The Grand Ball

  • The Grand Ball will take place Saturday, September 6 at around 4 PM GMT.

    The tournament has an entry fee of 100 gold, which earns participants the right to join as many competitions as they like. Points earned during one competition will carry on troughout the tournament and add up. The one with the highest score at the closure of the tournament will be declared Champion of the Icelace Tournament.

    Details of the dancing competition are:

    • Competitors must have a dancing partner, as the competition will involve solely paired dances.
    • The competition will involve several dances with several styles. Pairs will be judged on technical skill as well as flair and presence.
    • The winning pair will earn the Icelace Dancing Competition Trophy, as well as the admiration and envy of the entire region.

  • Dondiah reads the notice with a serious look on that smooth face before breaking out into a full blown case of the grins.

    "Well, it looks like the Maiden has decided to test my skills…Of course...hmn...a partner..." clear blue eyes dart back and forth for a moment before going out to seek a few that might be qualified.

  • Legion

    Marty begins her mercyless hunt for a dancing partner.

  • Telli waddles past the poster nearly spitting her piece of chocolate from her mouth…. Dats dis weeks...CRAPS! She digs in her pack looking for the dress Firthram gave her and eyes with a groan...Please lets da'un he brings fer da dance be less purples and not so uglies....sighs tucking it away...If Telli gets laughedededs ats durings its....stomps off looking for something to vent her frustration out on...