In service - Yolanda

  • "It's been days now… stop acting so childish, the threat is over..."
    She said to herself as she was getting dressed in her room at the boarshead.

    It had been days, but that made little difference.
    She could practically still feel the shock of the dagger hitting the ground at her feet, and the words on the note rang through her head as clearly as ever… The tide is turning for all whores

    She got fired by Ikurus from the moment she showed him the dagger…
    For your own good
    If it was for her own good, why did he rehire her? even if it was only as a masseuse, how would this… this Z.R. -whoever the Hells he was- know?
    Relax Landa, everything is under control
    Under control? How was everything under control? They still weren't certain who did it, and this big brute of a half orc -Gagor or something Ikurus said- didn't make her feel any safer…

    DAMNED! What was going on? Why was it happening?Who was doing it? Was there any way to protect herself from it?
    And most importantly... Was it worth it?
    She couldn't think of an answer for any of the questions...

    She came to Narfell in the hopes of riches and power, but what did gold matter if she was to be hunted for the rest of her life?
    Sure, power would help her... but so far she had hardly learned anything...
    Ikurus had been extremely helpful, and had always protected her when she needed it, but of what she had learned, little was taught by him.
    Most of what she had learned, she learned at Dante's side...
    Such a nice man... a regular customer for her massages.
    This was more likely for bein with her rather than for the massages...
    He had a crush on her...

    Then she realised something, in the beginning, she couldn't care less about the fact that he had a crush on her, but now, she felt sorry for him...
    She shaked her head, she couldn't possibly be growing feelings for him.
    Even though she'd never done anything, she used to be a prostitute in Ikurus' service, and even though she was merely a masseuse now, she was certain she would regain her old title as soon as the problems had settled...
    It was impossible for her to have a relation, and she wasn't foolish enough to fall in love...
    Life is an eternal struggle for power, and the body…
    She realised she couldn't finish the sentence… She became confused...

    She left the borshead and thoughts such as these kept roaming through her head all day.

  • //Muahahahahah.

    The PERFECT emotions for any poor confused little girl to feel :twisted:

    GJ irish.

    Thumbs up


  • Disbelief

    She was falling in love...
    She shook her head, trying to deny herself that she was.
    It didn't help, the constant thought of Dante's smile remained...
    The thoughts of his smile turned into that of his words, his gentle touch, how he was always trying to help and protect her...
    She shook her head.


    The thoughts of Dante's smile dissappeared, for a moment she was relieved, but new thoughts came to her quick enough…
    She saw people watching her and Dante...
    Everywhere they went, those prying eyes...
    People seemingly shuffling closer, trying to hear their every whispered word...
    People watching in the shadows...
    Reporting to Ikurus...
    She shook her head.


    The pictures faded again, only to make way for new ones…
    Ikurus was glaring at her...
    Talking to her with an all too friendly smile...
    Dante was lying on the ground behind him, he was heavily beaten...
    She saw some people disposing of him...
    She saw herself, working for Ikurus again, eyes empty, as if there was no reason anymore...
    She shook her head


    New thoughts came to her head again…
    Ikurus always took care of her when she needed help...
    He'd never do such things, not to her, not to Dante...
    She remembered what Elor said...
    Ikurus was in jail, he was going to be hanged...
    She stood in shock...


    She realised the fact that Ikurus was sentenced to die instilled many feelings on her…
    She felt sad, alone, fearful... to lose the man that would always take care of her...
    Yet she was happy, and relieved, for if he'd die, she'd no longer work for him or anyone...
    And she'd never have the heart to tell him if she ever wanted to quit...
    She stood there, leaning against a tree in Jiyyd, until the door of a house opened...

    "Hey Yol, why are you out here? is something wrong?"
    She smiled again at Dante's concern, yet these thoughts kept creeping through her mind…