Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Whirlwind vagabonds Willow and Llyran could be observed sweeping into a variety of shops all across the city, excitedly checking out the remaining finds of Midwinter and poking their grubby paws at anything taking their fancy - to the frowning disapproval of several shopkeeps.

  • Rumours in circles both mercantile and adventurous speak of visitors from the far off Anauroch, bringing fine new beverages to the city. Apparantly "Baba's Booze Emporium" has high hopes of making it in the Jewel, and the festive reception at the Amethyst Festhall was reportedly quite a good start.

  • Crude little snowballs are littered around the commons, some in little piles. Dainty little cat tracks abound.

  • Nica comes through the door of the crafters hall, dragging the sort of humongous bag which usually indicates a beeline to the forge. Instead, with a stoic look and small, shuffling steps, she hauls the heavy pack over to the dwarven merchants, piling kuo toa chains up for sale. One, two, three… twenty-six...

    "And that's not counting all the ones that broke! It was just crazy in there, their backstabbers were nearly as plentiful but I'm going to have to call it 'The Day Of The Elite'… they were everywhere. Phew!"

  • Strange bits of rumour may be caught from Defenders coming off their watch on the south wall, mentioning Staff Sargeant Aelthas and Knight Lt Lycka's daughter juggling a glowing red shortsword about in the air.. or was she in fact throwing it at that gnoll busting through the gate? Surely it didn't poke so many holes into the flea-bag on it's own accord, although…

    "…what do you mean drinking at work? I never said it was flying! Must be some bardic juggling magic she picked up at home..."

  • A rather pale and confused looking daughter of du Luc enters the Mermaid muttering something about a peculiar Vampire.

    It seems the skill of domination is not enough, or is it that he is bored?

    … He "obviously" she says... without knowing any better "lures his victims to feel strong and in control... "

    Before she stumbles upstair for a well deserved rest she tells to those nearby to be careful out there...

    "There is no way to know what will happen next... will he emerge from the sewer... to walk the streets of Peltarch at night. Do not drop your guard should you be lured and flattered by this blood "tasting" Vampire"

  • The siblings du Luc entered the Mermaid severely hurt and exhausted. They claimed that they been playing word games with a pig and after that been assaulted by a weird blood "sommelier vampire" that only wants to "taste" the blood. They say be careful if you patrol the sewers and barrows.

  • _Another unlikely tale is heard and told, about a small group of fortunate surface dwellers being invited into the holy festivities of Deep Sashelas, elven Lord of the Undersea.

    The tale speaks of intense shows of magic and underwater fireworks, a wondrous ride on the back of a dolphin, and several aquatic-themed gifts being given to those that attended, among other things._

  • _It would appear that after a cameo with Lady Vlana Borodin, a group of adventurers had an encounter with Leanna, the powerful sorceress who calls herself a daughter of Mystra. It is uncertain how one thing is related to another, but the adventurers ended up chasing a vampire through Peltarch's sewers.

    Rumour has it that the vampire was turned into stone and destroyed into little pieces, then staked repeatedly as its mistform still attempted to end the life of the brave adventurers.

    Victorious return? It didn't appear very much so, when one of the members of the troupe of adventurers, the young redheaded whirlwind addressed as "Lainie", dragged herself miserably into the commons in an overal lame state - looking bruised, ragged, and covered by a slimy, stinky substance.

    At least, says the gossip, they all got to live to see another day._

  • _Word quickly spreads through the city and beyond that Cyrian, a citizen of Norwick, has begun building a team to fill the future positions at the Narfell Historical Society which will be running the Narfell Historical Museum when it is built.
    Some people have mentioned that the senate hasn't even approved its construction yet however Cyrian is quick to assure them that as he has had an unforseen amount of support for the project it is likely that in the unlikely event of the Museum not being approved by the city, that private sponsorship will see to the necessary funding to start the project elsewhere.

    It is also rumored that somehow the word of this project has traveled overseas and that there are scholars traveling to the land from abroad to fill staffing positions.

    Cyrian lets everyone know that any and all support, sponsorships, and donations are greatly appreciated and that should anyone be interested in a position in the NHS can contact him directly. ((NSH proposal is in the Guild Discussion forums, posts concerning it can be made there or to me via pm))_

  • _It seems the Dancing Mermaid tavern has set up makeshift balconies over the front of the building.. a waitress outside by tables and chairs. Maybe they're trying to lure the adventurers out of the rain soaked commons and into the warm embrace of a fire and a hot cup of wine on the patio?

    It might become a more permanent fixture if it works, who knows?_

  • Peltarch residents may be somewhat accustomed to the sight of smelly, goo-covered adventurers emerging from the city sewers, but this fine day they came from the western gates. Coated in foul-smelling grey and greenish slime, Nica hurried straight through the commons towards the bath house, murmuring something apologetic about the Misty Cave, a little brat and an imprisoned mage.

