
  • _It would seem that the usually quiet Malachai has been seen around camp talking with several of the Romani taking down many notes as he moves from one to the next gathering information. If anyone speaks with him he speaks of his search for Justin Thenton, the aged priest of his temple.

    It would appear that the man had passed through the camp some time ago. Graadvul passed on the information that he remembered the old man in the glimmering, heavy armor with what seemed like a staff wrapped in cloth with him. The description fit the aged priest almost exactly and Malachai's prepares for another search with renewed vigor._

    ((OOC on: Player led event in the camp tomorrow 11/10/04 8:00 central US for any interested. River and any other DMs more than welcome to cause havoc. :OOC off))

  • (( Any who would like to participate and come late and do not find Malachai somewhere in the camp, speak to Graadvul. He might just pass on some information about a group leaving somewhere. Send me a tell that you are talking to Graadvul and let me know what you say to him, and I'll reply back when you get IG. ))

  • ((ooc: I'd love to make it but can't get there till 10pm EST. If you want to leave a hook for latecomers to join in, I'll be there. 🙂 ))