Cymbline Orin

  • Character: Cymbline Orin
    Login: Dondiah

    Rough handwriting, bad and runelike are found in torn sections within the woods southeast of Norwick

    First of all. I'm not nice, lets get that out of the way now. So if you're reading this somehow, that means that I lost this stupid scroll or something (someone!?) took it from me.

    I heard the pirate I seek was in the port of Peltarch. Funny how Pirate friends are the worst kind, always near to dying or getting you killed or smear or both I guess. Either that or leaving for several 10 day at a time without word. Whatever, not bitter.

    I have come from the Wealdath from my wild elf tribe to the Chondlewood and from there to here, the Rawlinswood close to a town called Norwick.

    Funny how they took me in…it was as if I wasn't a different kind of elf...also funny how I became one of the best, and eventually a leader.

    I can still hear the screams of those we slaughtered. They weren't innocent, they were killers, madmen, they deserved their fate. After all, it was what they were driving towards anyway. I feel we did the town a service getting ride of that Moon elf organized crime filth. Theives guild paid a handsome sum too, but money holds little value for me, it was my honor they tried to take away from me. And for that death was the only fair reprecussion.

    So here I now sit in a in a strange wood where the trees whisper in a different tongue than those I am used to. It was better than the boatride here though, I doubt I'll ever get used to the sea.

    ...something comes this way, I can hear it, though not close. I will write more later.

    ~ Brynn

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