A meeting at the Central Fires
*After Jonathens speech Wog heads off to collect his possesions from around the camp and out of the woods and into the pass.
_To whom it may concern..
The camp has changed, no longer is it a place of welcome and the kind gypsys we used to be. I have been a gali probaly longer than the present leaders own age. What is happening to the pass and the gali i do not agree with, and at your clear request for "You will work for us" i am leaveing before fuss. The camp has had many problems in the past, The gnolls, the drow and so on. And it has always persevered. During all the problems the Nars has undertaken in the last couple of centrys, the Gali have always been their to help. This seems to have changed.
I prefered the old camp.
Any Wogshurgh_
After a heated exchange with the druid Sald, after which Jonathan snatches his papers from his hand and has him escorted from the Camp, Jonathan calls for those about to listen well
_Obviously there are people still living here who did not understand! Either you will work FOR us, or you will leave. We will not stand for traitors, and those who do business with the traitors to make their home in the Camp.
So listen carefully! If you choose to do business with Norwick, or if you are a member of the blasted Union, or even if you simply do not agree with me….
Pack your things.
We will aid you in leaving, we will help you move, we will even escort you to safety. You have been our family and we will not cause you harm.
But make no mistake..... we will not allow traitors to live among us!_
And somewhere.. someone with no clothes on runs in the rain.
As Tala hears Johnathan's words she looks to William. Her face as expressionless as his, but some might feel there was a unspoken message in her glance. She turns back to look at Johnathan after the momentary glance. Speaking not a word she heads towards her cave where she remains for some time.
After word of the speech spreads, Aelthas and Lycka make arrangements to have theirs and their mothers belongings moved north to the city.
Will listens to Jonathan's speeches with a carefully neutral countenance. When Jonathan is done speaking, he makes his way back to the Pixie's Roost
_A small, brown song bird flits down from the trees, one morning after the big speech and unforms to be Cherry, a very teary Cherry. The entire time she rants and mutters under her breath about teapots, white knights, red queens, rabbit holes and dormice. To anyone who even tries to say hello, she shouts, "FEED YOUR HEAD!"
Cherry packs up her things and her tent, tying it into one bundle that she hefts onto her back. Muttering and still in quiet tears, she carries her tent and things into her grandmother's old, now haunted tree.
Three hours later the tree's door opens by itself…five minutes after that a fluttering of small wings fades up into the treetops._
Mutters and discontented talk wages about the fires for the next few nights, but some begin packing, and loading wagons. Loathing looks shot at Jonathan seem not to bother him.
The weapons merchant and the arms merchant both begin packing, talking of hitting the Long Road and just going where it takes them.
Alexi frowns muttering Whatever happened to all getting a long and living in peace. This place being a refuge to all that wish peace not mattering to most extent who they fellow….
Star listens in silence, to both the speeches and to the preaching of the Hoaran priests. She nods occassionally to the Hoaran ideals, mostly seeming perplexed that anyone would find the concept of what they preach odd. Her exact thoughts she keeps to herself, as ever, but eventually with a shrug she returns to her tent, seemingly unconcerned and unworried by anything said, as if it changes nothing for her.
a long pause as he looks out over those gathered, noting both those who are in attendance, and those who are no longer there
If there are any here who dispute our claim, or has an issue with our ways….
You will be allowed to leave in peace. There will be no disrespect shown to you. Aid will even be given to those who wish to leave.However, if you stay.... you agree to our ways, our rule, our God.
Jonthan continues his speaking, making announcements in a matter of fact voice
While we appreciate and will always remember the way the Romani took us in as children, and allowed us to grow and flourish here, the time has come for us to stand up for our own ways.
We of the Rom and the Eastlander descendants now reclaim the Pass as our heritage, extending the Camp influence all the way west past the Pass Road, south to the Long Road, and north to the Great Ridge.
We will continue to call the Camp our home, and continue our claim as children of the Romani and the Eastlanders both.As long as we are left in peace, we shall not seek to harm. However, we as followers of Hoar, will mete out swift and terrible justice on those who seek to wrong us. This is our way.
The bard is allowed into the Camp on a provisional basis, though not obviously mistrusted, it also evident that he will have to earn his place among the ranks of the Hoarans.
The long lost bard Edward Swann is seen at the gates of the camp, wishing to enter, after hearing about the preachings of Hoar by Jonathan.
Jonathan steps up on a rock near the Central Fires and raises his voice to get everyone's attention. He waits patiently as people wander in, til he is certain that he has most of the Camp citizens drawing near enough to hear.
_In the near days, there will be many changes coming to the Camp. No longer will we stand idle and allow people to run over us. No longer will we take the little bits we are given and be grateful for them. From now on, we will be the Peace keepers of the Pass. We will mete out justice to those who have wronged us, those who want to wrong us, and those who wish us ill. Our justice, our retribution for their crimes will be swift and sure. So sayeth the Lord of Three Thunders. We will follow HIS will. We will no longer be victims. We will no longer look aside as injustice is meted out in other gods names. WE will bring vengeance!
Remember The Doombringer's truths, and we shall prevail!_
Jonathan lifts his eyes to the heavens and begins to chant the beliefs of Hoar:
Uphold true and fitting justice and maintain the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law. Fitting recompense will always accrue for one's actions. Violence will meet violence and evil pay back evil, but good will also come to those who do good. Walk the line of the Doombringer's teachings, seeking retribution, but do not fall into the trap of pursuing evil acts for evil's sake, for that way is seductive and leads only to one's downfall. Vengeance must be sought for all injustices, and all punishments must fit the crime. Revenge is sweetest when it is sharpened with irony. All atacks must be avenged. Those who do not respond to attacks against their person or that which they hold dear only invite further attacks.
Upon hearing the rumors of demons attacking in the Nars, the children, the old and those who can't fight are hustled quickly deeper into the Camp proper, leaving the Warriors and their new Compatriots at the gates.
They'll have to come through all of us first.
I agree with William in this. We can eat all the deer we like, but we'll need grains. I"m hearing there are food shortages everywhere and without gold coming into the camp we might not be able to feed everyone anything other than spider parts and deer.
I understand this needs to be done, until things settle down at least.
…but in the interim, its going to mean hard times for those of us who make our living as merchants, and it is going to completely cut off any coin coming into the Camp.
That will make it hard to buy anything we can't make ourselves, and we'll need some things we can't make ourselves. I'd suggest sending our own merchants out elsewhere, to trade goods made here, as Selene once did in Norwick.
Granted, I suspect anyone from the Camp wouldn't be overwelcome in Norwick at the moment, but at the same time, Dwin is rarely one to say 'no' where there is a profit to be made. It is entirely possible a merchant from the Camp could set up there, if we can provide things Norwick needs (though perhaps appearing as other than a merchant from the Camp). At the very least, we could send merchants to less hostile towns to bring in coin and things we can't make ourselves.
More than a little obviously irritated, Jonathan rubs a hand through his hair
They made their bed, now they can lie in it. No matter what Norwick may be spreading, we were not the agressors in any of this. But, we will not lie down and take it any longer.
Justice has and will continue to be served against those that wrong us!
Will looks unhappy at the announcement, bun nods, finally.
Aye, we've had folk coming into our lands destroying things enough recently, and our folk have been dying from it.
So far its just been in the pass, but it could happen here in the Camp easily enough. We're not so well defended that we could keep them out if we let them get close, and we've families to protect.
I'm not keen on shooting on sight - we still have some friends as don't live here - but it has to be done, I think.
Hopefully the war will be over soon and the Camp can go back to being as it once was - accepting of all that wish to live in peace.