Temple of Gruumsh Gnomished!

  • _Three gnomes Caramella, Cann and Yip were seen to enter onto swamps accompanied by hin lass Druppi and 'tallie' mage Rolan whom they apparently had nominated as Ronanity the Gnomehunterhunter. It was quite a clear that they were going onto adventure to find and pick some cloudberries for the cake to be baked.

    Some hours later the group arrived back, bit bruised but everyone standing on their own feet. Great proudness could be seen on their faces as they were anxious to tell about the great adventure and how they destroyed the whole vile temple of most vileosity and evilousity god Gruumsh they found from the cave in the swamp.

    And they had even been able to fill their basket with cloudberries on the same trip._

  • ICC

    A hulking figure attempts to seek the gnomehunters out, asking if they'll kill the gnomes involved for two thousand gold.

  • ::When Guulde hears rumors of the massacre his face contorts in rage::

    Ziz iz outrageouz!! Ze leetle bitz keeld ze Orkz!! Might az velll keeld me!! Perhapz I addz new eeengreedientz to mhy stewz no!

    ::he stomps off slobbering to do gods knows what::

  • ICC

    such terrible news come to Arak´Hur ears, he frowns and roars loudly and sets off looking enraged. He goes to find his brethren

  • _Theaon hears the news from some Legionaires and nods approvingly

    "Praise Yondalla for that brave group. That's one less thing Jiyyd needs to worry about."_

  • When the white haired mage makes one of his brief visits and hears the rumors… he kindly corrects those telling it, saying the name is "Ronan" not "Rolan."