Posters across the city

  • Fellow Citizen,

    Need someone to clear out the rats from your place?
    I promise you they'll be long gone before they see my face!

    A deck hand required on your boat?
    Belice Marn, makes it clean while you gloat!

    I don't require much for payment, only food on the table.
    I could even imagine taking care of those horses in your stable

    I'm a strong man with the age of twenty three,
    you can find me in the inn, seek me out if you come to a decree!

    I'll sign this poster with my name, Belice Marn
    (if my money runs out, you'll find me in the barn)

  • In the docks district, a slim and tanned hand reaches for one of the posters. The petite black-haired owner of said hand grins crookedly as she reads the text, then folds the poster up to stash it into her pack. It appears the words "deck hand" caught the eye of the Black Sails, their Lt Sabre Seesaw sauntering off towards the Mermaid, murmuring something to her black and gold-clad companion about bardically inclined deck hands being good for a laugh.