Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • As of late, people has noticed that María walks the Peltarch's streets without leaning on her staff. In fact, there's no staff to be seen…..

    • Jason is seen spending hours speaking to Raryldor in the Peltarch commons about concerns of the city and other matters that could be addressed. Later that night he goes about speaking to the public at random about some of Raryldors plans for the city. *

    Did you know that Raryldor actually would like to see better trade brought into Peltarch to boost the economy?

    Did you know he is actually very concerned about the docks district and the orphanage issues of people being kidnapped and the Cyricists that have been under the city for a long long time that no one seems to be addressing?

    Did you know that he was a fighter in the Njast war and still wants to try and solve these problems in Jiyyd?

    *He speaks openly infront of a group discussing the elections as he considers his words he finally speaks more publicly *

    I personally believe that Ilmater himself would support Raryldor and as such I personally support him, I would encourage anyone that would like to see a greater change for Peltarch and that actually wants someone that will actually DO something for Peltarch rather then sit behind a desk and gossip as I have noted from most of the current Senate, then vote for Raryldor. He is that man and he will help get things done!

  • Jake is seen lately around the whole town,speaking with most of the citizens he crosses path and cheering them up despite the martial law that's enforced lately.He is also talking to them for the late political matters and suggesting them to gather at the docks district in short time.Most people notice an amusing aura on him.

  • _Unsubstantiated sources rumor that there is more meaning to the mercenary presence outside Peltarch - when they have nothing else to talk about, tavern denizens speculate on what it all means.

    What it means for the smiths, is better business - although such business coming through the gates are greeted with wary and alert eyes of the Defenders and Guards enforcing martial law in the street._

  • Kasim el Shah, the Calishite, seems awfully proud of his new joke, sharing something to all those who sit near him at the Dancing Mermaid Inn

    "You know, my favourite speech was the elf's. The twisted irony when he said 'My eyes will be upon you as they ever have, walking with you and alongside you, and not from a perch looking down.' as he spoke from a podium looking down at everyone gives me such simple delight."

  • While posters and rumours regarding the elections fly above ground, bloodier battles are fought below the Jewel's streets. A ragged and badly battered party emerge from below in the Residential district, lady Talindra Verados carrying the fallen body of her squire to the temple of the Triad, followed by fellow knight Ashena Teroldys, Romulus the bard, Robyn and several others. Soon thereafter, guard presence appears to increase near the entrances and exits to the city's dark and stinking bowels.

  • All around the city, a new message is going around. Spread by bards, leaflets, posters, and even town criers, the message is spread in both elven and common. Whilst it is mainly focussed on the Residential District, anywhere you can find an elf, you'll find this message. One sample of such is…


    I have seen the recent slew of negative campaigning in our fair city, and I am incensed. Such slanderous accusations and baseless aspersions cheapen our culture and enrich only the unscrupulous, mercenary elements that partake of it. They also insult our intelligence, and drag down our name to the mud while our rivals outside the city walls watch with smiling face. We are better than this, fair people of the Jewel.

    I call on you, brethren and folk of this fair city, to cast from your mind the appalling and self-degrading antics of these villains in our midst. They care only for themselves, and not for the good of the city.

    Funded by Raryldor of Corellon, Candidate for the Senate

    The more poorly educated members of the population seem to shrug at so many long and complicated words, whilst those who can understand it have a mixed response… some agreeing with the sentiment of the candidate, others enjoying the amusement that such things provide.

  • Magistrate D'Arneau can be seen making his rounds through the various districts of the city, taking down a single poster of every type and message he can find - those as far off the beaten path as he can muster, whenever possible. Whatever he's up to, his intent doesn't seem to be to remove these messages from the public eye.

  • Lettersized notes are dropped in the taverns in the commerce and docks, these are not the funny cartoonist but more of the same political voice


    It is not a question of if but when!
    The city force has already selectively asked free minded people to leave the city. This is a warning, failure to comply could kill you, with out a trial. This is Marshall law.. or is it a hidden senatorial agenda.

    Let the people vote for a whole new senate!

