Kyarmah Baelrethian

  • ((Apologies))
    Login: Fragile Vessel
    Name: Kyarmah Baelrethian

    The rain slid off his cloak as the cart pulled to a stop in the hamlet. Looking about, the thought of remaining here did not seem so terrible after all. Having been told the town would be less than a tenth of the one from which he had come, he expected worse. It was well kept, for the most part, and that the city was a little more than a day's travel to the north was encouraging. Still, it was quaint.

    Sliding off the cart and leaving some money with the driver, he stepped towards the inn, opening the door, then finding himself in the less-than-crowded common room. Removing gloves and cloak, he was greeted by the pleasant serving maid, who offered him a drink that he gladly took, along with a seat. Dismissing the drunken halfling with a wave, he set about thinking on his task…

    "Support your Brothers and Sisters, that they may be well in the lands given them. Obey me in this, for I desire for them all to know me."

    The words had come through the priest, though he knew they were true enough for him. Many of his Brothers were less inclined to the faith. He, too, had been less than certain, though it came easier for him later on to believe in the work of Labelas Enoreth when he had seen the workings of his followers. None could establish such a system of information and knowledge without divine aid.

    Thus did he find himself drinking wine in a small hamlet in the eastern lands, following the will of Labelas Enoreth to find his Brothers and Sisters. Looking around, it pleased him that these should be the halls out of which he would operate. They felt like home, and he hoped they would remain so.

  • No apologies needed 😉

    Reviewed - XP Pending.

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