The Glowy Portal Near the College

  • _A few days before the initial siege, three mages: Myeil, Ronan, and the odd wizard known as Hario, went outside the bard college. Myeil dissapeared for some while. For a few hours, flashy lights and such were seen near the college. Most just stayed away and watched from the windows of their homes… at least those who were on bard street.

    After the magic show was done, Haribo seems to have dissapeared. Myeil herself coming out of the runes in a flash of light. Ronan, however, looked pale skinned, with black circles under his eyes after the ritual was complete. Those who inquire, are told that it is a portal for food shipments from Peltarch to Norwick.

    Ronan, a day later is rumored to be just fine. Though what happened to the poor Haribo? Some say he gave his life for the completion of the portal, while others say that wizards were being wizards.._

  • With how much ground was given on the initial wall seige… Telli inquires to the portals purpose and intent in regards to evacuating the city of children, woman and elderly should the need arrise.