Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Often times on the night of the full moon, a females voice can be heard singing alongside the lizardmans, sometimes in the noticeable tongue of the dragons, sometimes an angelic voice as she sings in celestial.

    Each morning after, a familiar figure in the colors of the Divine Shield exits the swamps, a sad look on her face as she heads for the Temple to get some sleep._

  • _Anyone who enters the swamps near Peltarch would find them absent of all lizardmen… all but one. He seems to come and go with the winds, and speaks with those who travel through the area, warning them against entering the caves.

    Should any raise arms against him, he simply steps back into the trees and disappears.

    If you go to the swamps on the night of a full moon, you may hear him singing, the sound of his voice echoing along the banks of the Rift River._

  • Rumors spread that the young mage Elessar Winsbane had passed through town walking hand in hand with a ravishingly beautiful half elven scout. They apparently sat in the commons for a while keeping to themselves and left together after a short time.

    • those around would see Arthur in very poor health and condition lead by both Varia and Reynauld Du Luc onto a boat for Norwick, rumor says he was last seen entering the Grapevine inn where the door was locked from the inside by both Reynauld and Varia for his safety *

  • Cheers and loud laughs are heard from within Raul&Marie's appartment. Anyone with a bit of a brain would notice they are celebrating something in there!

  • Rumours go around Peltarch of a Zhentarim raiding party going through the kobolds of all places, and killing or burning everything they could find. Thankfully, swamps are very wet places and don't burn well, so the fire didn't spread, but what could Zhents be doing in Narfell, and in the Kobold caves?

  • Rasuil and María are seen entering the city holding hands.. what could this mean?….

  • A new song is making the rounds of taverns in Peltarch. It's a cute little ditty supposedly started by the bard Romulus, set to a well-known tune. It's about a pixie named Feilsef and a hero named Arthur who rescued a dwarf warrior deep in the gnoll woods.

    According to the tale, the dwarf fell asleep somehow during a battle with the gnolls and was discovered lying on the ground. A dozen gnoll guards were posted all around him. But the pixie flew in and distracted them, getting them to chase her through the woods. Arthur, who had been made invisilbe by a spell from the same Pixie, dashed in and scooped up the dwarf and all his belongings. Trudging invisibly he made his way very slowly out of the woods while the little Feilsef continued to flit around and lead a dozen gnolls on a merry chase. Once they were safely away the pixie simply disappeared.

    Charming story, but it seems much too fanciful to be a true, people say.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Cray Vincint has lately been making several trips from the Oscuran ship, to the Peltarch market. Each time he scurries to market, he carries a small crate and returns to the docks empty handed.

  • _::After the undead assault in the city of Peltarch, Defender presence in the streets has increased significantly. Among the extra armed presence there is a squad of a dozen Defenders and six Archangels pouring from the headquarters together to then split in units of two Defenders and one Archangel each and spread over Peltarch to carry out their tasks.

    This squad seems to follow orders from a white-haired female Defender clad in crimson armor, and their presence is notable throughout the city as they patrol, investigate and aid the guard actively to keep order in the city and inspire a sense of safety and protection in the citizens::_

  • Jason Selious is seen back in Peltarch, he looks frozen to the bone and extremely tired as he spoke briefly with Andrew then retired to the Mermaid.

  • "Snakes, snake, SNAKES!"

    _As rumours would have it, a veritable infestation of snakes recently spread throughout the city, the slithering creatures lurking in the grass near the commons, hiding by the door to the Mermaid, writhing and teeming in the waters of fountains, yes everywhere were snakes!

    A trio consisting of a brightly armored Lathandrite, a shiny knight of Torm and a Defender in red set out to whack snakes across the Docks district and into the sewers below. The three emerged a good many hours later, covered in slime and a multitude of scratches and bites._

  • Ceremony:

    Preparations start at the Temple of the Triad for the knighting ceremony of Talindra Veranos. Squires and helpers can be seem running up and down the streets of the Jewel making the final arrangements for it.

    The feasthall is also a busy place, with decorators yelling all around the place. Cookers also look agitated, all looking for a particular dwarf. Shouts are heard while everyone there waits for a non-arriving ale order.

    And, for some reason, in the market everyone is asking the same question:

    "Got any peach?"

    ((knighting ceremony this Saturday, around 13:30, east. everyone is welcome to join!))

  • Passers by the commons tell of a somewhat heated discussion atween a Tormtar and a professed Banite. Some e'en claim there was a Lathanderite present, seeming to try to bring peace atween the two

  • Rumors say the golden lock mageling usually dressed in red is suddenly wearing a new outfit and its is certainly not the same color, why?

  • Labur isn't seen that much these days, seems he is hard at work on a new brew and only makes the brief walk to the Mermaid to catch a few z's before the next day of production

  • Dwin Dolvak, the Honorable Senatorial Adviser and Lord Chancellor Emeritus of Norwick, has been seen around the Jewel more often lately, typically in the company of indigenous dwarves.

    Ale-drinking and Dwarf-singing seem to go on into the wee hours of the morning in the Dolvak Exterminators Shop.

  • Word spreads of a hatchet wielding mad man in dark clothes chasing another man in dark clothes around the Inn of the Pissing Goat screaming about "Saving him". The two ran off into the night.

  • Entering the city from the west gates, Ashena, Talindra and Shallyah trudge slowly through the Commerce district, the unpleasant scent of sewer, undeath and a peculiar heavy incense clinging to each. Two dead are carried with them, and a frightened looking woman in tattered robes follow at their heels.

    Afterwards, rumour spreads of a sinister cult targetting priests of good faith for their dark rites, Ashena herself giving warning to priests and priestesses to not travel alone.

  • After the earthquake Labur is seen in the brewery and with Mott checking the valves, tanks, and equipment to make sure no precious ale was lost,