Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • @31bac321ef=AubreyMaturin:

    One night recently, several orphan children and their guardian Serena gathered near the Icelake Bathhouse in the Residential District where they were treated to a series of stories and songs. The old elf Raryldor told them long tales about a City Mouse and a Country Mouse, and also the legend of the Snow Queen. A red-haired cleric told them about the Ugly Duckling. Then a hinnish bard sang for them, and danced with a penguin for the longest time while telling a tale about a giant (who stood near and grimaced fiercely). The hin then passed out sweets to all, and the children rushed to hug the old elf and thank him. All agreed that it was a wonderful experience and that it ought to be done again sometime.

    Some folks argue amongst themselves about the identity of said right sized singer. Some say it was in fact a hin, others could swear it was a gnome. Both groups decided to take the argument to the streets where they were promptly told to shut up by Captain Lisa.

  • One night recently, several orphan children and their guardian Serena gathered near the Icelake Bathhouse in the Residential District where they were treated to a series of stories and songs. The old elf Raryldor told them long tales about a City Mouse and a Country Mouse, and also the legend of the Snow Queen. A red-haired cleric told them about the Ugly Duckling. Then a hinnish bard sang for them, and danced with a penguin for the longest time while telling a tale about a giant (who stood near and grimaced fiercely). The hin then passed out sweets to all, and the children rushed to hug the old elf and thank him. All agreed that it was a wonderful experience and that it ought to be done again sometime.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Guards note that an older fellow passing through Market Gate with a bag of turnips and a bow was inquiring about who might be the current Captain of the Defenders. They share the small tale and laugh about his bag of turnips in the taverns and barracks about town.

  • :: there's a rumour that Chea Allin, low ranking Cerulean Knight is scamming people with false foretells. even Gnomes can be seduced into her 'truths' even if they consider it rubbish. ::

  • There's a nasty rumor going about the residential district that a recent influx of orphans has garnered the need for more willing advocates.

    On the other hand, there's a delightful rumor going about the same district that many of these orphans were recently witnessed being advocated for, treated to stories, and lovingly doted upon by none other than…. Raryldor?

  • An old man wearing practically nothing was briefly spotted in an alley near town hall. Later, he was shabbily garbed and sent south on the river by a one eyed man.

    The next day a dark robed figure was seen escorting this same old man through town. But the old man was no longer shabbily clothed and wore fine looking leather and carried a bow. None of the merchants admit to having seen him, though Kala smirked a bit when asked about him.

  • Near the western gates of Peltarch was a grizzly sight, a loyal guard of the city lying in a pool of blood after being torn into by some manner of beast. Investigators were quick to the scene searching for clues while the body was taken away to be put to rest.

  • A beautiful, wild redhead prances across the city after the celebration of the Night Stalk, stuck with a proud smile in her face as she hums something about the drops fallen from the Moon and a Shard of Selûne. Soon she vanishes through the south gates and into the wilderness.

  • The full moon brought a small crowd of faithfuls to Selûne's shrine outside the Lighthouse temple, where it is said a celestial appeared from above and bright moonfire flared, blessing each supplicant. Joyous dancing rounded the Night Stalk off before the sun reclaimed the sky with dawn's arrival.

  • This year's Neap Tide, held by Istishia's shrine in the docks, proved a joyous event for all, in particular for Estella, initiated into the faith and completing her first Ride, praised be Istishia! The event also saw some rather unusual guests arriving by water, namely two sea elves who brought some just as unusual weaponry with them for a sale. Yet all was not well, as something troubling stirred below - and so a team of volunteers were sent down into the chill waters of the Icelace, returning victorious and grinning, a while later. Popular rumour has it the dashing young Cerulean Jonni Aelthasson beheaded a great shark!

  • Raryldor will quietly, and discretely, check on the elves and do what he can to ensure their well-being.

  • Sirion happens upon the inn, asking about the liberated elves.

  • A mage dressed in a deep red velvet cloak is seen carrying a basket full of bottles of rum. She is leaving from the Mermaid at exact the same time everyday heading towards the docks.

  • _As the sun drops below the horizon one night, the bright pink cloak of the well known Defender Aelthas was seen heading into the Mermaid with a few of the Lighthouse Temple staff at his side.

    A short time later the Temple staff, Aelthas and a small group of robed women left the Mermaid and headed straight for the Lighthouse Temple, all disappearing inside and not coming out.

    Does the pink werewolf have a new harem even at his tender old age… and his wife is allowing it?_

  • Suddenly the Inn of Peltarch becomes overpopulated with female elves. When asked, some will tell the story about being freed slaves from a ship, and that they are waiting for some person to point them to a place they can live at.
    Rumor is also, that far away into the sea, a burning ship could be spottted, and shortly after a large creature "docked" in peltarch ground, dissapearing all of the sudden.

  • Rumours continue to buzz about mysterious body doubles, said to be anything from sheer illusion to monsterous doppelgangers - or the even further remote possibility of everyone and their uncle having an identical twin! One disturbing rumour even claims Guard Captain Lisa herself has an identical double, far less lawful…

  • Word soon spreads that the feared necromancer lich Ser'Khal, responsible for a number of horrific undead attacks, has been defeated by a group lead by the city's newest Cerulean star, Jonni Aelthasson. Prominent figures from the Order of the Divine Shield, the Legion, Spellweaver's Keep and the Wolves of Narfell are said to have assisted the city forces in the effort, alongside non-affiliated and equally heroic volunteers. A day for celebration (verily)!

  • Unconfirmed rumours claim a man was almost eaten by a werewolf in Ashald Park…

    And rumours more well grounded speak of an attack by undead at the very heart of the city, the Commons littered with both skeletal and bloated zombie remains. A big hole is dug at the corner of the commons, disrupting a few flowers but also, it is said, disrupting the portal which spat the powerful undead out.

  • Chea, witch under service of Peltarch has been noticed in Oscura, chit-chatting with Jario and Len occasionally.

  • "She did it, she killed him! I'll swear it under a Truth spell!", the man exlaimed shakily, backing fearfully away from the young blonde next to Guard Captain Lisa.

    "I'm sure it looked exactly like me, but it really wasn't", the young woman replies, biting her lip before offering to be taken to jail, though the guard captain shakes her head.

    "I can't believe this of you, Nica", Lisa continues, suggesting a one week respite while investigations are underway. Whether due to the young woman's parents being who they are, or the rumours of body doubles circulating all of Narfell, it seems this potential killer is free to walk the streets.