The Jewel Besieged

  • The Watchtower has fallen.

    Now N'Jast is at Peltarch's throat, its armies right outside the walls, waiting for the supplies and engines to attack

    Fear grips the city, mixed with determination.

    Some desperately try to flee. Other cadge acid bombs, climb up to roofs or upper story windows, and quietly tell their neighbors:

    "Damned if I'll let us show an inch less backbone than Jiyyd did. They want this street, let's see em take it."

  • Magistrate D'Arneau, freed from most of his duties now that martial law is in place, spends his time aiding in the training of the newer recruits to the Fifth Defender Division. He discusses strategy in divine spell casting with junior officers and tactics with the senior officers. Rumors begin to circulate amongst the clerical troops that he plans to participate in the battle.

  • The pink haired bardess Lilly tries to stifle a chuckle, watching Arryn and his group amusedly

  • Arryn Raven was seen gathering a large group of young Bards in the courtyard of the College. To better prepare them for the upcoming battles, the venerable Bard taught them the 4 Cardinal Rules of Bard Warfare:

    You will be next to useless trying to go toe to toe with enemy combatants so don't even try. That's the job of the people wearing heavy armor and carrying very big swords. If you feel it is absolutely necessary, you can use a missle weapon, but chances are you're just going to miss and waste your ammunition.

    A Bard's primary role in combat is a supporting one and nothing is more helpful to your allies than your Bard Song. As silly as you may feel singing a jaunty tune while your friends are fighting for their lives… If you aren't doing it, you aren't pulling your own weight.

    It is alright to use personal spells to make yourself harder to hit or to increase your spellcasting ability, but spells like Haste, Bull's Strength, Displacement ect. should always be cast on one of your allies. Remember, behind every great hero there is a Bard buffing them.

    Pretty much self explanitory.

    Arryn spends the rest of the day drilling these ideals into the gathered crowd… the sound of Bards shrieking can be heard throughout the city.

  • ::Mariston picks one up and tolds it between finger and thumb, turning to a defender:: Thou shouldst gather these and use them in the field privies, saves desease spreading and it may just find a use for them.

  • Roland snorts and looks at the mage.

    "Well, he certainly has no fear of sounding like a crazy idiot, does he?"

  • A white haired mage leans over, picking up one of the leaflets.. reading it over.. a dull look on his face.

    Good.. I've always wanted to blast this fool with my fire. I look forward to seeing him on the battlefield… mm.. I do wonder what he fears most though.

  • Since the seige began, with both forces tensely stationed mainly to the southern end of the city, smaller N'Jastian parties have been circling around the city's western and eastern perimeters, possibly scouting out their defenses. Word spreads that these parties are under the command to a Sergeant Klepthorn, and this N'Jastian fellow is based somewhere east or west of the city itself, in a small supply camp in the wilderness, co-ordinating the little parties' harrassments. Often a party is heard to be driven off by a band of Peltarchan mercenaries when they are brash enough to venture too close to the City's walls.

  • Sabre too goes in search of Mercy, mumbling something about needing to multiply "the Device".

    "…let's see 'em purge -that-..."

  • Telli takes one of the pamphlets from Taria looking it over before crumpling it up

    Hrmmph...Legion ain'ts deads... and da towa fell... Hrrmphh... Wulp... da city ain'ts fallings if Telli cans helps its... All det dat N'jast army gots and dey still ain'ta even droppedededs Telli ta a knee...

    And dats not evens wid Chauntea's grace wid Telli's... Hrmmph Telli says...Hrmmph...

    She waddles off to the front lines to begin preparing nd finding her orders as to which gate she'll be holding with her wide girth.

  • Taria laughs until she pees herself after reading one of the pamphlets.

    Awww! It's so cute! The little tin-man is soooo scary now that he found an already built army with already built machines done mostly with magic! I can't wait to find Mercy and show her this!

    Rushes off to show everyone she knows.

  • _Soon after the watchtower is taken, a first bombardement of the city commences. Hollow balls of leather are flung over the walls and into the city, where they pop in the air and rain down dozens of pamphlets, the winds ensuring they spread to every corner within the city.

    **Soldiers and Citizens of Peltarch,

    You were warned again and again, shown the signs of his displeasure, and yet you mocked His Words. You thought yourself beyond His Wrath.
    But now the time of Judgement has come, and N'Jast will deliver it upon you. His Blessed Armatures will smash down your gates and walls. His Holy Artillery will bring the skies down upon you. We come with the favor of The Lord and we are invincible.

    The Legion is no more. Whatever protection it once offered is a memory, and all that remains are stray dogs snarling at men. No weapons are secret to the eyes of the Lord. They dare to rebel against Him, and steal His Gifts to use against His Divine Will. Now you have seen the consequences of their arrogance, and paid the price for their ignorance.

    Where once you were proud and filled with hubris, you will be laid low by the Holy Flame. Already He has purged the city of its heart, and the rest is soon to follow. Repent and lay down your arms so that His Will may be done without the death of yourself and your family.

    Glory to the Eternal Lord of All Creation.**_