Those who work in the shadows
Followers of Mask, and or other sneaky/scheming, evil so'n'so's.
Evil plans need a planing and evil schemes need a scheming, we should not just leave it up the intelligent monsters of the realm and those who pull their strings! Let us combine our mind power, and plot the down fall of our foes! Let us not fight amongst ourselves, for that will only serve to weaken us as a whole. Nay! Let us join forces! And bring about the upheaval of the land. So we are the one’s in control! But let us be subtle and stealthy in our methods, unlike those who would oppose us. They think their so secretive, yet they chose to build their guild on a hill and put a sign out front for the entire world to see! Let us not be so daft, they won’t see us coming… soon our daggers will not be at their backs but in their hearts tearing them out.
Translation: I have built a Maskite, and I would like to know if there’s any other evil plotters out there who would be interested in scheming evilly together, have a great idea on how to destroy Peltarch. But I need others who would join me in my plans, or me in theirs.
In other words: I’m trying out an evil build idea is there any other evil PC’s out there, who are interested in RPing together?
Build data: rogue/cleric/cleric/rogue/cleric/cleric/rogue(Green = current Level status)
If I ever get to lvl 8 I will consider either going the assassin class or continuing this pattern, either way it’s a freaky little dark hin of Mask with a lisss’p.Lets plot some evil aye?
I now have two lvl 4 evil PC's and another in the thought process
Where are all the paladins?
I was told there were paladins under ever rock, waiting to smite me…
Anyway clerics are cool! Evil ones too!
Hope I haven’t jinxed myself by asking where the paladins are… hides
So far I think I'm going well! lvl 3 now. I really am enjoying this PC, even if the plans don't progress. I'm having fun. Pretty much at the moment it's for hire, till I can work out the kinks and holes, in my plan. Then wonder if it's worth carrying out at all…
If you wish to designate a task PM me, and we will discuss the job and the issue of payment.
I might be able to help you out too, pm if you're interested.
So far I've saved the life of a cleric of Torm, help some others out and such. Gaining the trust of people is useful. I do not play the 'rude' evil. I like simple strait forward intelligent planing and manipulation.
I’m not waiting for lvl X, waiting won’t get me there, no currently gathering resources to lead up to the Evil plans I have. These things take time the more time and care that is given to the planing, the better the plans.
I think you're off to a good start, then
Btw, I occasionally play a cleric of Beshaba: Elissa, who's pretty open about being exactly that… if you wish to approach her, feel free to contact me.
But she has her very own plans, and goals. So be warned.
You also don't need to be high level to play Evil… just to play Blatant Evil.
Narfell has had plenty of successful evil characters... many of whom are not, well, obviously evil out in the open.
In general though, it is best not to play evil unless you don't mind having your plans foiled and your character shunned, hated, and sometimes killed. Wages of sin folks!
Yes blantent evil = dead after not too long. unless you can fight off those who wish to do you in.
Have more than one plan, some that are ment to draw the atenion of those who would foil you, plans that would send then on a quest to a place that is out of the way for them to foil it, thus beriding your self of them for the time being.
I do not fear what will happen to my PC sould I get caught, though I do not intend to be so.
I understand Evil is hard, and I don't intend to start trying to carrying out my evil plans till lvl 7.
Generally a very bad idea.
If you have a plan, don't wait for level X to come along. Start getting the plan set into motion from day one.
As a rule of thumb: If you want to not get killed as a solo evil, make a lot of friends. That's just common sense, but more often than not, 'evil' is used as an excuse to be rude. Clever evil, I always thought, is exceptionally 'nice', at least as long as you don't get in the way of their plans.
And yes, what was said above already.
So far I've saved the life of a cleric of Torm, help some others out and such. Gaining the trust of people is useful. I do not play the 'rude' evil. I like simple strait forward intelligent planing and manipulation.
I’m not waiting for lvl X, waiting won’t get me there, no currently gathering resources to lead up to the Evil plans I have. These things take time the more time and care that is given to the planing, the better the plans.
All that occurs within the shadows is in the purview of Mask. Ownership is nine-tenths of what is right, and ownership is defined as possession. The world belongs to the quick, the smooth-tongued, and the light-fingered. Stealth and wariness are virtues, as are glibness and the skill to say one thing and mean another, twisting a situation to your advantage. Wealth rightfully belongs to those who can acquire it. Strive to end each day with more wealth then you began it, but steal what is most vital, not everything at hand. Honesty is for fools, but apparent honesty is valuable. Make every truth seem plausible, and never lie when you can tell the truth but leave a mistaken impression. Subtlety is everything. Manipulation is better than force, especially when you can make people think they have done something on their own initiative. Never do the obvious except to conceal something else. Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy a target.
If there’s a DM out there who would like to hear my plans, and maybe help me with them? Please PM me if interested.
