Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • After days spent rallying the "thrill seeking" and bolder men and women underground Mystic returns up above. Visiting the Inn she learns about the good news. "Finally, some one with might and good heart for the land took the burden of duty to slay the beast and alone too, surely it was no beholder?" she giggles happily. "Where can I find this accomplished and devoted person? I wish to pay my respect and offer a reward if accepted?" she calls out rushing back out on the street looking

  • Rumors say that Mielikkian priest Anor was warning adventurers of strange creatures in the Underdark, carrying with her the body of a strange looking one under her arm (a Deep- Horror Terror).

  • "RATS!"

    Such is the panicked cry coming from the Pissing Goat as employees and customers hurry outside, the door soon shut while exterminators are called for. And what horrid luck, on just this day, the Dolvak door is closed! Instead, a different group is hired, calling themselves "The Sewer Patrol", adept in the destruction of all types of vermin, or so they claim. Funny how one of their number looks very much like a knight of the Order…

  • Flashes of light can be seen coming from the kobold woods. Some simply dismiss them as fireworks some children have stolen and taken to the wood to launch off but could it be a bigger threat?

  • Sirion spreads word that he has an enchanted greatsword he wishes to sell.

  • Knight of the Order, Lady Ashena, accompanied by the bard Romulus, recently descended into the sewers below Peltarch. This was not a normal patrol, however. The sewer gates were locked but the guards opened them upon request. Immediately inside the gate, the pair were attacked by three cultists who were quickly dispatched.

    Romulus donned his black scouting cloak and peered ahead. Spotting a large, twisted figure lumbering towards the stairs he immediately began firing his bow. Ashena dashed forward to engage the beast, some kind of twisted renderer, and the pair got in several blows before it started hitting them back.

    Romulus continued shooting and began singing , but the beast had no ear for music and started chasing the bard around and around the staircase. Ashena shouted at it to stand and fight, but it ignored her and caught the bard when he stopped to shoot more arrows at it. Badly wounded, Romulus cast invisibilty on himself while Ashena caught up and finished off the beast with a final critical blow.

    Around a corner, a little deeper into the sewers, a woman with bat-like wings appeared. She said her name was Leanna, the daughter of a human woman and a green dragon. She claimed she was looking for her mother in the city above, but was hiding in the sewers during daylight to conceal her wings.

    Although Ashena detected the evil taint of the woman's dragon blood, the lady showed no hostility toward them and was allowed to leave. Celia, Allestor, and Victoria joined the patrol and the five continued deeper into the sewers. There they encountered three or four spectres which gave them a fierce battle and drained half the warriors. Lukily, all survived and returned to the surface.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • On a nice day in Peltarch with clear skies, thunder rolled three times loud enough for all in the city to hear, and a single bolt of lightning fell down from the cloudless sky and struck the commons.

  • Dev


    Rumour has it there was a curious belching from the forge in the crafting hall, followed by another belch which brought up some kind of terrible mist, which one heroic bystander fought off valiantly, saving the artisans in the hall. The source and nature of this mist, it is said, is a mystery.

    Hey.. that was me! 😄

  • Rumour has it there was a curious belching from the forge in the crafting hall, followed by another belch which brought up some kind of terrible mist, which one heroic bystander fought off valiantly, saving the artisans in the hall. The source and nature of this mist, it is said, is a mystery.

  • The gate of Peltarch lays smashed apart after some form of hellish fireball hit it. The guards are currently running around getting builders throughout the city to repair it

  • Legion

    for those who heard it, or even saw it. a red lightning bolt struck down somewhere along the nars road, creating a terrifyingly loud noise.

  • Legion

    Peltarch's Halfling senator Martoushca Leaffall, as well as a pious warrior escorting her named Andrew, fell into a cultist ambush while venturing down into Peltarch's sewer system.

    Luckily for the pair, a defender Patrol arrived after they were late returning from the sewer. Not in time to save their lives, but in time to prevent their bodies being transformed into undead creatures by the cultists. Both answered the call to return to the land of the living.

  • Rumour has it, that Cray is a man to speak to if you need a loan…

  • Vague rumours mention orcs turning bolder once more, spotted in the near foothills, but the most buzzing news from that area is trouble of a different kind - human marauders, firing poison arrows from horseback. It is said the troublemakers were fended off by city officials, aided by a small group of do-gooders, including a knight of the Order and her rather enthused horse.

  • Rumours has it Mystic is talking to every merchant in town about strange goods such as bark of oak and acorn and Masterwort…. What is Masterwort? Her golden locks bounces as she quite determined walks up and down the streets of Peltarch to solve her quest.

  • The very same penguinized priest was seen but days later and for a week thereafter followed by a pack of dogs as he makes his way around the city. While the curious canines seem to search about for something, Allestor makes the best of the situation doing what he can to care for the searching strays until they carry on their own way again.

  • Rumours fly of a once familiar face reappearing at the Peltarch commons in a burst of blinding light and ear-piercing sound - the self-proclaimed God-child and Bunny Slayer, ~Leanna~! Spectacular displays of magic followed in the eccentric Leanna's wake - one startled Ilmateri priest temporarily taking the form of a rotund waddling seabird, amongst other oddities.

  • Rumor has it that a weary band of adventurers emerged from the Peltarch sewers last night carrying the bodies of three people. Led by Knight of the Order of Defenders Lady Ashena, the company included Celia, Reynauld, Allestor, Romulus, Kalem, and Elena. A guard wearing an unknown red uniform accompanied them to the Temple of the Triad.

    There was told the tale of the party's encounter with a new form of undead: bodies animated like zombies and wights, but full of crystal ooze and possessing sonic mind-affecting powers. The ooze inside these bodies flowed like blood and dripped into the grates, but seemed to be alive and turned into crystal oozes and slithering trackers. A female that might have been a blightmage of Talona was controlling them. The party managed to kill her, but her body too was full of ooze.

    The party then discovered a group of Cyrcists using a summoning circle to call forth demon Vrocks and Succubi. After a long, hard battle, the party defeated them and destroyed the summoning circle. The three bodies were found on the floor surrounding the summoning circle. They seemingly were members of the same family and Rashemi by appearance: a woman, a youth and a child.

    Lady Daisey was unable to restore the bodies to life. The red-cloaked guard was a representative of a Thayan Red Mage, who said he felt the pulse of evil magic from the summoning circle and came with his guards to investigate. It was this guard that told the party about the Talonan blightmage.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Rumors of war, mercenaires and undead are clearly messing with folks around town.

    A doomsayer was seem preaching one evening about how hope is gone and that all should prepape for the inevitable ansd coming end.

    When guards finally tried to stop the man's "preaching" at the docks, he seem to have just gone somewhere else, without leaving track.

  • Legion

    _Black clouds rolled in from the south west and poured a storm down upon Pelatch. Above the commons an orange light appeared in the clouds. Two halflings (senator Marty Leaffall and General Theaon of the Legion) Stood amazed as a glowing orange tendril descended from the cloud and wrapped around one of them (senator Marty). The tendril lifted her up into the storm clouds which then hid her from view.

    The other halfling (General Theaon) Transformed into a pixie and flew up into the storm where he could be seen being buffered about by the strong winds before disappearing from view also.

    Before long both halflings were lowered back to the ground the way the first one was lifted from it. Both appeared to be stunned by their bizarre encounter but were otherwise unharmed._