Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • At every dawn,Andrew can be seen at the Tournament grounds speaking with Captain Fortescue,and occasionally dueling with him,promptly losing…

  • It has been said that Dondiah, resident Eilistraeen, resident dancer, resident drow (half drow) resident Defender/Cerulean Knight/Demon Knight has been seen around town, a few have harassed her but most seem of a friendly attitude towards the pretty, petite and flirty dancer. She greets most with a smile and a wave, even those who seem to distrust her.

  • Rumours in the Mermaid speak of a brawl in the commons,between a brightly armored Lathanderite and a dwarf against two drunk lowlives…
    The two thugs lost the fight,and one also got killed...
    The human and the dwarf were then taken to jail by the militia along with a young girl,perhaps the reason that triggered the fight,and were seen being released shortly after.
    Some say the two drunkards were taunting the Lathanderite,who lost control after a while and attacked the men full of anger...

  • _One sunny day in Peltarch, a kobold army was seen amassing near the south gates. With cries of "Tribute for mistress!" they swarmed near the gates, attacking anyone who came nearby and didn't offer tribute. Eventually they were chased off, only to be replaced by a massive dragon whose scales reflected light in the full spectrum, a walking draconic rainbow as it were.

    After a short talk with some adventurers, the dragon departed, but rumour has it that the city paid a tribute for "peaceful relations", and General Del Rosa has asked for aid from adventurers going forward, to maintain that peace._

  • ::Defender Shallyah does not hesitate to mention the honor and strength of the Rashemi warriors in battle, along with their bravery and sacrifice. According her own words, it was thanks to the coordinated efforts of the loyal Defenders, the good priestly folks and the raw but efficient Rashemi berserkers that the civilian casualties were kept minimal. It's a day to mourn the fallen, but also to celebrate the victory over such a terrible force::

  • _A normally quiet day in the city suddenly erupted into chaos as hordes of demons spilled into the streets from places unknown. The city could have easily been overrun if not for the quick actions of the Defenders and the Temple staff of the various religions in the city. Also a surprise were the two hundred Rashemi berserkers which suddenly flooded in through the gates led by half a dozen of the masked mysterious Witches of the far off land.

    Despite there being some casualties amongst the Rashemi and the Defenders, including one of the Witches cut down in the commons, the general feeling is that many more civilians would have been lost if not for the brave soldiers who defended the Jewel.

    Wherever these demons came from, they suddenly disappeared in flashes of light as the defenders fought them and many speak of angelic figures seen above the city as the sun began to rise, their voices heard throughout the city in a heavenly choir to announce victory over the darkness.

    In possibly related news, one drunk at the Mermaid swears he saw a winged Lady Daisy wandering towards the Temple of the Triad, but most just laugh at the drunkard as he tells the story over another glass of ale._

  • _::Further rumours spread about a slaad invasion in the swamps near Peltarch. Dozens of Crimson, Aqua and Slate slaadi wandered all over the swamps, taking home in the kobold caves where a Obsidian Slaad triumvirate guarded a planar rift. The rumours speak that after the three obsidian slaadi were defeated, a Death Slaad Lord stepped forth in a final attempt to prevent the rift from being closed.

    It appears that the threat was thwarted by a couple of sturdy battle loving dwarves, an elven spellcaster, a servant of nature and a Lathanderite priestess::_

  • Rumours of orc aggression increasing prove substantiated when a group of adventurers return from the western farmsteads, bruised but victorious, with whole crate full of orcish arms and armor.

  • Word on the street is, that Cray is looking to buy at least forty grand worth of potions at wholesale prices.

  • ::As the days go by in relative calm around Peltarch, Defender Shallyah is seen less and less in public besides her outdoor shifts. When she does show herself, she is often walking hurriedly between the Residential and the Commercial district carrying plans, maps or books. Whatever she is doing seems to require most of her free time if not all, and it doesn't seem like it can wait::

  • Cray was spotted on the surface… For the first time in a few years. He carried a small wooden crate through town from the Docks District to the Trading Post. Cray was seen returning to Oscura a short time later.

    To anyone that was paying attention... Cray unloaded some goods at the Trading Post and also received a sack of coin.

  • Troff Legion Captain Romulus Grey was seen running out of the Mermaid calling for a guard. He reported that he overheard some thieves murmuring in a room at the back of the lower floor of the Mermaid Inn while he was trying to sleep upstairs. Gathering a couple of sturdy fighters with him, he led the way to the Mermaid's back hall, only to find that Rith Phoenixfeather and Vash't, who he had warned first, had already taken care of the problem.

    Rith went to the room Romulus had pointed out intending to speak with whoever was there, but the three individuals immediately attacked her. Big mistake! They were quickly dispatched before Romulus and the two fighters (Sir Andrew and Albryanna) arrived. The thieves looked like common footpads.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Additional rumours speak of troubles to the west, a big group of orcs massing in the foothills past the Watchtower. A group of adventurers headed out to assist, returning with three dead in Helmite garb. The fallen were taken to the Temple of the Triad for their last rites before the party dispersed to go their separate ways.

