Knights of the Cerulean Star - Narflel's Spellswords

  • Are you one who combines cold steel with searing magic? Do you wage into battle with your sword as well as your spells? Is your mage armor not the only armor you wear? Are you of good heart and have a desire to protect those like you?

    If so, the Knights of the Cerulean Star may be for you.

    The Cerulean Knights are an old brotherhood within Narfell dedicated to the perfection of mind, heart, and body through the melding of both martial and arcane arts.

    Anyone able to use arcane spells along with armor and weapons, or uses only one while working towards the other, may speak with a member of the Knights about possible interest in the organization.

  • Lycka reads the poster, murmuring softly to herself as if answering the questions:

    "Yes.. yes.. yes.. oh, yep.. and maybe."

    The young white-haired woman takes a last look at the poster before leaving for the bardic college, a thoughtful look on her face.

  • On a rare visit to Peltarch, Aurelia looks over the poster. After several moments of quiet contemplation she goes off asking around to speak to one of these Knights as she has further inquiries.