Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Cray swaggers into the Mermaid on a busy evening. With a glass of ruby red wine held delicately in his hand, he works the room.

    Cray talks to merchants and well known adventurers, letting it be known he wants to buy large quantities of any potions, scrolls, and magic items. Cray is always sure to mention, that he pays much higher rates than any other merchant._

  • _Walter's baffling activities continue beyond the walls of Defenders' HQ. Rumor has it that he's been seeing young, lithe women to the upstairs of Peltarch's number one house of ill repute, and keeping them occupied for many an hour. The dissatisfied women that emerge from behind closed doors would at least perhaps be comforted by the coinful gain of Walter's exploits.

    Although such women are normally discrete, the rumor emerges that he's been benchpressing young maidens as a part of his new workout routine. It seems that there are few lengths that Walter will not dare to take on a much leaner form – speculation given that this may have something to do with the coming wrestling games at the Lucky Ferret.

    Walter remains a baffling enigma of oddness, and awkward habit._

  • Hurtling out of the skies towards the western foothills, a glowing ball of light could be seen by Peltarchians across the city, perhaps causing the odd doomsday prediction given recent events. The rumours that trickle in from curious investigators however, give rise to much more optimism than so - it is said the fabled skyship "Star Harpy" has landed in Narfell once more, the floating vessel indeed dropping into the docks proper some days later for a more controlled landing.

  • _A large battle took place recently in the city, demons and undead swarmed all the districts after a dark black fog seemed to roll in from the lake, storm clouds gathering overhead, the creatures being fought off by Defenders, Guards and adventurers alike. General Neverith himself was seen leading the fight in the Residential District to secure the Temple.

    The exact cause of why the attack happened is unknown or being closely guarded by those who do know, though many are dead and even more are injured, Katarina herself was killed with many of the Mermaid staff as a large explosion took off half the roof of the Inn and the doors are now closed for the time being while repairs are made.

    Some even talk of a large winged demon on fire with a huge flaming sword beating its body against the Temple of the Triad, it taking to the sky after some time and heading north.

    In other news, several merchants who travel far outside Peltarch land talk of an army camping not too far from the border of Peltarch territory with strange women wearing feathered masks seen amongst the foreign army or so the story is told over a cup of ale._

  • ::Charismatic and Attractive sorceress Chea is seen sitting at inns sometimes looking for mercenaries, especially fighting dwarves::

  • _Cray was spotted recently at the Pissing Goat. He was carrying on, and getting sauced with an attractive young woman. The pair eventually headed off to a room together…

    Although Cray shacking up with whores, especially the young ones, is rather routine. Getting his ashes hauled in a Peltarch establishment other than the Lucky Ferrit, is a bit out of the norm. Because at the Ferrit, Cray is a regular VIP, and well looked after._

  • At the same time as strange happenings happen, the Calishite Kasim el Shah has been oddly absent, his bright coloured clothing missing from the usual backdrop of the Peltarch commons.

  • Word filters up the pass about strange happenings in Norwick… apparently Dwin Dolvak, the one time senatorial candidate, is enslaving goblins to go around praising him? That can't be true, can it?

  • As word goes around about the change in the succession of the Wavebreakers, opinions are mixed. Some see it as a good thing, cementing the place of the Wavebreakers for years to come, as many see it as likely that the ODS fleet will fall under Wavebreaker control. Others, mainly independents and those who work for the Seafarers, grumble about the priests getting even more power.

  • ::The Defender Shallyah is back to the land and to Peltarch. Only bandages for shoes, and only red monastic robes held with a white shash for attire, she made it to the commons and after a short talk with Cecil, walked into the inn to share a meal with him. Not many hours later she was already seen in her patrols through the city's walls and sewers in her usual armor, as if she had never been absent::

  • More snowball fights at the commons, this last one ending with Luke and Kayden both slumped in agony on the ground, the light-weight sailor near crushed under the weight of the beefier fighter. As the two men disentangled, both were groaning and clutching their crotches, while a certain black-clad captain laughed mercilessly nearby, proclaiming her innocence.

  • Jake is seen lately to hang around the various districts and have small chitchats with citizens.He seems to be always in good mood and giving to some kids couple of pancakes also.

  • Word quietly spreads from tavern to tavern. Where is Senator Marty Leafall? Captain Romulus of the Legion has initiated a search for her and is seeking information on her current whereabouts. Anyone who has seen her since the Election is asked to notify Captain Romulus or any Legionaire. A suitable reward might be offered.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Rumor spreads of a young elven woman in green attire was seen speaking with Cecil, it is said he gave her a mission but what ever it was, was kept closely between them, the girl left Peltarch soon after and hasn't been seen since.

  • The newly recruited Cerulean Sab'ak has been seen walking the streets and heading into the sewers often, sword strapped to his back!

  • ::The Defender Shallyah does not appear to be anywhere to be seen for the last few tendays. As the city is taking some time of respite between the several threats that loom over it, she appears to have taken the opportunity to leave for some pressing business. The most informed sources assure that she mentioned something about a pilgrimage::

  • More snow fell as the blonde sailor Luke told the story of a perilous trip up a mountain, into what was, what is, and what will be. The rapt audience were regaled with not only a great tale, but the snowfall itself seemed to soothe hurts and refresh the spirit, until finally the snow coalesced into the blurry shape of a great wolf.

  • Tongues may wag in the Residential district over Senator Thel's visit to Aelthas' and Lycka's house, a bottle of wine in his hand. He was in there for quite some time, wasn't he? And with the husband away.. tut tut!

  • A party of adventurers was seen trudging into town and stacking up weapons, armors, and other spoils in the Commons. Norwick Captain Cecil, Troff Legion Captain Romulus, First Knight of the Order Ashena, and dwarves Gnarl and Fafir were overhead claiming that they encountered a beholder in the Kuo Toa caverns. Ashena killed it. There also were several smaller "eye-thingies" called Gauths, and at least three magic eaters. Not the normal denizens of those caverns. At least the party earned some magic crystals for their efforts.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • _Again, undead assail the center of the city, despite the dread Baron Locke's defeat. Spectres, wraiths and worse appeared at the edges of the warded commons, all beaten back by the gathered adventurerers present. All but for one - a female figure in a dark, flowing robe, draped in powerful magic protections. The mysterious figure made mournful predictions and threats against parts of the group before vanishing, the paladin Ashena Teroldys stubbornly defying it's message.

    Afterwards, the group could be observed escorting a startlingly beautiful elven man with blue-tinged skin to the temple of the Triad, supposedly for tea and pie. Strangely, a blueish fog seems to have rolled in during this, settling first at the commons and then the residential district, before slowly dissipating._