
  • A man nearing his middling years walks through the gates of the city. Although he is obviously not as spry as he once was, something about his gate hints that he still posseses a modicum of grace and style. Walking into the commons he stops and takes a deep breath, it's almost as if he needs a moment to steady himself from the torrent of memories that assail him at the sight of the once familiar place. He slowly pulls back his hood to reveal a still-handsome face despite the years added to it. Intense blue eyes scan his surroundings and a familiar crooked smirk forms on his face. To no one in particular, the figure says, "Welcome home Arryn Raven… Welcome home..."

  • The young students of the college are all aflutter with news that the man the bust was carved to represent is back. Many are comparing the carving to the man. Speculation on why he is back run rampant. One woman suggests he is going to be her husband while another states that all males from the college drink the water there and are clearly gay. Speculation and rumor aside, many seem glad to see an old friend returned.

  • Arryn!!!

    Damn, this hails back to Robyn Jahnsdotter, Kanen, and host of oldies.

    Welcome back!