
  • A parchment containing flowing elven script is delivered to Fadia in Norwick.

    _My dearest Fadia,

    It pains me to leave your side, my darling. At this time I long for nothing more than to comfort you, give you peace in the midst of your trials, yet my duties call me away. I travel south now, and I hope that this trip is short. After the recent events, I fear for your safety each day. I beg of you, remain near to those who will care for you while I am away.

    My love, you bring a joy to my life that I had not known before. The duties that call me away give me purpose of a sort, but the thought of living years out by your side gives me hope that there will be more to my life than my duty to my lord, the Lifegiver.

    Be safe, dear heart. As he teaches, "In the end, the sun always sets ere the next day dawns anew." I look forward to the dawn when I will see you again.

    All my love,

    ((OOC: As Kyarmah is often out and about the countryside and not in Narfell - since I can't login that often - this will be how they communicate. As they would likely share letters with friends, it can be seen here.))

  • //maybe you should PM this to hitodama, mate.
    EDIT: Nevermind, i failed to see the big picture.