Merams body laid in the camp

  • Various people are seen passing through the camp, laying a heavily slashed body of meram the hin druid by his favourite tree in the camp. Wraped simply in a brown cloth, left to nature.

  • Meram is alife 🙂

  • -bridie wakes up and rubs her eyes, wanderign slowly into the camp-
    SHE spies the huddles shape under a tree, and bends down beside the small form, flicking the blanket aside. Her eyes widen as she recognises the man she only recently met , when she and Mingal followed him to the cursed wolf cave near Jyiid….
    "wha ye been messin wivs meram" she whispers quietly. She moves off siliently through the trees, looking for anyone who can tell her what happened to her freind, and also for anyone who can help return him if his god so sees fit.