Oration in the Market Place

  • As the wounded city slowly starts to return to some sort of normalcy, a man dressed in a white shirt, black breeches and a pair of leather boots takes to the stand in the Market place, lifting his hands to calm those in the market for a moment. The figure is easily recognizeable as Egdar Lewis, a private in the defenders.

    _Good folks of tha' city,

    I come afore ye today as a simple man, one tha' has fought tooth an' nail for 'is home. No' as a defender, or as a citizen of tha' city. Just a man followin his 'eart an' tha' lord of Battles, Tempus.

    Tha' war is over an' we were all victorious. Tha' N'jasti invaders have all been sent 'ome packing. Each an' every one a' us proved tha' courage an' unshakeable will can not be shifted, even in tha' face of overwhelmin odds. Courage finds a way. In time, we will heal an' we will recover from tha' wounds left from tha' war. We will rebuild an' move forward, secure in tha' knowledge tha' right has prevailed here.

    What brings me 'ere today is a rather simpler matter. One of honour.

    Tha' docks have been retaken an' official awards have been given out for tha' action. However, I feel strongly tha' the living are not tha' only ones who need to be recognized for their gallantry. Many sons an' daughters of tha' city will never stand within it's walls again due to their sacrifices in keepin tha' Jewel as a free city.

    Our time a' struggles is over for now. It is time tha' we said farewell to all those who gave their lives in defense o' us all. What do I ask of you all, I hear?

    'tis as simple as I am afore you now.

    I ask that everyone willin' grant tha' dead the proper honour of a farewell. I 'ave no formal ceremonies, or set farewells….all tha' I ask is that you all give tha' departed their rightful farewells as warriors.

    Honour their memories as a testament to our own freedom.

    Than' you for tha' time._

    Lewis pauses a moment and then lifts a hand to rub at his throat, then quickly steps down from the rant-stand in the market

  • Legion
