Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Word travels of the dreaded necromancer Sirion made a fiendish pact with…a gnome? Fortunately Ceruleans and Defenders were on hand to see that the two got up to no ill, closing down not one but two portals to Gods know where in the commons.

  • Eilonna Moonshadow is seen in the commons with Andrew who reportedly cowered from her initially, before they parted Eilonna openly admitted to kidnapping Andrew and twice assaulting him, yet the burly man still shied away and walked off towards the Gnolls.

  • Word has it two ladies were seen dragging Andrew into the bath house with him struggling and resisting most of the way. The ladies eventually left after a few hours giggling without Andrew but he was seen leaving sometime later leaving in a horribly shaken state.

    ((moved here from the Peltarch general forum.

  • In a roar of flame, something big came hurtling out of the skies to hit just south of Peltarch's main walls. Once the dust settled, the outlines of a hovering ship could be seen, the familiar crew of the fabled Star Harpy climbing out to greet the curious adventurers gathered by the spectacle. It is said Captain Beeter will take passengers once more, and a number of those present eagerly signed up for the chance to fly far, far away.

  • More talk of odd creatures along the Pass filter through the masses as a grumbly ranger warns travelers of gnolls swelling from their borders once again with slaadi sighted among them. Those southbound from the city are advised to use the waterways when possible, or to travel the Nars well prepared.

  • Rumors has it a red armored man with raven black hair and a blonde mage, was seen rushing through the south gates then pushing their way through to the commons. Once there they were shouting at a half orc:

    "Wake up we found Mithril!"

  • Lately, there's talk of creatures less hairy than gnolls roaming the Pass. Far less hairy, in fact, and a lot more plump, beaked and waddling. Yes, penguin sightings are reported, and while some may dismiss them as nothing but fanciful stories, most might agree that Andrew Brightdawn is an unlikely spinner of tales untrue.

  • Sirion spends several days sifting through the public library, then can be seen around town and even at the Bardic college looking for works related to Narfell's old history. The subject of Demons, Orcus, The Demonbinders, and Jewelry features somewhat heavily, if one can manage to tail him and peice together his research's focus. He also looks for more recent history, specifically records of the old elven encampment.

  • A shaken hin woman is escorted into Peltarch by a group of legionaires and adventurers. According to the snippets of talk overheard, the woman was held captive by the gnolls, likely the next sacrifice of a dark ritual broken up by the party's timely arrival. According to the tall reedy female of the group, well-known Peltarchian swordsman Andrew "kicked ass".

  • Jason and his two squires Gian and Vega are seen spending a tenday in the Orphanage as he works on this skills of patience and discipline, all seemed to go well till a sister called out Fire then Vega was seen to run out crying. Jason was later seen carrying Vega to the Mermaid where they retired for the night.

  • Two black clad figures, flashing rapiers, and a duel in the parade grounds. Both walked away. The familiar figure of Andrew Brightdawn was said to be observing.

  • Sirion sneezes.

  • María is seen happily chatting with some friends and in a very cheerful mood. When asked, she says she's just happy that people get what they deserve, and makes a subtle comment about arrogant elves.

  • A group of four was seen making the dock even more restless, as they went on a night long bar crawl. After some heavy drinking (even for a dock workers measures), dancing, smashing barstools… finally (as they said) one of them, a huge half orc, was seen carrying a blonde over his shoulder heading south. Loud laughter, singing could be heard through the marsh south west of Petrarch until dawn.

  • According to some dubious rumours,Andrew would have been seen at the Orphanage several times,busy in telling stories to children,playing with them and peeling potatoes for their soups,resisting to their continuous screaming and sparkling attitude with unexpected patience…all this under the supervision of the Orphanage headmistress.
    ...What..? the introvert Andrew? the one who spread this rumour must have been drunk....undoubtedly...

  • Rumour has it the infamous John Isle is back in town… and that the lecherous pirate has already been kneed / elbowed in the groin twice.

  • _::Defender Shallyah is still a common sight in the streets of Peltarch, and while she seems to have put moderation into her usual outings for training and gathering supplies, she continues to work tirelessly into several projects associated to her duties within the Defenders.

    Her mood appears to have lightened over the months and the years, especially compared to how it was when she first arrived, and appears generally easier to approach and talk with. She will explain to almost everyone who asks politely that there are multiple works underway to improve the safety and quality of life of every citizen of Peltarch, and that if all goes well the results will be palpable within the next few years::_

  • At every dawn,Andrew can be seen at the Tournament grounds speaking with Captain Fortescue,and occasionally dueling with him,promptly losing…

  • It has been said that Dondiah, resident Eilistraeen, resident dancer, resident drow (half drow) resident Defender/Cerulean Knight/Demon Knight has been seen around town, a few have harassed her but most seem of a friendly attitude towards the pretty, petite and flirty dancer. She greets most with a smile and a wave, even those who seem to distrust her.

  • Rumours in the Mermaid speak of a brawl in the commons,between a brightly armored Lathanderite and a dwarf against two drunk lowlives…
    The two thugs lost the fight,and one also got killed...
    The human and the dwarf were then taken to jail by the militia along with a young girl,perhaps the reason that triggered the fight,and were seen being released shortly after.
    Some say the two drunkards were taunting the Lathanderite,who lost control after a while and attacked the men full of anger...