Tavern Rumors of Peltarch


    If the situation wasn't bad enough, now the guard has to deal with a hideous crime.

    A small young halfling was murdered, his face difigured beyond recognition. His body showing signs of extreme torture.

    The guards quickly take the body towards the morgue, where it stays waiting for someone to claim him.

  • A cleric and warrior in golden and royal blue armor is seen stepping off a boat in the docks heading to the Mermaid Inn

  • After a small wagon loaded with luggage left the Temple's porch, gossip flows. Some suggest that a certain priestess had resigned…while the most vicious painted her having had an illicit affair with a famous person and fleeing a disgraceful revelation.

  • Legion

    rumor spreads that a large golem was seen wanting to trade with peltarch.

  • ::A familiar figure returns upon an equally familiar steed. His gold and blue armour repentant in the light of the sun in the crisp early air of The Jewel, he stops first at the temple of the Triad. Upon leaving his mood seems visibly shaken as he makes his way to the Senate Chambers::

  • ::A few days after, although looking generally better rested and in lighter mood, the Defender Shallyah has been seen taking some of her belongings to the Temple of the Triad, where she appears to be spending her nights::

  • Hen remains floating about Peltarch in her shadows and nooks looking for anything disastrous or Cyrst in nature however she keeps close to the warry deffender, though not directly standing watch anything that would come close to her traced and tired mind that seemed a threat would be diverted away or worse….

  • _::As crime and disaster appears to take over Peltarch, the Defender Shallyah tires to keep her usual calm attitude as she focuses on aiding where she can to mitigate the effects of the chaos that seems to reign on the streets. Tiredness takes a notch on her mood almost daily as she reaches her body's physical limits by doubling or even tripling her own shifts to cover for those Defenders that see themselves forced to stay home to protect their families, or leave the Jewel.

    In the small breaks that she allows herself while on duty she is seen sitting on her own, her grey eyes unfocused and distant, her gesture pensive and heavily concerned as if in inner struggle::_

  • Chaos in the jewel.

    Over the night, all the peace and quiet of the city is broken.

    At the docks, crime increases. Theft and robery all around the district. No one walks alone at night there anymore. The inns are mostly empty, since the people of town preffer not to gamble with their life and get mugged in the strreets.

    The city guard is on alert. Everywhere you look there's one of them, trying to keep the peace. Their presence, however, does not seem to stop the law-breakers. Arrests are a common sight at the streets.

    Fathers and mothers comiting crimes and being draged to the goal. The jail is almost at its full capacity after a few days.

    At the market, shops close earlier than usual since almost no client enter. Bussiness are slower and slower by the hour.

    At the residential district there was a a concerning number of breakings and enterings. Houses are locked, children do not play on the streets. Once again the presence of the city guard do not stop the atemps.

    News from the Senate are that the representatives do not know how to stop this. Gossip everywhere is that a few senators have, already, moved to out of town. The Common people are displeased with this.

    Soldiers are missing from their duties. Some say they are taking care of their families, some say they simple left the armed arm of The Jewel.

    From the rantstand, speeches are made. Some point the finger towards the politicians, blaming them for these hapenings. Some blame the knights from the Order.

    Some Senators come out to adress the citizens, after they finish speaking, their faces meet tomatoes and cabadges.

    There is an increasing concern about the west. Some farmers saying they can hear the drums of the orc tribes closer and closer. The reports from the swamps aren't diferent. Lizards are more active than ever.

    A general feeling of fear spreads around…. fast as a fire in a barn.

    All this in the last three days......

  • The rumour say, as one knight returns for the reunion of the century, two other leaves. Armored in Golden and Royal blue plates, a man and a woman have been seen in the docks boarding a ship.

  • Elidor's ears get to hear this news, and he prances about looking for the dwarf. When he finds him, he tells him to join him for an ale while they speak about the GGGGGG

    ((ill catch you IG, if I don't I'll PM you

  • It seems a new dwarf in town by the name of Moigan is looking for information on the GGGGGG.

  • Mystic has been seen wandering the streets asking merchants for the highest quality of silk and cotton preferably in light blue or cream white colours.

  • Legion

    Senator Leaffall was last seen leaving the docks onboard a sturdy ship bound west across the Icelace. She was leaving for long journey judging by the volume of her baggage.

    ((OOC: IC explanation for my IG absence. Work has been flogging me recently little time or energy to play. Should be back into the swing soon.))

  • Three badly wounded adventureres, Dermin, Romulus, and Andrew, emerged from the Peltarch sewers and were seen conversing with the guards. They were led away to the Guard Captain for further interviews. They claimed that a female vampire had captured a Peltarch guard and held him prisoner in the sewers under the Commerce District, but killed him before he could finish warning them. The three adventurers took down some cultists, but were then knocked out by the vampire that refrained from killing them when she so easily could have. They displayed a captured Peltarch guard's badge and an unusual dagger showing marks of the Shadowmask Cult.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Labur is seen running around the town in nothing more than a loin cloth. Did he lose a bet? Had too much to drink and was robbed? Womenized and kicked out in the morning?

  • Legion

    Hemrod mentions to customers that he's looking for a longbow, though it's not for him.

    ((PM me for details))

  • Despite all the ill gossip, at least one of the Order's knights seem to retain a high level of popularity: Sir Allestor "The Slayer" Hollins. In fact, his eager admirers, recently converted to the faith, could be seen dragging a lifesized wicker likeness of the humble priest into the Temple of the Triad itself. The flock and the effigy were soon escorted outside again by an exasperated Allestor and a certain Tormish paladin, near dissolving into giggles.

  • There has been a significant influx of crime in Peltarch as of late. Strangely, none of the perpetrators have died in the act of committing their crimes, though a few of their victims have. Indeed, the capacity of the gaol is being tested, and the gaol population is almost overflowing. In response to this, the Peltarch guard has increased its presence on the actual streets and interior of the city.

  • Ill gossip again! It is said that a gnoll messenger came to town to colect the girl promissed by the priests of The Order.

    Things don't look good for them, as citizens more and more turn their faces as they see the yellow and blue dressed knights.