*pamphlets strewn about all over the city*

  • Overnight, many of these pieces of paper are found scattered around the city

    People of Peltarch, hear these words clearly and without shadow to disguise them.

    A vast military host is heading towards this fair city's own doorstep where only innocent soldiers and brave adventurers guard.

    And what do the leaders of this city do about it? They arrest our devout paladins and priests, they alienate their friends in the south and they constantly provoke N'jast haphazardly, as if they did not care for their fair peoples.

    So many of you will not believe the words written here, but let us not forget the whispers of a cult, the arrests of all who could uncover such a cult, and going to fight a war that could be easily be avoided.

    Make your own decisions people of Peltarch, and do not forget those decisions you make.

  • After the inital drop of pamphlets had been picked up by citizens and (mostly) guards, no more are to be seen, leaving no trace behind of who did it and why.

  • Legion

    A pious beggar has not left the doorstep of the temple, constantly praying and making the threshold wet with his tears.

  • Dentin on his part is sure to spread word of the alliance of healers and priests in the city that he and Lacey are creating, assuring that there is still care for the wounded and ill, though does not hide the fact it was an initiative between him and Lacey, and not the Senate's.

  • Upon sight of these paper they are picked up by any and all guard patrols. Anyone seen dropping the papers are arrested for disturbing the peace. Guards questioned by citizens that find it note that citizens of Peltarch have used their own coin to send help to the south, not to agitate the situation. They claim these are just propaganda tactics by the enemy.