  • _News from Waukeen's Cold Counting Comfort, held at the Peltarch Rant Stand in the heart of the Commerce district, includes enterprising awards being awarded to Kala Cencia (location location location.. and apples), surprisingly also to the Black Sails giant Bub for his many innovative ventures over the years - currently importing exotic animals, as evidenced by his surprising "pet" Vlad the Impala. Finally the up and coming new star Scott, seemingly doing a fine job of renting storage space to the old-time enemies of Wavebreakers and Seafarers, was awarded for his enterprising… only to end up being excommunicated and jailed for fraud, after much perusal of many a dry accounting ledger.

    One of the scrutinizing book keeper volunteers, a certain Sabre Seesaw, was overheard commenting:_

    "Th'real beauty was how he didn' just screw th'fella over, but oh so kindly offered a generous loan after… woulda been applaudable but fer gettin' caught!"

  • Rumors speak of a treasure hunt to be taking place lead by Cyrian.
    No one knows what the treasure is and there is no map either but anyone who wanted to go find it was told to meet at the peltarch commons until Cyrian returns from his old man rest.

    ((going grocery shopping but treasure hunt will take place in about 45 from the time of this post. Treasure hunt will be in the kuo toa caves))

  • Another day, another glorious adventurers expedition to the… sewers. Allestor "The Slayer" Hollins lead a small party into the smelly below, though what began as a simple quest for garlic seems to have developped into something quite a lot more scary, at least judging by the pale face and wobbly knees of local unarmed fighter Nica Aelthasdottir. A dark cult is mentioned, as is the wisdom of giving scythes a wide berth.

  • Willow loiters around the city for a day or so, her usual care-free skipping replaced by a hobbling sort of walk. Rubbing at sore knees and backside before sprawling out under a tree, she comments out loud while chugging something from a bottle:

    "Bunnies suck hard enough, but those elite trained battle bunnies are just ~vicious~! Kept bowling me over to bite relentlessly with those great big gnashing teeth, evil pink eyes aglow! Big as ponies too, kicked like a mule and screamed like banshees! Beware the Bunny Wrangler, bewaaaare!"

    To what extent the vagrant Windrider is taken seriously is unknown, as is the content of her bottle.

  • Citizens looking at the Commons a day or so ago were suddenly startled by a large booming sound and a rush of wind that seemed to bowl many people down. Standing in their midst was chaotic demigoddess Leanna, a frequent visitor to the Jewell. She warned a band of adventurers that they should not go to the Kobold Warrens because dire battle bunnies were gathering there and preparing an attack on the City. Following another blast of sound and wind, she then disappeared.

    Willow, Elaine, Elvewyn, Shesarai, Gnarl, and Marty disregarded her advice (as she no doubt intended) and promptly headed for the Eastern Swamps to investigate. They returned much later, apparently victorious, claiming that they did indeed encounter an army of viscous dire purple bunnies. The bunnies were all defeated, but their powerful mage wrangler escaped, so it all could happen again some day.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • @31bac321ef=AubreyMaturin:

    One night recently, several orphan children and their guardian Serena gathered near the Icelake Bathhouse in the Residential District where they were treated to a series of stories and songs. The old elf Raryldor told them long tales about a City Mouse and a Country Mouse, and also the legend of the Snow Queen. A red-haired cleric told them about the Ugly Duckling. Then a hinnish bard sang for them, and danced with a penguin for the longest time while telling a tale about a giant (who stood near and grimaced fiercely). The hin then passed out sweets to all, and the children rushed to hug the old elf and thank him. All agreed that it was a wonderful experience and that it ought to be done again sometime.

    Some folks argue amongst themselves about the identity of said right sized singer. Some say it was in fact a hin, others could swear it was a gnome. Both groups decided to take the argument to the streets where they were promptly told to shut up by Captain Lisa.

  • One night recently, several orphan children and their guardian Serena gathered near the Icelake Bathhouse in the Residential District where they were treated to a series of stories and songs. The old elf Raryldor told them long tales about a City Mouse and a Country Mouse, and also the legend of the Snow Queen. A red-haired cleric told them about the Ugly Duckling. Then a hinnish bard sang for them, and danced with a penguin for the longest time while telling a tale about a giant (who stood near and grimaced fiercely). The hin then passed out sweets to all, and the children rushed to hug the old elf and thank him. All agreed that it was a wonderful experience and that it ought to be done again sometime.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Guards note that an older fellow passing through Market Gate with a bag of turnips and a bow was inquiring about who might be the current Captain of the Defenders. They share the small tale and laugh about his bag of turnips in the taverns and barracks about town.