Vila De"Letrious

  • A single nod broke the stillness surrounding her. Her father stood in front of her holding out a small bag. With a simple motion he turned and walked away from them both. She watched as her father left heading away from their home. The breath from her barely left her lips as she turned back to her crying mother. “Don’t worry. He will return.” Even then as she turned back she knew that day would never come. After she could see him no more she went to her room and closed the door. Pulling out the small skinning knife she dug into her arm. The blood poured out and she whispered soft words. “Father your teaching will remain with me for all time. My pain shall be the lesson I take and I will show others what you have shown me.” Taking the bag she pulled out the contents and placed them around her taking note of what she had. A dress, a small dagger, some furs to stay warm, and a map to a city in the north called Peltarch. She softly smiled and thought to herself. ‘Mother you have a lesson to learn tonight and the pain will be more then you might be able to bear.’
    She then gathered the things back into the bag and covered the cut on her arm. Then she went out into the kitchen and gathered a few more things to take with her. Once she snuck around the out side of the house she took the flint she had taken from the kitchen and lit the bush next to the house. The fired started quickly and soon was up the entire side of the home while she walked towards the woods on her way north. Perhaps for a moment she heard a scream from behind, but she didn’t even turn back to check. A small breath escaped from her mouth and the words were. “Now I am yours, my lady.”