((the body remains in the foothills as Nica was mechanically unable to pick it up - RP-wise, she certainly would have though!))

  • An Oscuran vessel pulls slowly into the Peltarch harbour, weighted down by dozens of people in scant, ragged clothing, predominantly women. The captain can be seen exhanging words, along with a hefty purse of gold, with a tall fair-haired Cerulean Knight, before the ship departs and the crowd of strangers are ushered into the Lighthouse temple.

  • Word begins to spread that a young woman, daughter of the Peltarch nobles "Blake" who owned a significant amount of farm land prior to selling it and moving to Damara, has returned and spends a significant amount of time helping the farmers in Peltarch both in defense against the orcs as well as assisting with any work needed on the land.

    Identified now as a priestess of the Earthmother who had been training all this time in Norwick under the Chauntean priestess' tutelage of Yllalynn, she holds regular sermons and prayer to Chauntea north-west of the city by the mill, helping to inspire hope to farmers long having been fraught with having to work in unsettling, often dangerous conditions.

  • _Another Peltarch citizen has gone missing.

    Squire Tom Joythal, of Torm, has mysteriously gone missing.

    There seems to be no connection between him and the missing dock worker, considering they would not have known eachother running in completely different circles.

    The same mysterious circumstances apply however, his family in the Residential District last reports him heading back to the Temple after a visit a few nights ago, but no one at the Temple reports seeing him return._

  • Legion

    Marty returns to Peltarch, having rescued a young lad called Pat, along with his cow. Eventually the potion of invisibility that was keeping the boy concealed wears off and Marty returns him to his parents (or orphanage/gutter/whatever).

    ((…unless he was left over from another event and has already been rescued - in which case I'll delete.))

  • :: Chea Allin is barely seen these days, save for occasional kobold patrol she is busy with papers ::

  • Legion


    The guard are investigating, and asking for the aid of strangers, as there isn't a single clue. He has just vanished without a trace.

    After offering to help, and giving as much information as she can (nothing?), Marty casts a few spells on herself, then curls up into a ball. Bones creak and pop as her form changes into that of a penguin. She waddles over to the water and dives in, searching the floor of the Icelace for clues or bodies.

  • _Friendly and beloved dockworker, Adam Strongmoor, has gone missing, much to the despair of his seven children, wife and drinking buddies at The Lucky Ferret.

    The guard are investigating, and asking for the aid of strangers, as there isn't a single clue. He has just vanished without a trace._

  • _Shrieks, howls and crazed gibbering echoed from the foothills as a writhing mass of pale flesh and fur emerged from the dark of night to attack and devour anything that moved. The alarm bells rang, Defenders and adventurers alike rushing to the scene to come face to face with a savage, hungry horde of creatures. There seemed to be no end to their numbers, though it is said a temporary measure was taken to halt the tide as not one, but two kegs were set off, collapsing the cave from whence the wretched creatures sprang.

    Rumours mention a heroic young Defender rushing to light the kegs, only to find himself pulled into the darkness by hungry grasping hands, torn apart…

    The numerous slain creatures after the attack would reveal them to be humanoid in shape, muscular but hunchbacked with overly long arms. They are noticably pale, with a mane of coarse black hair framing their hideous faces, topped with pointed canine ears._

  • Sturdy dwarf Gnarl and Mystran cleric Shesarai were seen in the Commons dividing up several potions. They claimed they found a new kind of denizen in the lower Kuo Toa Cavern: human-like harry creatures that looked like rat men and hunted in packs. They were damage resistant, used whirlwind attacks, and their bites were powerful. Luckily, the adventurous pair were able to defeat two separate packs of them before beating a hasty retreat.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • The buzz around the docks say that Guard Captain Fortesque, alongside two Cerulean Stars and a gaggle of unidentified adventurers, performed a surprise search of the joint Seafarer and Harvest Union warehouse, as well as the Harvest Union's own building. The latter, it is whispered, was found completely emptied out and abandoned, while a few crates and bags of grain were confiscated from the former. Whatever is going on?

