Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Entering the city from the west gates, Ashena, Talindra and Shallyah trudge slowly through the Commerce district, the unpleasant scent of sewer, undeath and a peculiar heavy incense clinging to each. Two dead are carried with them, and a frightened looking woman in tattered robes follow at their heels.

    Afterwards, rumour spreads of a sinister cult targetting priests of good faith for their dark rites, Ashena herself giving warning to priests and priestesses to not travel alone.

  • After the earthquake Labur is seen in the brewery and with Mott checking the valves, tanks, and equipment to make sure no precious ale was lost,

  • ::A few yards away under the shadow of a tree, an exotic looking woman of dark eyes and red hood enjoys a bottle of fresh elven wine with a soft grin in her lips. As the bystanders listen to his story and he finishes the telling, she raises her bottle::

    Three cheers to the hero of the day, Mott the brewer who not only saved the day, but is also paying free drinks for everyone to celebrate his mighty deed!

  • After a minor earthquake, guards were seen rushing about the city. The story goes that orcs secretly tunneled under Peltarch and tried to syphon out ale from the brewery to throw some sort of grand ritualistic murder-party. Mott the local brewer has several claims to make, and also appears to have a new best selling ale out of the ordeal.

    "I dun punched three, nay, ten, nay, twenny orcs! Aye, yap, was all me - well maybe a fewa dem guards helped out. Anyhows, whens we got ter the big bugbear at the end - yuh there was a big bugbear at the end - I dun ripped out his heart with me bare hand. The last thing 'e said waz "Mooiiihhhrrrooo" an' so I was inspired te make a magnificent blend that I dun called "Maero's Blood Brew". It be true!"

    Others say it appeared, as usual, to be a band of adventurers who saved the day.

  • Raryldor makes himself a common sight about the orphanage

  • Hearing all the shouting and … Moon steps out in the hallway... looks around and then mutters " nah tis none of my business" turns and return to her place, but takes extra care that the door is secuerly locked.

  • Anyone living currently in the bottlement apartments of Peltarch would've heard loud noises and shouts and all kind of insults comming from Raúl's house…. for at least 10 minutes. Then things suddenly get quiet.

  • Legion

    elena is seen near the orphanage performing a magic play for the children to watch. she uses harmless illusion spells to keep the kids entertained while the expanding around them takes place.

  • _For those involved in the more "charitable" or "religious" circles, word goes around that the Orphanage at the Lighthouse Temple is expanding to take on more children, thanks to many generous donations from adventurers. Most of the Sisters involved in the work can be seen smiling as they go about their work, wearing their white dresses and outfits, but from time to time, some are seen wearing red and black. What does this mean?

    Those in almost any other circle would have heard the rumours going around about a flaming horse than ran through the streets of Peltarch, its hooves leaving behind smoke and fire as it went._

  • A gruesome topic of conversation could be overheard at the Peltarch commons recently, as the red-clad Defender Shallyah, Magistrate D'Arneau and the Order's First Swordarm, Ashena Teroldys, spoke of ghoul fever, undead orcs, Yuan-ti and Drow, in both past tense and present.

  • Only a couple days prior, Cecil of Norwick was seen in the Peltarch commons, apparently taking a survey of sorts, asking what people would like to see changed in Norwick.

    He seems to be trying to right past wrongs, and fix alliances and friendships.

    Is he chasing a lost cause, or making progress?

  • Some residents saw Jake giving a note to Katarina in the Mermaid inn.They overheard him telling her to hand it over two men,their names Vhin and Eragor.Katarina with a gentle smile reassured him that she will do as he wishes.

  • Seen in various Inns in the city as well as oft in the commons, is a familiar sight to some long term residents and members of the Order, though new to others. A woman with waist length moonlight colored curls and silvery-blue eyes, baring the symbol of Torm about her neck as well as on her cloak. How long has it been…?

