Hello Narfell community! I'm new here obviously, but certainly feeling welcome thanks to some of you guys already!
In case it isn't apparent, I play Beebo, the mighty Gnomish barbarian (self-titled). Hope to see you all in game!
Best advice: have fun yourself, ooc. And don't mix that too much
with your character having fun (you -could- have fun with a sturdy
woodelf or an uptight paladin, heck, even a Banite, it's all relative).
I like to help lowies like my self if you see me on tell me an I'll spontaneously find a reason to be where you are. (I love being chaotic!)
See "lowbie fun" in the "general discussion" forums for a list of my characters there’s about seven currently… and a few more on the way.
Agreed! Always talk!
Even if you get a Angrily scowls at the scrawny puffed up runt
You'll learn something about a character, and the RP begins! ^_^
Don't be afraid to send folks tells to let them know you're new and have no-one to play with. I think most folks are friendly enough that they'll give you a reason that they can't come "right now"…but usually most folks are willing if they've got the time
Nice to meet ya pal! Yay for barb right-size's! :w00t:
hello and welcome
let us/me know if we can do anything to help you get acclimated. Also feel free to ask lots of questions. PG's/PL's are a good place to start, but often players like benji are very helpful.
mighty Gnomish barbarian
I like him already.
Poor guy had the rotten luck of logging in during that event over at the druid glen. Everyone was at the Glen and he couldn't find anyone nearby to RP with
Come back tomorrow!