  • _This year's Greengrass started off with warm sunshine and blue skies, a few optimistic citizens peeling off their wintery layers of clothes in favour of lighter, more summery garb. But oh, the Narfell skies are fickle…

    All too soon, the fine weather was overrun by a dark and thundering storm, lightning striking repeatedly near the Mermaid's front, starting fires that raged despite the rain, trapping several people inside.

    The young Cerulean Knight Jonni acted swiftly, dashing off to Hemrod's to purchase a water elemental while the moustashed mage Salin blasted the fires with rays of frost, eventually freeing the doorway for a few of the rescuers to make their way inside.

    But the storm was anything but natural, instantly fuelling fresh fires to close the trap - until a small clay pot that had been tossed at the door started to glow brightly, bursting to unleash a giant water elemental! With this, and a healthy dose of dispelling magic from both sides of the doorway, the fires were finally quenched and everyone could exit the building safely.

    The storm still raged though, and as more Cerulean Knights arrived to secure the city center, Jonni lead the party off south to strike at the root of the problem - a group of Talosan druids, tucked away into the ruined watchtower.

    Lightning crackled and fire flared, great gusts of wind lashing around the hilltop as the fight erupted, as if all the hells had broken loose. Then there was silence... and a warm green light.

    Those returning from the hilltop bear baffled, awed expressions, claiming Chauntea herself descended, bearing the gift of new life to the land once blighted by the N'Jasti army. And by the old ruined watchtower, an apple tree stands vibrant and green, boughs slightly bent by the weight of glistening red apples..._

  • _Cray has been searching every shop in Peltarch for a fine quality telescope.

    He was obviously unsuccessful, as he took to asking around the taverns in the docks district._

  • _The earth shook once more, startling adventurers at the commons. Even more startling were the foul creatures that oozed out from the sewers below, covered in slime… or simply made of slime entirely! Eye reports describe both slithering goo, wobbling jellies and hulking demon-like figures seeming made of greenish sewer ooze...

    The overwhelmingly putrid stench and the buzzing flies lingered as the adventurers squared their shoulders, intent on going down into the reeking heart of goo land itself. As the guards near the docks sewer entrance can testify, they emerged smelling anything but daisy fresh..._

  • _The earthquake that shook Narfell was certainly felt in Peltarch, the tremors soon followed by a hard cold rain and strong winds. Word at the docks is that a worker was crushed to death at the Seafarer warehouse as a result of the tremors, but other than this the damage to the city seem mild. Even the sundial made it, until…

    ...until its miraculous survival was pointed out in clear bardic voice. Then it promptly collapsed!_

  • Less bloody but seemingly related to the Zhentarim topic is the rumour of a peace negotiator of some sort adressing the Selûnite Nica at the commons. Though trust seemed in short supply on both sides, the negotiator left unharmed.

    And on a wholly different note, some say an angel dropped from the sky to crash-land near the sundial! But that might just be a tall bardic tale…

  • There was a commotion in the Commons earlier today. As several adventurers stood around talking, one of them, the sailor John Isle, spotted something unusual and went running towards it. A rapier versus dagger fight broke out between the sailor and a Zhentrum spy, who apparently had been listening secretly to the conversations.

    The spy took off running, chased by John, and dodged a tackle by Nica while also managing to evade a hold spell cast by Elaine. The group followed a trail of blood to the docks, but lost sight near the water. But boatman Marty Crocker later confirmed that a hooded guy bleeding all over the place had taken the ferry to Oscura. What's this all about?

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Recently arrived wildsman Brane Lannen was seen by the wall south of Peltarch speaking with what seemed like little trees who were hacking away at the wall with their tiny branches. It's unknown if said wildsman was trying to stop them, or actually encouraging them, as he sat down on a nearby hill even as the small creatures attacked a couple adventurers passing by.

  • A report to a Peltarch guard states that a group of Zhentarim soldiers were discovered in some caves in the snowy region west of Peltarch. Apparently, they were using a portal to secretly transport themselves into the cave from another location.

    That said, the soldiers were dispatched, the portal has also been dispelled, and the caves are now (mostly) filled with rubble.

    ///Belated posting - this happened last weekend (with DM Ceiling Cat).
