Paranoia Poem.

  • It's always here
    It's Always there
    It's Everywhere.

    Always by my side
    Always in behind
    Always in my mind

    It won’t leave
    It's led me to Believe.

    I’m going insane
    Through this greater form of pain

    Will I lose myself just as my brother and father?
    Will I lose myself and become the same monster they were?

    What goes around Comes Around

    It had been three days since Ikurus had been stalked by this shadow, this intolerable fiend. Horror. He wouldn’t let him live his life in peace. Horror.

    Told from the view of Ikurus Darkrune.

    I can’t believe it. Fate has come back to bite me. To kill me. I am cursed. Cursed with this fear, this paranoia. Everywhere I go I feel followed, watched.

    I hate it. It’s consuming me.

    Slowly, slowly fate is torturing me, tormenting me. Not killing me, worse. Leaving me to live in fear, in the blood chilling fear.

    I hate it. It’s consuming me.

    It threatens me. From the shadows, it threatens me. It haunts me. It watches me.

    I hate it. It’s consuming me.

    It threatens my friends. It threatens my business.

    I hate it. It’s consuming me.

    Why won’t it go away? Why does it take to me? What have I done to deserve such hell?

    I hate it.
    It’s consuming me.