  • Rumors speak of a Lathanderite warrior and a merchant in red who managed to penetrate the Kobolds den and vanquish the fiendish forces within.The warrior claimed Lathander's favour helped them defeat the evil foes.

  • Sir Ky'Amendos Wefneren of the Order of the Divine Shield warns those he can of demonic forces within the kobold cave in the swamp. He tells of encountering numerous quasits and a demonic looking manticore. Unable to proceed further, he came back to Peltarch to give warning

  • "SLAADI!", the lanky half-elf exclaims, waggling a pair of gruesome tongues illustratively to whoever is willing to listen at the Peltarch commons.

    "You'd think kobolds are mean enough, yeah, but these leaping red friends of theirs are even worse! Did you know they reproduce by implanting eggs underneath your skin, and then the baby slaad eats you up from inside!? Makes you wonder why anyone would want to make friends, doesn't it? Unless kobolds have a masochistic streak a miiiile wide..

    There were three of them in the Warrens, but Andrew chopped frog's legs left and right, BAM, SLAM! Win!"

  • ::A few days later, Defender Shallyah is seen putting up a notice at the City Hall's billboard, as well as asking any guards and Defenders to be informative about the situation in the Nars Pass, especially to those that plan to travel southwards. The notice reads as follows::

    Due to recent expansion of gnoll tribes, it is strongly advised for citizens of Peltarch to exercise extreme caution when transiting southwards through Nars Pass. Area is not safe to travel through as recent gnoll activity patterns show that even north end of Legion Tower pass is currently subject to ambushes from their younger and stealthier types.

    These creatures are victim of yet unknown plague that could have dire consequences to one's health. Citizens be reminded that at this stage Peltarch's authorities believe that this plague can spread dangerously and quickly, and so in order to keep Peltarch from harm anyone found carrying plague will be denied access within Peltarch's walls until cured.

  • ::The Defender Shallyah begins to actively warn any citizens heading towards the west that the area is not considered safe anymore due to increased orc presence, and they may want to be cautious when venturing in that direction::

  • Word has it that the Red Haired diviner, Zahra has been openly seeking to enlist the aid of an expert in conventional medicine, specificaly curatives to combat disease. Though she has also been heard to say that she is not interested in any applicants who have divine magic at thier' fingertips.

  • _A Paladin has been doing the rounds.

    He has been patrolling the taverns and public meeting places in his_ “QUEST against EVIL”. He is dressed in a shiny suit of armour that could only be described as the male equivalent of the chain-mail bikini. The suit includes an exceedingly large codpiece. A full faced helm conceals the paladin's identiy, and seems to amplify his voice a little.

    Some of his antics:


    sniffs the air Hmm …
    And be sure of this – draws a wooden sword my NAKED TOOL IS DRAWN! And VERILY I shall smite down WICKEDNESS with the ROD of CRANKY WRATH!


    FEAR NOT! I am HERE to SAVE YOU! And VERILY I do say unto YE, THOU SHALT BE SAVED! Indeed with such a GLORIOUS SALVATION that your neighbors, who have a LESSER SALVATION than you shall have, shall be ENVIOUS of your GLEAMING SAVEDNESS! And lo they shall be in SIN for such ENVY! And such sin shall put them in GREATER NEED FOR SALVATION! And you shall refer them UNTO ME! … here’s my card… YES! And VERILY they SHALL BE SAVED! But not with a greater level of salvation that YOU have of course!”


    FEAR NOT GOOD MEN! I am here to SAVE your daughters from their LONELY NIGHTS!”


    sniffs the air Hmm … I detect the stench of mirth in this place.
    CAST IT ASIDE GOOD FOLK! JOY does lead to HAPPINESS! And such a state lowers one’s GUARD against DEVIATION from DOGMA!

    At the Regal

    AH! I see a FELLOW PALADIN in this PLACE! I shall give unto thee THREE GOLD COINS! Consider it a DONATION to aid you in your QUEST AGAINST DARKNESS! INDEED! Reveal your GLORY UNTO US!


    FEAR NOT good folk. I am HERE to RID THIS TAVERN of SIN!

    sniffs the air Hmm … no evil here tonight.

    … wait …

    sniffs again

    YOU! points at random tavern Patron – one with no wedding ring I DETECT IN YOU THE TAINT! sniffs Aye … the taint of … LUST! Lucky for the object of your DESIRES you are a COMELY FELLOW! WHO WILL SAVE THIS MAN of his UNFULFILLED PASSIONS!?


    MY WORK here is DONE!
    REMEMBER – If thou touch thyself too often VERILY THOU SHALT GO BLIND!