A notice placed in the Commons

  • Do you thrill for Adventure!
    Long to visit exciting new places!
    Seek Fame and Fortune!

    Well look no further the FTC are looking for brave people!
    That’s right if you can swing a sword, fire a bow or cast magics we would like to here from you!
    An expedition shall set out from Peltarch in one month!
    Chances to strike at ore deposits exist too!

    The FTC retains a 70% share of any resources removed from FTC claimed land. Any artefacts found are the responsibility of the finder. Pay is 200 gold, health and resurrection charges lie within the responsibility of the employee. The FTC bears no liability incase of injury, death or massive magical disturbances nor any responsibility should a dragon awake and eat several ships (see: FTC vs DSFT)

    //This should take place Sat 30th Aug afternoon GMT…I hope//

  • ::Added to the end of the initial poster is a list of further information::

    To those interested, please bring:
    Cold weather clothes
    Rope and other equipment useful for underground expedition
    For those that wish to remove mineral deposits:
    Any ore removed will be inspected by the FTC and split as per standard payment procedures.
    Expected finds are gems and metals used for jewellery. If you are able to remove gold or similar ores please let the FTC know before hand. If not do not tamper with the FTC claimed lands.
    Dangers encountered thus far:
    Constructs of some ancient design have been faced before, please ready yourselves for such a threat.

    Oh and I have a new ship!
