Parchments Posted on Trees throughout the Nars
Sheets of Parchment can be found posted throughout the Nars, gently tied to trees with thin twine. The writing on the parchment can be seen to have been carefully written, as if each word was carefully scribed, with the intent of leaving a lasting impression…
Maybe there was nothing that could be done.
Maybe, it was written and made into fate long before we all stepped foot here,
Even long before we were even a whisper on the winds.
Maybe, but, it is certain that we’ll never know for certain.Whatever else Kara was, once upon a time, she was a friend to most, if not all of us. She was beautiful in her grace, and valiant in her actions.
She was simply… poetic. Even to the end.
She gave just about anyone a chance, even me. And the gods only know that I was her opposite in every way.
Whatever “Kara Du’Monte” became, I will always remember Kara fondly. I will remember her as my friend. As my sister…
Once upon a time, we were both forces of nature. Extreme perhaps. But, we gave each other balance.
Where she was strong, I was weak.
Order and chaos.
Altruism and selfishness.
But… it fit.And I was not alone in this. She gave us all balance. And perhaps now the scales have balanced once again.
Maybe it is now time that we take up what she was before she truly died. Before she perished on a battlefield somewhere far before and away from the one Peltarch fought on with N’Jast.
Just maybe…
The true spirit Kara Du’Monte I knew has long since passed.
The shell is now gone.
But the memory of what she truly was…
Will unarguably remain.
For all those who mourn this… those who mourn the passing of what Kara truly was, perhaps it is too much to expect out of all of us to give her a proper funeral.
There is no body to bury, and there are wounds too deep to expose them to each other openly perhaps.
But, if you mourn her…. Who Kara truly was, not what she became…
I will leave torches for you on the crossroads of the Nars pass.
If you truly mourn who she had been, light it, and place it into the ground, letting it burn for one night.
For those who do not, I ask that you allow this one night to let those who do grieve in their own way. Allow there to be peace in this. Allow some of us do this before we must all move on, to find our own balance once again.
For just one night.
Like her, these flames will be temporary, and will die as all things do with time.
But for now, let us forgive. Let us remember. Always.
((Tuesday eve should be good for me))
(( delayed until tuesday evening due to some late running events last night. Apologies folks. If everyone who wants to participate could post times that would be good for them, I'll try scheduling this asap.))
(( This event will occur tomorrow, Saturday Nov 8, 10 pm, GMT - 5. Those who cannot make it, but want to participate, post your responses in this thread.))