Crop Circles
Telli arrives with a odd trinket around her neck and a dopey grin…
Z is seen talking to Telli and advising her not to wear the odd trinket. Some (with good hearing) might catch bits and pieces of the conversation.
…be very careful, Miss Telli. I know them fey folk seem ta be helpin' ya now, but I don't trust 'em...
...known for trickin' folks and this could all be part of their plan...
...requires blood and makes you sick should be a warnin'...Sounds like bad juju to me...
...recommend that you not use that thing, put your trust in Chauntea, and stay... Trails off
**((Z will, once again, lead the "Crop Blight Ritual" that was performed in Norwick. Since the basic ritual is the same, I've copied and pasted much of what was written in the Norwick thread. However, I did make some small changes so it makes sense in the SV.))
((As Z and his team perform the ritual, he will explain the steps to those observing (particularly the SV priests). The idea is that they would be able to perform the ritual on their own if the lights were to return bringing a new wave of blight.))
((I am posting the whole ritual, because school is starting and I won't be around much the next few days. That said, I hope the other PCs involved post what they do to help.))**
Z begins
I want to thank the Silver Valley community for the opportunity to help clear out this blight. We cleared it in Norwick, but I'm thinkin' that these crop circles give the creature who brought them power in our region. I'm hoping that, once we clear out all of the infected areas, the creature will lose it's foothold here in our world and much, maybe all, of its ability to cause us harm.
I only know of one more tainted area frowns slightly and we will need to get rid of that one too. As quickly as possible; before more crop circles can appear.
Z then thanks everyone who has shown up to help with the ritual. ((I'm assuming that some of the local SV farmers and priests are here to help with the ritual, as well)) He apologizes for making them get up so early. He explains that he wanted to start early, when the sun is out, because that's when the blight seems to be at its weakest.
He asks for everyone, if they don't mind, to bow their heads for a short prayer. Holding his holy symbol, Z begins…
_Oh Chauntea, Great Earthmother, please give us, your humble servants, your blessings as we seek to cleanse this land of the horrible blight that has, recently, infected it.Please continue to guide us and grant us the wisdom to do your will. So that these, once lush fields, will, once again, produce fine, healthy crops for ourselves and our families.
Chauntea, Great Earthmother, I, as your humble servant, ask of this in your name._
After the prayer, Z walks the group over to the location of the first crop circle and explains the first step. He, politely, asks the farmers and the residents of the Valley to continue to pray quietly as the ritual begins…
First, we will cast remove curse to weaken the blight. It generally lasts for several hours.
The flies tend ta get really bad after this part so get ready for that.
*Z wraps a large piece of cloth over his mouth, nose, and ears. He also pulls up the hood of his cloak.
Prays and casts Remove Curse.*
The second round of the ritual consist of cure disease and healing blessings ((healing circle, for example)) on the plants within the crop circle to just beyond the outter edge.
Addressing the farmers and their families ((As with the Norwick ritual, Z wants the community to be, very much, a part of the ritual and the cure))
Thank you for your prayers and your help so far, you're doin' great. As you kin see, by workin' together and puttin' our faith and trust into the Earthmother, we can overcome this horrible blight on your crops. But we ain't done and this next part is very important. And we will need ta work together ta accomplish the task.
What we need to do now, is clear out all of these dead and dying plants. But it is very important that you get the whole plant, roots 'n all. If you don't get the roots of a weed, it'll come back. These will too. So, it is very important that you get every last bit of the plant and its roots. And be careful, please. Some of them thorns are razor sharp.
*While the farmers work at pulling up the dead, blighted plants (roots and all), they pray and sing songs of thanks and praise to Chauntea.
Once everyone is confident we've gotten all of the plants and roots manually, Z and his team will do what they can magically.
After warning everyone, Z will summon a fire elemental.
The pulled plants will be dispelled and then burned by the elemental. Once the fire burns itself out, holy water will be poured on the ashes to make sure they are out and to finish the cleansing.
Next, the elemental will be instructed to walk around and do a high heat burn over the entire crop circle (and slightly beyond). Leftover plants, roots, leaves, etc. need to be torched.
Z will then instruct everyone to use their shovels to turn the soil in the crop circle and an elemental (different one) will do another burn (repeat this if necessary).*
After the third phase of the ritual is completed, Z, once again, addresses the crowd.
We're almost finished with the first ritual and, by the grace of Chauntea, you kin see it's workin'. We thank you for your faith, your prayers, and your help so far. Once we complete the rituals, things will be back to normal.
