Limping into port...

  • …comes an unfamiliar vessel crewed by gnomes and hin, and captained by one Apoc Redstorm. A party of battered adventurers goes ashore.

    The ship seems to be staying.

  • the captain of the Peacekeepers makes an appearance, conversing briefly with the other Peacekeeper and watching over the bustle about the docks

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Apoc is seen leaving the docks accompanied by several Black Lotus guards, he seems to have gone along peacefully and willingly… muttering in gnomish about how people can't finish tasks asigned to them

    The crew seems to be staying aboard, and helping the remaining Black Lotus with a good search of the ship, obeying their commands as is appropriate.

  • A man in peacekeeper regalia also watches the happenings about the docks and market and seems perfectly willing to go help the lotus if the crew gets to rowdy.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    a middle-aged Gnome comes out of the Captains quarters to see a large number of Black Lotus Guards ushering people off the ship. He looks about and with a few quick questions he quickly becomes aware that his ship is being confiscated before he's even managed to finish docking.

    "Oh ho, what is this? Confiscated? But surely the Dock Master knows of our coming yes? Why of course he does, Rerith and I were just here a week ago, we had mentioned our bringing the ship, hrmmm… I guess the proper paperwork was not filed.... Well no matter, aye lads do ye job, it's what ye paid for, can't be having ya losing yer jobs... confiscate the ship, and please do a good searchdown of her if it pleases ya, their is no illegal cargo aboard... Once yer done with berattin me crew, and me guard, I'll be waitin on the dock fer ya to bring me to the Lord Gallows aye.... we'll be needin ta remedy this situation quickly, with the least loss of profit fer us all, agreed?"

    Apoc humbly adjusts his hat and walks off onto the dock awaiting the Black Lotus to bring him to the Lord, to ensure proper permits are attained

  • A woman in pale robes watches the commotion from the market

  • The Black Lotus member replies:

    Do not presume to tell me what I should or should not do. But I will tell you what you can do to avoid finding yourself in a cell. Keep your mouth shut and let us do our job. Now move along.

  • _Members of the Brotherhood of the Black Lotus promptly sieze control of the ship after it lands on the docks. The adventurers are allowed to leave only because of the Blooded member Apoc. The crew itself is made to stay aboard the ship.

    The leader of the boarding party states:_

    Any new ships to sail into our harbor are to be registered with the Black Lotus and receive permission from Lord Gallows himself. Your ship is not registered and will remain in our possession until that time comes. You folks best talk to Lord Gallows at once, lest you find this nice ship of yours with new owners, The Black Lotus.

  • A peacekeeper can be seen watching seeing if he recognizes any of the colors getting off the ship.