Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumours in the docks say that ardent (the adjective, not the Half-Elf) entrepreneur Avery Rosewood has managed to purchase himself a ship using revenue earned from a recent convoy expedition.

    Experienced sailors scoff at Rosewood's purchase, commenting that the only thing keeping the ship afloat are the mooring lines tying it to the dock. Nevertheless, Avery and Terrington are hard at work bringing the ship up to scratch.

  • Merchants report seeing large numbers of warships anchored out in the Icelace. They fly various colours, but haven't been hostile to anyone.

  • Five dock worker bodies are found floating by the docks…carved into their chest "Bane is coming"

  • Those who frequent the Mermaid and the commons of Peltarch notice a well-dressed elf constantly coming and going. He seems to be gathering supplies at the various shops about town. Within a few weeks’ time a small camp has been erected just within the walls of the south gate. About the time the camp goes up, so do several small fliers in the commons and the Mermaid, as well as being posted on the boards of Norwick so that those who have returned there will see them as well.

  • ::Chea is seen spending time in Lucky Ferret, wearing Cerulean recruit cloak. She's willing to talk and offer drinks to locals, albeit terribly disoriented with local customs.::

  • Four refugees and three guards have been reported missing in the docks lately…

  • Cray gives Mystic a sullen nod as he carries some flowers out of the shop, as she's heading in. Cray continues on abruptly, not in the mood to chit chat.

  • The faithful Tormite Celia is seen walking out from the Wilting flower shop, quite content and rosy cheeks, a box of chocolate in her hand and thigh high colourful boots under her arm.

  • Cray has been frequenting the various establishments of Peltarch, offering reward for information regarding members of the PFLN.

  • A party of seven could be seen limping out of the sewers, some so weakened they could barely stand, others simply bloodied and covered in gory things best left unasked about. The significantly less than shiny knight, Ashena Teroldys, issued a warning about powerful undead below, and a vampire in particular.


    On a different note entirely, rumours had it that the western woods housed a sweet little songstress, as some travellers swore they had heard the sound of a little girl's singing there. A small party set out to investigate, bringing back the remains of a fallen adventurer and tales of swooping, malicious harpies!

  • Rumours say Mystic is wandering the streets visting every magic and trinkets shoppe asking for a scrying mirror

  • _Rumor has it that an odd pair was seen in the commons a day ago. There was an ebony haired, olive skinned man, who spoke common with a thick accent. He wore the trappings of a holy warrior, and a symbol of Mystra about his neck. He claimed to have lost someone he was escorting, until they too turned up in the commons. His Charge was a sun elf maiden, bedecked in bright robes of silk, and constantly writing reminders in a small book of hers.

    The pair were seen to wander about the town inquiring where they might find the local Netyarch or Magister. Both seemed stunned that there was no Wizard Lord ruling the city, and even more stunned at the humbleness of the temple to Mystra.

    A few who passed the couple close by heard them wonder as to how people got anywhere in this far country by walking, and the man was heard to say he wished he had a carpet on several occasions, to the bafflement of all who were listening. Some more learned individuals claim the two to be from Halruaa in the far Southlands._

  • _There is talk circulating of news from Norwick. Specifically that several men have arrived in the town bearing armor and weapons openly, but these soldiers have not been seen to be fighting or at odds with the Bugbear overseers. Rumor has it that the men are their to supposedly "Protect the people of the town from Undead attacks".

    Where these men came from or their allegiances is unknown, some claim them mercenaries, though it would be a large war chest indeed to get men to fight in such dire conditions._

  • Rumours abound of a husband and wife duo of Sembian origin arriving in Peltarch earlier today. They claim to be representatives of the East Faerun Trading Company and hired a room in the Mermaid for several months, supposedly.

  • The explosions were heard by others too, also dealing with undead, but in the barrows. A group headed up, and then Southeast, towards a pillar of smoke in the distance, they said … but no word came from that since.

    A very tall fellow in golden armor, with the crimson of Norwick plainly evident upon him, however, went to the Temple of the Triad bearing armors. Two shields and a Suit of plate, to be exact, all dark in color and to those who can tell, purpose.

    He left them with Daisy, requesting that she keep them until Lycka could examine them, and then destroy them as she will, should she wish.

    (Items trashed, OK'd by DM Gnomeallow. )

  • And the Jewel ground shook this morning. Seems two small exxplosions were heard too.

    Guards of the docks rushed down the sewers, and found the cause! At least 4 adventurers were found down there. The wizzardry type among them, an aging blond man in fine green silk robes, said he "had to quickly deal with a mass of undead"

    The four offered to pay for all the damage eventually caused.

    Case closed?

  • rumors go that undead attack from the dock district wanting the norwick refugee's but the undead where held back

  • A furious looking Nelor was seen in Peltarch searching for the Legion adviser Val Kyrie. When he did find her they spoke at length in the bardic colledge. Upon emerging he was much calmer, seemingly almost happy about something.

  • Edit: ((Don't RP for NPC's. That's what we have DM's for.))


  • In a predictable turn of events… it seems that the Golden Lion Knight, as some people playfully tease him by calling him, has Golden Gauntlets to complete the armor he wears, set with a large emerald in each. A good sight better than the worn out leather gloves with a piece of scrap plate laid over the back, hastily painted gold, that he wore before.