For the fourth phase of the ritual, Z and his team will cast dispel magic over the area of the first crop circle - with a focus, as usual, on the center.
((End of the ritual on the first crop circle)).
After a short rest to eat, pray, give thanks, etc.
We're now goin' to take care of that second circle and get rid of them pesky flies and this blight once and for all…
Once rested, the group will repeat the entire ritual on the second crop circle.
If all goes well, Z will use the opportunity to gather support for one, hopefully, final ritual on his farm the next day.))
_With Dietrick's renewed gifts and the dragoons renewed attention, the forces of blight are put on the run, though not so easily turned as there no longer is there a day-night rest cycle. The flowers and thorny weeds carry out their vicious, silent battle 24 hours a day and the colorful dazzling lights provide a light show day or night. Though inn the day they appear more as rainbows streaked across the sky as to the brilliant auroral storms at night.
Those who sleep with the trinkets under their pillows report the presence of Fey in their dreams despite th usual precautions that keep the Fey out…and they awake severely nauseated. One difference, the Seelie Fey in their dreams appear to them as protectors, a point proven by the vicious dreams of battle reported to break out from hin after hin in the Valley, mirroring that of the lights in the sky and plants in the infected fields.
About 11 farmers follow Z and company from Norwick as they prepare for a second ritual._
In addition to the previous orders, the dragoons have been ordered to go door to door to question which of the residents have bought trinkets from the old hin woman who came to the valley during the festival with her two sons. For those who did, the dragoons were instructed to confiscate the trinkets on suspicions that the trinkets have a connection to the blight growing back out, and that it is found not to be true the trinkets will be returned back to their original owners.
After a casual meeting with Telli, Dietrick retracks the arrest order of the old hin woman and instructs the dragoons to return all confiscated trinkets back to their original owners. On top of that Dietrick begins to actively promote the use of the trinkets even. Encouraging the valley residents to buy one each and sleep at night with it.
Two purely massive direwolves arrive, one with that familiar patch of red fur on his chest and forehead, the color of Jerrick's hair.
he shifts back with a familiar crunching noise, and tosses Z a casual salute, looking ready.
Dietrick passes orders to the dragoons to safe guard the visitors as well as provide the necessary lodgings for them inside the barracks as well as any other basic necessities they might need during their stay here.
Telli arrives with a odd trinket around her neck and a dopey grin…
Not long after Miea turns up, looking cheerfull and happy. ready to help. Zeff following in behind.
*Z sends word to Telli, Calendel, Jerrick, and Miea to meet him in the Silver Valley tomorrow at dawn, if they can. ((PMs sent))
The next day, Z, along with several helpful farmers from the neighboring town of Norwick arrive at the Silver Valley just before sunrise. ((DM decides how many since they're NPCs))
They immediately head towards the first crop circle and gather around in prayer. To those that saw the "Crop Blight Ritual" in Norwick, it appears that they are getting ready to do it again.
They pray and prepare, but they do not actually start the ritual. Z looks around and waits for some of the Silver Valley's leadership to arrive, as well as, his "team" ((Other PCs
_In addition to the previous orders, the dragoons have been ordered to go door to door to question which of the residents have bought trinkets from the old hin woman who came to the valley during the festival with her two sons. For those who did, the dragoons were instructed to confiscate the trinkets on suspicions that the trinkets have a connection to the blight growing back out, and that it is found not to be true the trinkets will be returned back to their original owners.
Besides that, Dietrick personally digs a hole again near the blight. Having bought some pretty trinkets females adorn on their hair, he puts them with a short note similar to the one he wrote for the last offering into a small pouch and puts it into the hole and burying it.
He then proceeds to directly over-see and motivate the priest dragoons in using their priest magiks to remove the blight growing back out._
Gears stares at Dietrick with a furrowed brow a moment before walking up and speaking quietly but tersely with him.
((I'll PM ya))
_Once the blight's counterattack caught the Captain's attention, he immediately summons the dragoon priests to use their remove curse magics to keep the blight back.
"Buy me sum time and clear some grounds fer da princess' flowers to fight back."
Next he orders the purchase of a number of trinkets from the old hin woman who wandered into the valley during the harvest moon festival. He then proceeds to distribute them among those who report having such strange dreams, he asks them to put the trinket under their pillows before sleeping the following night and to report back what happens.
Meanwhile the Captain sends word to Z._
_The night storms of colorful lights waring each other grows steadily more violent, blowing over many things over night that are not firmly rooted in teh ground or tied down. The thorny weeds and slimy, creeping vermin have nearly over taken the fields from the garden flowers once more, with the garden flowers now reduced to just 1/3 of the affected fields.
