Festival Time!!!

  • ICC

    A large sign at the front gate reads:

    It's that time of year again! Come to the Silver Valley's Highharvest Festival! This year we hope to enjoy such games as 'Catch the Greased Pig' and 'Sling Marksmanship'!! We're also going to have an annual Pie Eating Contest!!! Pastries and Fenberry Wine will be there as well! We hope to see you with us!!
    Right-sized folk enter for free, tallfolk enter for five coins apiece.

    ((Saturday the 1st, 1pm-5pm Pacific time. I am sorry for the short notice, and I may be a wee bit late. Hope to see you there!))

  • ICC

    ((Heh heh heh….....whoops. Saturday the 2nd))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    //wait, I thought saturday was the second.