Hey everyone, I am new… not only to Narfell, but to RP servers, period.
But I am enjoying it thoroughly so far. If you see Caelian Thunderhawke running around, say hello!
Oh, I forgot to add: we have a IRC server. Basically just full of a bunch of people who like to mill around and chat about whatever (usually non-sense), but it's also a good place to get to know some of the community and get any questions about Roleplaying, NWN, or D&D in general, answered.
You can access it by clicking on the chat tab at the top of the page, or through any IRC program. I think the instructions for the address and whatnot to be used with a independent IRC program are posted under general discussion.
Welcome to narfell!
Welcome to narfell mate !
Feel free to poke us whenever you need some help it what ever issue you might haveI´ll see you IG buddy!
Byt the way… welcome to hotel narfell... :twisted:
You can also get a hold of them through the emote wand or rest menu…I think. :?
Very true. Clicking the 'Help' option in rest menu/emote wand will alert any PGs that happen to be online. We will not be bothered if you use this. In fact we like it
So feel free to press it any time you have a question regarding the various aspects of Narfell, roleplaying, or NWN in general.
Welcome to Narfell.
Glad to see you're having a enjoyable time. If you ever need any help IG there are people called PG's (Player Guides) who often spam messages in the log window announcing themselves. They'll be happy to answer any questions you may run into. You can also get a hold of them through the emote wand or rest menu…I think. :?
The server is in somewhat of a rest period right now, as preparations are being made to implement a new build soon, which I am sure will come with all kinds of new areas, renovations, plots and excitement. You can get a good deal of info on the recent happenings and history, if you are interested, by reading some of the forums town sections and rumor threads.
Thank you, I am enjoying myself even more than I thought I would!
Very nice community.
Welcome to Narfell and the world of RP!
Addiction will make a monkey of you yet.
Hello and welcome to Narfell.