In addition, recently small but significant fraction of the Valley reports wild dreams with the possible presence of Fey despite the usual precautions taken that usually work and still seem to be working for the rest of the Valley's residents even still. These unlucky few report the sense of the dreams being…poisoned..for lack of a better word as their dreams turned sour and supremely surreal before the Fey appeared. For all they can tell, the battle rages nightly in the sky and silently in the fields has spread to their dreams Their dreamscapes witnessing great battles between creatures they know they've never scene before and can barely describe. Fewer still make the mental link until they talk to someone who did recognize a creature in their dreams that they thought they saw up in the colored lights at night._
*Z (who looks a bit under the weather) is seen sitting with Ginger and Dietrick, discussing the crop blight, and asking for permission to cure it once and for all.
Z, who seems uncharacteristically cranky, and Dietrick seem to disagree on several fronts, but appear to come to some sort of agreement in the end.
Time will tell…*
*Yawning and constantly rubbing blood-shot eyes, Z wanders into the Silver Valley, takes a look at the progress made against the crop circle blight, and nods a bit to himself.
After a brief prayer over the crops and an ever briefer visit to the pastry shop, he is heard mumbling to himself as he heads towards Ginger's tent.*
I wonder if the second basket meant the Silver Valley…
As the dragons grow lax and confident in their victory…its seems more that victory is not so assured after all. At least not yet. Without their vigilant allies on the ground, the garden flowers lose their grip on the tenuous stalemate. Within a week it is evident the thorny weeds are truly on the march again as are the mage bot flies. A few inches each day are lost by the garden flowers along the battle lines.
_Like a population of cockroaches exterminated for all but a pregnant female roach, the blighted side of the field makes headway against the opposing garden flowers. The battle has slowed to mere inches per day gain.
Though it seems the only thing preserving the stalemate are Dragoons vigilant enough to recast Remove Curse when the creep grows noticeable. The hours give the garden flowers time to make inroads. Days later, the weeds are creeping back out._
_The battle lines of the plants gives way, flowing from day to day. One..maybe three nights in a row it may seem the thorny thicket is growing and clawing its way out of the corner. THen within one night, it is driven right back again.
The skies over the fields of the Valley grow into a night display of colored lights One aurora and maelstrom will move only to be intercepted by a second before it may touch down. Blustery winds swirl around the ground under and around the outsides of the vividly colored supermaelstrom. The flashing and bright display is sure to dazzle any onlookers to gaze too long up at it. Those who do find themselves dazzled report feeling a longing to…follow the lights to from where ever they came.
No one being able to follow the warring lights, their feeling subsides once their snes are regained from being entranced at the display. Those dazzled or with wilder imaginations witness the occasional sight of knights on brilliant steeds crashing down on ugly, horridly faced, man-things riding giant the sky amid the lights? and in fierce battle.
Reality or merely fanciful retelling...such an ill-defined and blurred line is the birthstuff of countless fairy tales...even on Toril._
Tiffiny is the first to start a little clap amoung the people in regongnition of agood job to deet andsoon everyone joins in
_Observing atop the hill, Dietrick watches in awe.
On the next day, Dietrick gathered the whole valley. With the dragoons standing behind him atop the hill , their red banners flabbering in the wind, and the many valley towns-folk and farmers gathering below looking up in curiosity, wondering what this is about._
"Is been long time and a hard fight. Dietrick understands everyone have suffered, everyone lost something. But this day, is the day that all of that is over! We will reclaim what is ours, and rebuild wat was lost. Dietrick is happy to let everyone know this blight evil is defeated!…"
Dietrick proceeds to draw his sword up high.
"I declare victory! This victory was not easy, was only by da power of our Goddess Yondalla to remove the blight, Princess Morgaine 's help to keep it from returning, and all of your cooperation to help in this together that it is over. Do not forget to give thanks to Yondalla, and when able, an offering to Princess Morgaine for her help. She is the one who prevent this blight from coming back, trinkets and ornaments women would fancy will please her. Simply bury them in a bag in the ground. And last of all, good work dragoons."
_Dietrick smiles his usual silly smile and assures the farmers to return to their normal lives, to regrow their crops.
Dietrick further instructs the dragoons to keep an eye on the last bastion of thicket the creepy crawlies live in. If it ever grows beyond its boundaries, have the priests cast remove curse on it at once.
Dietrick also further suggests that a great festival and celebration will be held soon, to commerate their victory, celebrate it, and to give thanks as well to their Goddess Yondalla and a "Princess Morgaine"._