
  • ~Age 3-13

    Born in Amn, this young sorcerer was son of one of the richest famileys of the lands. The Lightcrest familey heritage was his as soon as his mother and father would pass away.

    Snobby, arrogant, and a downright rich spolied brat. No one liked Nate very much. Whether it be the commoners of Amn, or the other kids who were jealous of his familey's wealth.

    Nate, realising this, didn't even care. All he could think about was the soon-to-be his money.

    ~Age 16

    His father, Alabaster Lightcrest, grew concerned about his son's growing greed. This is not how he wanted the hier to the fortune to think. Although an adept sorcerer, he could not bring himself to teach his son a lesson himself. He had his friend, Isius, an aged, wise, headstrong Wizard do it instead.

    "You, young Nathan, arent viewing life the way you should be." Isius said one night, approaching Nate who was resting slothfully in his room.

    "Get out. This is my room. I decide what company i want" But his demand was in vain.

    "I have something for you… Her name is Anabelle." He reached a hand in his pocket and gently took hand the sleeping pixie within.

    "She will be your better half. She will make sure you walk the right path in life."

    ~Age 17+

    "Please sir... My familey is very hungry and we've not coin for bread or water" A young boy, no more then 5 years old, approached Nate.

    "Out of my face, scum..." Nate had only begun to speak before Anabelle flew out of his hair, hands on hips with a stern look on her face.

    "I'm begining to think you'r hopeless, Nathan Lightcrest. We will have to take drastic mesures with you. Give the man everything you got, then bring me to the mansion"

    Nate had to agree, less Anabelle tell Isius of his disobediance.


    When they arrived back at the mansion, Anabelle flew off for a moment.

    "Wait here"

    When she came back, she had the tiniest of bags in her hands.

    "Isius told me to use this if i ever got desperate" She reached in and threw a very, very tiny handfull of sparkles into his face.

    Nate blinked, a vacuous look in his face.

    He just stood there, a blank look on his face.


    Isius apeared.

    "You used the dust, I am sorry it has come to this." Isius said sternly.

    "Bring him to the docks, take him to Narfell. Make sure he stays out of trouble. I'll tell his father. And, Anabelle..."

    He paused a moment.

    "Do NOT tell him of his riches in Amn, do NOT tell him of his rich father, and do make sure he becomes a respectable man. And be nice, he's just lost all his memory, he should be a different person now." Isius smiled and nudged Anabelle's little cheek.

    "I am sorry to see you go, old friend." Isius said.

    "As am I Isius, i will do my best with him." Anabelle said in her tiny voice, smiling up to the man she called master and friend for so long.

    "Give him a false story, tell him he grew up in Narfell, tell him anything but his actual past. Good luck, my friend. Let me escort him to the docks for you."


    Loggin name: flomuxed
    PC Name: Nate

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.