Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The explosions were heard by others too, also dealing with undead, but in the barrows. A group headed up, and then Southeast, towards a pillar of smoke in the distance, they said … but no word came from that since.

    A very tall fellow in golden armor, with the crimson of Norwick plainly evident upon him, however, went to the Temple of the Triad bearing armors. Two shields and a Suit of plate, to be exact, all dark in color and to those who can tell, purpose.

    He left them with Daisy, requesting that she keep them until Lycka could examine them, and then destroy them as she will, should she wish.

    (Items trashed, OK'd by DM Gnomeallow. )

  • And the Jewel ground shook this morning. Seems two small exxplosions were heard too.

    Guards of the docks rushed down the sewers, and found the cause! At least 4 adventurers were found down there. The wizzardry type among them, an aging blond man in fine green silk robes, said he "had to quickly deal with a mass of undead"

    The four offered to pay for all the damage eventually caused.

    Case closed?

  • rumors go that undead attack from the dock district wanting the norwick refugee's but the undead where held back

  • A furious looking Nelor was seen in Peltarch searching for the Legion adviser Val Kyrie. When he did find her they spoke at length in the bardic colledge. Upon emerging he was much calmer, seemingly almost happy about something.

  • Edit: ((Don't RP for NPC's. That's what we have DM's for.))


  • In a predictable turn of events… it seems that the Golden Lion Knight, as some people playfully tease him by calling him, has Golden Gauntlets to complete the armor he wears, set with a large emerald in each. A good sight better than the worn out leather gloves with a piece of scrap plate laid over the back, hastily painted gold, that he wore before.

  • Cecil is shortly seen DASHING to find Vulcan!

  • Val seeks out Cecil with several such emeralds in hand

  • Cecil's search for someone with a large green emerald seems more desperate. He's asked around at the Ferret, the Pissing Goat, and the Mermaid often, finding no results as of yet. Someone -has- to have one somewhere though… right?

  • Every time Ardent hears a new rumor, she loses a little bit of her already scarce patience. Finally breaking down she berates some lazy man with a flapping tongue.
    "If you have so much time to spread stories with no evidence, why dont you work at the bardic college and at least help the refugees with it?"

  • _Rumors begin to circulate of a meeting which occurred along the road south toward the Legion tower and the Bridge, a few days past.

    Supposedly several people representing Norwick in exile, possibly members of the Remnant met with a group of Orcs. To everyone who recounts this rumor the surprise is apparent in their voices as they speak of the Orcs wishing to help in the fight against Ostromog. There motives however seem varied and numerous in the tale, consisting of everything from: Orcs just like to fight, to talk of them gaining a seat in the ruling of the New Norwick…._

  • _A man arrives in the Mermaid in old bloodied scale armor and a chipped wooden shield on his back. After paying a few coin for a hunk of bread and cheese and a pint of ale, he has a word with the bartender…

    "Where would a man with armor and means be about finding a bit of work in this town?_

  • *Nelor has been seen training with and buying drinks for various guard groups around Peltarch. He seems most interested in imroving his defensive skill. He is often heard to say" If I am going to be a Shield, I better be the best one I can be" *

  • _Many Silver Valley refugees, as well as a few Peltarchian guards and citizens, were killed in a recent attack on the docks.

    Apparently a man demanded a group of Silver Valley refugees convert to Bane. When the stalwart smallfolk refused, a small boatload of assailants wielding Zhent blades attacked, butchering whoever they could see.

    The attackers were eventually slain by guards and adventurers working together._

  • Ardent finds a disturbing find in the hills outside Peltarch. Corpses in the hill giant and manticore lands of all the Peltarch defenders and a brown clad man near the barricade. Ardent carries the corpses of all to the Temple of the Triad for any who wish to examine them further. It could just as easily be the actions of the local fauna as it could be the actions of some unidentified enemy.

  • Ardent is seen around the Docks asking about Harkle again, she mentions that if he is looking for her, to find her in the Mermaid.

  • @c9af48fe8c=teflonbilly:

    _Rumor has it that a well dressed Elf is looking for one Bon Ausbourn Half-Orc Bard of renown who is often seen singing in the commons of the City.

    It seems the Elf, was looking to commission a piece of music….. and can be found often enough at the Mermaid, should Bon accept his offer._

    After hearing said rumour, Bon begins to frequent the Mermaid in the hopes of being found by this elf.

  • Legion

    Senator Leaffall rarely seems to leave town hall these days. When she does she is always flanked by a pair of Defender minders. The defenders seem to be less focused on potential threats and more focused on the senator - ensuring she doesn't wander off.

  • Legion

    Rumors spread that the reopened pass is closed again. Most people aren't as optimistic about the orcs staying cooped up this time.

  • _Rumor has it that a well dressed Elf is looking for one Bon Ausbourn Half-Orc Bard of renown who is often seen singing in the commons of the City.

    It seems the Elf, was looking to commission a piece of music….. and can be found often enough at the Mermaid, should Bon accept his offer._