Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _The moon rose blood-red over Peltarch, bringing troubling times with it. Farmer LeGear's wife was reportedly kidnapped by orcs, and the rescue party brought not only the woman with them, but a whole heap of strong, beefy orcs and enraged beasts of all kinds, from angry dire boars to huge bears, landsharks and twisted renders! The gates were broken down before Guard Captain Lisa marched into action, aided by the adventurers present.

    Those witnessing the fighting might never give the Guard Captain lip again…_

  • One HELL of a ruckus is reported from the Lucky Ferret fighting pit. A short while later, four adventurers that no one recall entering, leave after a few seemingly celebratory drinks.

  • Hook Horrors attacked inside the Dancing Mermaid.

    Fought off by Gnarl, a Peltarch Guard Captain and others.

  • In the docks, just outside the Ferret, a red dressed golden lock mage and a a black clad man with an eyepatch were over looking the loading of 10 large ale kegs on a wagon, the cargo was then seen headed south.

  • Cray has been tavern hoping in Peltarch recently. Conducting business with various characters in the city, primarily ferreting out deals on items he can sell in his shop. Then after enjoying a cigar on the Patio at the Mermaid, Cray was seen lugging a clanky sack to market.

  • Great thunder and lightning passed through Peltarch, rain was pouring down overflowing the sewer drainage. The gutter filled with water forcing every rat and other rodent like creature up on the muddy streets. Guards were working for hours cleaning the roads and alleys of filthy vermin.
    The lightning struck with such powers that the ground was literary shaking. Large pools formed making it slippery and hard to pass through.

    After a while the storm turned to a drizzle, another peculiar event appeared.

    A caravan consisting of eight heavy built warhorses pulling large loaded wagons and a foreman shouting at the few workmen assisting, making their best through the knee deep mud.The procession slowly worked its way with great effort through the commons.

    People that had hurried inside, was now standing by their windows curiously observing this peculiar event. Rumors say that as the gust of wind took hold of the canvas covering the cargo, it exposed huge metal gears. Some even say that these enormous mechanical devices generated sparks with some kind of static charge.

    Apperently, the foreman overlooking the procession had made a halt in front of the Mermaid. He was seen talking to a woman figure dressed in red. Their conversation was not heated but clearly some sort of negotiation was going on, moments later they were seen shaking hands as a deal was struck.

    The woman in red slapped the horses behind and the procession once again pulled forward heading towards the docks. The woman was later seen headed to the city hall.

    Two others figures could be noticed, both dressed in black their expression confused, concerned and worried

    People saw the caravan disappear then the streets were empty, the whole town was waiting for the mysterious storm to pass

  • _Rumours fly about a vicious vampire attack, right at the heart of the city. The sharp-fanged marauders were reportedly fought off by the elven priest Raryldor, veteran fighter Cyrian, a huge earth elemental and… a flying shortsword, glowing red?

    Local fist-fighter Nica was seen carried into the Mermaid in seemingly lifeless state, returning downstairs on shaky legs in the company of Raryldor and Cyrian._

  • Cyrian warns travellers that there are several gnolls waiting in ambush on the road leading north from the city


    The ambush has been cleared out.

  • Rumours say that the kitchen manager in the Fest Hall found body parts in some of the barrels in the food storage room… and that people should think twice before eating there...

  • Rumours from the Residential district speak of burning skeletons spilling up from the ancient Barrows deep below the district. City employees were quick to the scene, by all accounts. Some even say Senator Maria herself went down there… reading a book all the while.

  • Whirlwind vagabonds Willow and Llyran could be observed sweeping into a variety of shops all across the city, excitedly checking out the remaining finds of Midwinter and poking their grubby paws at anything taking their fancy - to the frowning disapproval of several shopkeeps.

  • Rumours in circles both mercantile and adventurous speak of visitors from the far off Anauroch, bringing fine new beverages to the city. Apparantly "Baba's Booze Emporium" has high hopes of making it in the Jewel, and the festive reception at the Amethyst Festhall was reportedly quite a good start.

  • Crude little snowballs are littered around the commons, some in little piles. Dainty little cat tracks abound.

  • Nica comes through the door of the crafters hall, dragging the sort of humongous bag which usually indicates a beeline to the forge. Instead, with a stoic look and small, shuffling steps, she hauls the heavy pack over to the dwarven merchants, piling kuo toa chains up for sale. One, two, three… twenty-six...

    "And that's not counting all the ones that broke! It was just crazy in there, their backstabbers were nearly as plentiful but I'm going to have to call it 'The Day Of The Elite'… they were everywhere. Phew!"

  • Strange bits of rumour may be caught from Defenders coming off their watch on the south wall, mentioning Staff Sargeant Aelthas and Knight Lt Lycka's daughter juggling a glowing red shortsword about in the air.. or was she in fact throwing it at that gnoll busting through the gate? Surely it didn't poke so many holes into the flea-bag on it's own accord, although…

    "…what do you mean drinking at work? I never said it was flying! Must be some bardic juggling magic she picked up at home..."

  • A rather pale and confused looking daughter of du Luc enters the Mermaid muttering something about a peculiar Vampire.

    It seems the skill of domination is not enough, or is it that he is bored?

    … He "obviously" she says... without knowing any better "lures his victims to feel strong and in control... "

    Before she stumbles upstair for a well deserved rest she tells to those nearby to be careful out there...

    "There is no way to know what will happen next... will he emerge from the sewer... to walk the streets of Peltarch at night. Do not drop your guard should you be lured and flattered by this blood "tasting" Vampire"

  • The siblings du Luc entered the Mermaid severely hurt and exhausted. They claimed that they been playing word games with a pig and after that been assaulted by a weird blood "sommelier vampire" that only wants to "taste" the blood. They say be careful if you patrol the sewers and barrows.

  • _Another unlikely tale is heard and told, about a small group of fortunate surface dwellers being invited into the holy festivities of Deep Sashelas, elven Lord of the Undersea.

    The tale speaks of intense shows of magic and underwater fireworks, a wondrous ride on the back of a dolphin, and several aquatic-themed gifts being given to those that attended, among other things._

  • _It would appear that after a cameo with Lady Vlana Borodin, a group of adventurers had an encounter with Leanna, the powerful sorceress who calls herself a daughter of Mystra. It is uncertain how one thing is related to another, but the adventurers ended up chasing a vampire through Peltarch's sewers.

    Rumour has it that the vampire was turned into stone and destroyed into little pieces, then staked repeatedly as its mistform still attempted to end the life of the brave adventurers.

    Victorious return? It didn't appear very much so, when one of the members of the troupe of adventurers, the young redheaded whirlwind addressed as "Lainie", dragged herself miserably into the commons in an overal lame state - looking bruised, ragged, and covered by a slimy, stinky substance.

    At least, says the gossip, they all got to live to see another day._

  • _Word quickly spreads through the city and beyond that Cyrian, a citizen of Norwick, has begun building a team to fill the future positions at the Narfell Historical Society which will be running the Narfell Historical Museum when it is built.
    Some people have mentioned that the senate hasn't even approved its construction yet however Cyrian is quick to assure them that as he has had an unforseen amount of support for the project it is likely that in the unlikely event of the Museum not being approved by the city, that private sponsorship will see to the necessary funding to start the project elsewhere.

    It is also rumored that somehow the word of this project has traveled overseas and that there are scholars traveling to the land from abroad to fill staffing positions.

    Cyrian lets everyone know that any and all support, sponsorships, and donations are greatly appreciated and that should anyone be interested in a position in the NHS can contact him directly. ((NSH proposal is in the Guild Discussion forums, posts concerning it can be made there or to me via pm))_