Oh and a correction not Maskite, it’s Maskarran
To many level 19 paladins on narfell. Watch out. evil ftw
Oh, I think anything that gets put in the forums has a chance of being metagamed, and yeah that includes "good" plans and motives, by Evil groups.
But whatever, sorry for getting so off track Adric.
I play a pretty well-known open follower of an Evil God, so if you have a PC that is looking for an ally, need a hand, or just want to throw an idea/plan out and see who wants in on it, go ahead and shoot me a PM or Tell IG.
Really wasn’t opening it up for discussion, but giving general advice on how to post in a public forum. But remember any such post is a 2 way street, meaning that anything achieved thwarting “good” person/NPC/town’s plans by an evil group can be viewed in the same light. I.E. that clearly the group or someone in the group metagamed the public information. I am sure you would not be happy with that implication nor the how it would detract from what was achieved. It’s a pretty unpleasant thing to insinuate. Rather than generalising in a public forum try and keep things in a more positive vein and if you have proof that metagamig has occurred then bring it to the team. If not then I just view this as sour grapes or hearsay.
Sorry Adric for the hijack of your thread, which is ended (get the hint there
Back on track and continue on with the show.Also please note this post is not directed at anyone in particular.
Despite what DM A&B said, I still agree with Metagod Summoner and Oddba11.
Sorry chaps, it just happens. Am I calling the entire server metagamers? Of course not, but if the shoe fits…
Note: These are opinions of Ace-of-Spades, not to be misinterpreted as anything but.
I understand Evil is hard, and I don't intend to start trying to carrying out my evil plans till lvl 7.
Generally a very bad idea.
If you have a plan, don't wait for level X to come along. Start getting the plan set into motion from day one.
As a rule of thumb: If you want to not get killed as a solo evil, make a lot of friends. That's just common sense, but more often than not, 'evil' is used as an excuse to be rude. Clever evil, I always thought, is exceptionally 'nice', at least as long as you don't get in the way of their plans.
And yes, what was said above already.
You have a point. And I've been looking for someone to have Veska professionally affiliated with. :twisted:
dark red eyes stare quietly at… adric.... then kills him...
Oh so that’s why the government body that handles the unemployed had me down as dead, that’s good to know…
I understand Evil is hard, and I don't intend to start trying to carrying out my evil plans till lvl 7.
Evil do work well together, when they work together properly at first it won't work... no just watch the original Batman movie, the old one with shark repellent. Except baneites they are horrible. However the you scratch my back and I won't stab yours works well.
Those who metagame should be ashamed of themselves, and should have nasty things done to them...
Than there's the point I'm generally on from 6:00pm till 11 or 12pm (+10 GMT) 70 to 80% of the time I'm on I'm the only one on... What paladins? And I’m not always a evil PC, I have others, death is not an ending mealy a diversion.
We are just giving advice to this player so they can have a more smooth chance of playing evil. I am not saying every -single- person in this community metagames, in fact, it is extremely rare here. Most of the time, it is a slip up on a player's part because they accidently put something they knew OOCly (ex: something they read on the forums that was OOC) into something their character does IC. I've done that myself, I'm only human. And that one slip up can spread throughout the entire server, which in turn can screw up a character.
Maybe I should've added "accidental metagaming" in there too.
You also don't need to be high level to play Evil… just to play Blatant Evil.
Narfell has had plenty of successful evil characters... many of whom are not, well, obviously evil out in the open.
In general though, it is best not to play evil unless you don't mind having your plans foiled and your character shunned, hated, and sometimes killed. Wages of sin folks!
All these accusations of metagaming get fairly tiresome, if you have proof go through the correct channels if not its pretty poor show and frankly gets tiring. Just assuming you were found out by metagaming a)Is insulting to each and every other player out there b)ludicrously self absorbed.
Yes evil is hard to play on Narfell as in many games, mainly because it’s a world of heroic adventure. Therefore in essence evil will always be apposed and looked out for.
Also, evil doesn't always work well with evil. It might, but during Ezakiel's evil period, if you weren't a fellow Banite and selling you out would have helped him out, or not doing so might have risked himself, he wouldn't have thought twice about it.
your best bet is to only contact via pm or irc the people who you know already play evil pc's as their MAINS and start planning , through them you can network and find other people with similar interests in mind,. once you start doin stuff in game send your underhanded dealings to a dm, that might be willing to do something with it, in a pm or tell in game.
but yeah if your evil at lvl 1 some paladin is going to catch it before your able to do anything and once that happens you can expect everyone to immediately know your evil, but of course, posting your evil in the forums skips the paladin catching ye step and goes straight to no one trusting you cause they "think you might be evil"
Yup, that's for certain.
And posting your plans on the forums is a no no. You'll get metagamed… trust me.