  • after seeing the posters with a rather humouristic twist to it, another poster is seen pinned on walls around town calling for a fair election


    Dare to embrace change and seize opportunities

    Let those who are elected promote the voice of diversity whereupon the Jewel can thrive. The Jewel is more than nobility and or force only!

    The senate holds nine seats, any guild or organization should select one candidate that in their mind best represent their particular interest. Having two seats filled from one and the same party or force, if you may, is an insult to democracy.

    Revise the candidacy or ask yourselves is the senate truly working for the people's best interests or for their own gain. Bright minds and logical thinking is not solely born out of nobility or an elite class. True leaders look ahead and navigates through the hardship of change.

    Let the people vote for a whole new senate!

  • After the last calls at the bars and most of Peltarch is asleep a few dwarves are seen casual walking around town. When they think no one is looking they quickly tear down the Peltarch Veterans For Galar Truth posters.

  • _As the election cycle continues, now under the cloud of martial law, it seems that the people are talking more than ever, breaking into groups in corners and private rooms to discuss the future.

    One oddity, something not seen in many, many years is that the demi-humans are gathering together to work over their own issues. Now that there is at least one representative from each of the major races of Narfell in the running for the Senate, it seems that the race may be decided by blood more than deeds._

  • _Rumor buzzes that a military coup is in progress, and that any newly-elected 'senate' will have very little in the way of real power. Supposedly political 'enemies of the state' will be arrested in a mass sweep and imprisoned on convict hulks anchored out in the Icelace. Decisions will be made by Lord Neverith.

    The opinion of drinkers is split on whether or not this is a good thing or not._

  • ::The Defender Shallyah almost grows excited as she hears these comments, finding amusing the idea of a fire giant that attempts to toss her flaming corpse anywhere - even though she'd much rather it did not involve Peltarch at all. The fact of the matter remains that she is a Defender, and anyone can probably feel relieved at the fact that she looks hardly afraid::

  • Local crotchety old wizard Draeldun Murdin comments in a tavern about the speeches of those running for senate.

    "I say, all this gob flapping and chest puffing about giving to the poor from all these candidates is rather useless. The poor surely won't matter when we're all doomed as fire giants hurl flaming defender corpses at our homes! We need ourselves a great warrior I say, like the kings of old."

    The raven familiar on his shoulder lets out a loud "Squak!"

    "Too right." Draeldun nods

  • Labur sits at the bar at the Mermaid, spinning an odd ruinstone is his left hand with an ale in his right. At this point of the evening he has been there for hours and quiet intoxicated so much so that he is deathly quiet. All of a sudden out of no where he says "oi its time mes finishen wha miss Telli's starten." And with that and his cleaver in his hand he bolts out of the Inn headed south toward the underground chasm. Those who know anything about the ruinstone or just happened to be at the Mermaid earlier that night will know he has head off to find a Grey spellcaster, believed to be the only ones who can read the stones.

  • One golden haired elf comments on the scene: "Hmm, looks like the wind's blowing in an unusual direction today."

  • _::The Defender Shallyah brings forth her task force to form a line across the street, sorrounding the senate building. Some of the Defenders appear hastily uniformed as they've probably been torn from their families or off-duty day to attend this emergency. They dutifully try to prevent riots from happening by quickly dissuading the most violent individuals and keeping them from harming anyone - including themselves - with exemplary patience and discipline and avoiding arrests whenever possible.

    Sergeant Shallyah herself appears as usual calm and neutral as she reminds the citizens that altering the public order is against Peltarch's law, and they should orderly return to their homes and await for official announcements::_

    EDIT by DM Skippy: Post approved

  • _As word filters through Peltarch that Senator Leaffall has publicly denounced Senator Mariston Thel, the Defenders, and two bardesses Val Kyrie and Lycka Zomsdottir as the hin attempts to overthrow the senate, people begin massing in public areas, calling for "Mad Marty's head, make the loony dead!"

    The Defenders, for their part, don't seem to be inclined to stop them from chanting or gathering, but they do stop them from causing any harm.

    In more sensible quarters, the demand for Senator Leaffall's resignation is made._

  • It circulates in various circles that the bard Bon Ausbourn is offering to assist senatorial candidates in their election campaigns.