  • @9957b86392=Vashpsycho:

    Another productive day on the Peltarch docks. Sailors unloading crates and setting sail in the cold northern breeze. The streets bustling with craftsmen selling their wares and petty thieves cutting purses of the less perceptive shoppers. Guards tooting horns and breaking up drunken brawls that carried on from the night before, while street musicians show off their talents to make a few copper for a place to stay when the night comes again. Beggars hold their hands out from dark alleyways, orphans swoop at scraps like seagulls. The mad men, they rave.

    "F-first the bad. Then the good. All doomed, d-doomed! Too late to repent now. Tainted and marked. Tainted and marked. All of you black souled fools! Its coming. Its coming and you'll leap right into its a-arms before it twists you from the inside. Twists you from the inside!"

    The crazed rants of mad men are lost in the bustle of the docks, northern winds won't carry them.

    • Jason is seen spending some time offering the orphans food and some minor coin where he can and trying to sooth the mad men with calm reassuring words of Ilmater. *

  • An ODS ship sets out on a clear, crisp day, carrying a couple of shiny, shiny knights, a white-haired Defender in red, a large half-orc with sideburns flapping in the breeze, and a quiet elven scout. The ship returns after a few days, the party battered but pleased looking, bringing with them tall tales of frogs the size of dogs, and spiders bigger than houses!

  • Another productive day on the Peltarch docks. Sailors unloading crates and setting sail in the cold northern breeze. The streets bustling with craftsmen selling their wares and petty thieves cutting purses of the less perceptive shoppers. Guards tooting horns and breaking up drunken brawls that carried on from the night before, while street musicians show off their talents to make a few copper for a place to stay when the night comes again. Beggars hold their hands out from dark alleyways, orphans swoop at scraps like seagulls. The mad men, they rave.

    "F-first the bad. Then the good. All doomed, d-doomed! Too late to repent now. Tainted and marked. Tainted and marked. All of you black souled fools! Its coming. Its coming and you'll leap right into its a-arms before it twists you from the inside. Twists you from the inside!"

    The crazed rants of mad men are lost in the bustle of the docks, northern winds won't carry them.

  • The large, stocky newcomer known to many as Krung was heard ranting in the tavern and other public places about "Rats! Rats, big as a wolf! Big as a wild boar! Just… appearing out of nowhere! Vicious, vicious rats! Keep your children safe!"

  • An apparition of the Baron Locke appeared again, this time in the Peltarch Commons. He was heard to question those present, asking for the location of Kapulin Sheezah. He said that he would be back again in a few days and needed the information then, or the city (Peltarch) might be in peril.

    Romulus answered that he had passed on the previous warning but found no one that knew where Kapulin Sheezah was, or had any word of him for several months. Locke warned that Kapulin Sheezah was a doppleganger and could take the shape of any traveler.

    The dwarf Gnarl was heard to taunt Locke for using others instead of doing the work himself. For his lip, he was struck by a huge bolt of negative energy. Gnarl shook it off and yelled: "Is that all you've got!" But Locke had departed.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Rumor quickly spreads that a group of adventurers returning from the Underdark spoke in hushed tones of an encounter with the lich Baron Locke, formerly of Oscura. He was encountered in one of the narrow passages of the Underdark, south of the big lake, and had several powerful undead behind him.

    The Baron did not act hostile, but warned the adventurers not to aid Kapolin Sheezah, and not to let him obtain the blade because he would turn himself into a shape-shifting undead and begin taking over. The Baron asked if any knew Kapolin Sheezah's location, and that was all he wanted was for someone who knows to tell him and he would take care of it. As a sign of good faith, the Baron allowed the adventurers to pass and return to the surface.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Word goes around Peltarch of a tourney occurring within the next tenday… archery, fencing, and jousting will be the three events. There will be rewards for participation, and prizes for those who win their events. Head to the Tourney Grounds in the Residential District, near the Bank if you wish to participate!

    //Event occurs in 23 hours and 18 minutes from this post