Pasty Elf Seeks Swords for Hire...

  • A rumor begins to circulate around the dark city that a certain pasty elf is looking for adventurers. Better yet, he is willing to pay for their service. Any interested in finding the elf are pointed to the Wailing Banshee.

    (( Looking to kick off a small event thursday around 9-10pm est time. Details to come… ))

  • Word travels quickly of a large group of adventurers hunting down a massive fire elemental at the request of the elven wizard Lucidious. Apparently the creature attacked the pasty mage and stole his "Battle cloak"… some prized possession or family heirloom that the elf couldnt bear to lose.

    The adventurers were successful in their mission, though covered in soot and still smoking on their return to the banshee. The group apparently did battle with a host of fire loving creatures including an ungodly huge fire elemental which collapsed into the soot covered elven cloak upon its destruction.

    Where the elemental came from has yet to be explained, but it seems the pasty mage could care less, with his cloak now returned to him.

    (( thanks kuk for running the event! Hope everyone had fun! 😄 ))

  • A cloaked and hooded dwarf-shape discreetly enters as well.

  • Tonight, be there 🙂

  • An equally pasty man with no hair emerges from the library and makes his way to the Banshee.